Is 5X5 good for building muscle?

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
Yo brehs.

So I’m trying to pack on another 10-15 pounds of LBM by this time next year.

I already workout 5x a week and do my own little split but someone suggested 5X5.

I’m considering doing it because it would cut back on the amount of time I have to spend in the gym, since I’ll be real busy with work this holiday season.

But will it actually help me build muscle or is it strictly for strength?

I’m pretty lean as is and I have some muscle but I’m pretty sure I still would be considered a beginner.

I also do boxing 3x a week for around 2 hours each of those days and I was thinking of spending less time on squats/deadlifts if I do do 5X5 since I already get work there anyway.

Any advice/suggestions? :jbhmm:

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
Yo brehs.

So I’m trying to pack on another 10-15 pounds of LBM by this time next year.

I already workout 5x a week and do my own little split but someone suggested 5X5.

I’m considering doing it because it would cut back on the amount of time I have to spend in the gym, since I’ll be real busy with work this holiday season.

But will it actually help me build muscle or is it strictly for strength?

I’m pretty lean as is and I have some muscle but I’m pretty sure I still would be considered a beginner.

I also do boxing 3x a week for around 2 hours each of those days and I was thinking of spending less time on squats/deadlifts if I do do 5X5 since I already get work there anyway.

Any advice/suggestions? :jbhmm:

This question has been asked so many times I'm not even gonna bother linking all the other threads. I know for a fact you ain't hit the search function up. :stopitslime:

Yes, you can build both strength and muscle using SL5x5, and you can even lose body fat while doing one or both of those things at the same time. It is a proven program.

Anecdote: I ran it for about 8 months straight when I first started lifting and put on about 30-35 solid-ass pounds as a "hardgainer" and was already outlifting most folks that did "their own little split"/ had been lifting longer than I had.

Pro Tip: Any program you know by name works; if it didn't it wouldn't be popular enough to not be bushed. Tens of thousands of folks have used to great success, and since you are not a genetically special snowflake, you can too.

Pro Tip: All proven programs work but some proven programs work better than others.

How much success you see will depend on your effort (intensity), ability to recover, and diet.

Bolded: It sounds like you're tryna modify the program (that's a no-no), possibly cut volume (also a no-no at this point), and prolly won't be eating enough to support doing SL and boxing 6 hours a week. (You wouldn't be asking these questions if you were already...)

New gym dudes pick two opposing goals, try to do both at half-strength usually all the while undereating, and then come back and say said programs don't work.


The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
This question has been asked so many times I'm not even gonna bother linking all the other threads. I know for a fact you ain't hit the search function up. :stopitslime:

Yes, you can build both strength and muscle using SL5x5, and you can even lose body fat while doing one or both of those things at the same time. It is a proven program.

Anecdote: I ran it for about 8 months straight when I first started lifting and put on about 30-35 solid-ass pounds as a "hardgainer" and was already outlifting most folks that did "their own little split"/ had been lifting longer than I had.

Pro Tip: Any program you know by name works; if it didn't it wouldn't be popular enough to not be bushed. Tens of thousands of folks have used to great success, and since you are not a genetically special snowflake, you can too.

Pro Tip: All proven programs work but some proven programs work better than others.

How much success you see will depend on your effort (intensity), ability to recover, and diet.

Bolded: It sounds like you're tryna modify the program (that's a no-no), possibly cut volume (also a no-no at this point), and prolly won't be eating enough to support doing SL and boxing 6 hours a week. (You wouldn't be asking these questions if you were already...)

New gym dudes pick two opposing goals, try to do both at half-strength usually all the while undereating, and then come back and say said programs don't work.

Nah I looked it up and saw Semtex (I think that’s his SN) recommend it to several people but I wanted a broader opinion.

Alright then, so I won’t take away any volume or modify the program. Eating doesn’t have to be an issue, I’m good at tracking my diet and increasing/decreasing calories as needed.

If I throw in some accessory work on off days (pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, skullcrushers, bicep curls, etc.) would that be a detriment? Or does that count as modifying the program?

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
Nah I looked it up and saw Semtex (I think that’s his SN) recommend it to several people but I wanted a broader opinion.

Alright then, so I won’t take away any volume or modify the program. Eating doesn’t have to be an issue, I’m good at tracking my diet and increasing/decreasing calories as needed.

If I throw in some accessory work on off days (pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, skullcrushers, bicep curls, etc.) would that be a detriment? Or does that count as modifying the program?

Are the accessories on off days part of the program? :comeon: Are they finna make it harder for you to hit your sets at the required weights, or nah? :usure: If you go in to school or the office on a Saturday, did you still have the day off? :patrice:

So you're finna be doing six hours of boxing shyt a week and three full body sessions a week plus accessory work on your off days as a novice?
Morgan-Freeman-Saying-Good-Luck-The-Dark-Knight.gif | Vevmo

I can already tell you one of these hard-headed motherfukkers that didn't even read the through info (for free) on the website but already tryna change shyt. :beli:

If you already workout 5x a week but wanna gain 10-15 pounds of muscle, why even run this program? Low-key because either your diet or routine is lacking, that's why. :ufdup:

I'd recommend you go at least 6 months without missing a single workout and set or rep before you start adding more lifts on to your "off" days" (Pro Tip: if you're lifting weights/doing calisthenics, it's not an off day). I assume you're gonna be boxing on these days too, yeah?

Dudes outkicking their workout recovery before they even start the program. :skip: Trust, after a few months on SL 5x5 you probably won't want to be doing extra shyt on days you're not supposed to show up.

If you hit every rep for 5 months straight, the first workout at the beginning of week six will have you squatting 325 for 5x5 and that's assuming you start the program with the empty bar. If you could already squat 325 for 5 to depth you wouldn't be running SL in the first place. Remind me of the last program you ran where you skwatted at least 3x a week?

You can also miss me with the "eating doesn’t have to be an issue, I’m good at tracking my diet and increasing/decreasing calories as needed" shyt until you've actually ran the program while still going about your daily life (work, school) and adding in calories for the other shyt that wasn't recommended but you still sent anyways.

@trap101 Come get your mans before I have to reach through this computer screen and strangle his ass. :damn:


All Star
Jul 6, 2013
Are the accessories on off days part of the program? :comeon: Are they finna make it harder for you to hit your sets at the required weights, or nah? :usure: If you go in to school or the office on a Saturday, did you still have the day off? :patrice:

So you're finna be doing six hours of boxing shyt a week and three full body sessions a week plus accessory work on your off days as a novice?
Morgan-Freeman-Saying-Good-Luck-The-Dark-Knight.gif | Vevmo

I can already tell you one of these hard-headed motherfukkers that didn't even read the through info (for free) on the website but already tryna change shyt. :beli:

If you already workout 5x a week but wanna gain 10-15 pounds of muscle, why even run this program? Low-key because either your diet or routine is lacking, that's why. :ufdup:

I'd recommend you go at least 6 months without missing a single workout and set or rep before you start adding more lifts on to your "off" days" (Pro Tip: if you're lifting weights/doing calisthenics, it's not an off day). I assume you're gonna be boxing on these days too, yeah?

Dudes outkicking their workout recovery before they even start the program. :skip: Trust, after a few months on SL 5x5 you probably won't want to be doing extra shyt on days you're not supposed to show up.

If you hit every rep for 5 months straight, the first workout at the beginning of week six will have you squatting 325 for 5x5 and that's assuming you start the program with the empty bar. If you could already squat 325 for 5 to depth you wouldn't be running SL in the first place. Remind me of the last program you ran where you skwatted at least 3x a week?

You can also miss me with the "eating doesn’t have to be an issue, I’m good at tracking my diet and increasing/decreasing calories as needed" shyt until you've actually ran the program while still going about your daily life (work, school) and adding in calories for the other shyt that wasn't recommended but you still sent anyways.

@trap101 Come get your mans before I have to reach through this computer screen and strangle his ass. :damn:
I think he found your last nerve :dead:

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
Are the accessories on off days part of the program? :comeon: Are they finna make it harder for you to hit your sets at the required weights, or nah? :usure: If you go in to school or the office on a Saturday, did you still have the day off? :patrice:

So you're finna be doing six hours of boxing shyt a week and three full body sessions a week plus accessory work on your off days as a novice?
Morgan-Freeman-Saying-Good-Luck-The-Dark-Knight.gif | Vevmo

I can already tell you one of these hard-headed motherfukkers that didn't even read the through info (for free) on the website but already tryna change shyt. :beli:

If you already workout 5x a week but wanna gain 10-15 pounds of muscle, why even run this program? Low-key because either your diet or routine is lacking, that's why. :ufdup:

I'd recommend you go at least 6 months without missing a single workout and set or rep before you start adding more lifts on to your "off" days" (Pro Tip: if you're lifting weights/doing calisthenics, it's not an off day). I assume you're gonna be boxing on these days too, yeah?

Dudes outkicking their workout recovery before they even start the program. :skip: Trust, after a few months on SL 5x5 you probably won't want to be doing extra shyt on days you're not supposed to show up.

If you hit every rep for 5 months straight, the first workout at the beginning of week six will have you squatting 325 for 5x5 and that's assuming you start the program with the empty bar. If you could already squat 325 for 5 to depth you wouldn't be running SL in the first place. Remind me of the last program you ran where you skwatted at least 3x a week?

You can also miss me with the "eating doesn’t have to be an issue, I’m good at tracking my diet and increasing/decreasing calories as needed" shyt until you've actually ran the program while still going about your daily life (work, school) and adding in calories for the other shyt that wasn't recommended but you still sent anyways.

@trap101 Come get your mans before I have to reach through this computer screen and strangle his ass. :damn:
You ain’t strangling anyone, breh.

Chill with the dramatics.

I came here seeking advice because I have very specific questions I need answered and I have to train as smart as possible, with few mistakes, to stay in good condition as a boxer.

Don’t take it there.


May 15, 2012
You ain’t strangling anyone, breh.

Chill with the dramatics.

I came here seeking advice because I have very specific questions I need answered and I have to train as smart as possible, with few mistakes, to stay in good condition as a boxer.

Don’t take it there.
I get his frustration though. You ask about a workout program that is very specific about what it entails and then talk about modifying it:gucci:. It's a common theme on this site for some reason and I don't understand it. I could be wrong but it doesn't sound like you did any reading on the actual program. Read the program and familiarize yourself with it and then if you have questions feel free to ask. Keep in mind though, most of the people who can answer the questions with a proper answer are going to do so with the expectation that you're following the program as it's laid out.

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
I get his frustration though. You ask about a workout program that is very specific about what it entails and then talk about modifying it:gucci:. It's a common theme on this site for some reason and I don't understand it. I could be wrong but it doesn't sound like you did any reading on the actual program. Read the program and familiarize yourself with it and then if you have questions feel free to ask. Keep in mind though, most of the people who can answer the questions with a proper answer are going to do so with the expectation that you're following the program as it's laid out.
Frustrated about what? :what:

It’s a forum, breh. He could’ve skipped over the thread if it was that big of a deal.

Y’all act as if I came in here spamming or something. Taking it personal as fukk. :dead:

I read the program and I also saw several variations of it (ICF, MadCow, etc.) so logically I might think it may make sense to tailor it to my specific needs, but even then I’m more than willing to actually stick to the program.

I’m not in here trying to waste anyone’s time. But, I’ll just consult my coach.

Sorry for wasting your time. :hubie:


Sep 12, 2015
How intense are your boxing sessions op? Used to do 5x5 years ago when I started could be relatively intense on your body, so it might end up effecting your boxing. When I did it I did put on a good amount of muscle but for it to work properly you better be in a caloric surplus (which again will effect your mobility in boxing). Realistically you can't box on the same day and go and do 5×5 on the same day because it will likely be too much on the body.

But that was just my experience, yours might be different :yeshrug:


All Star
Feb 12, 2015
Frustrated about what? :what:

It’s a forum, breh. He could’ve skipped over the thread if it was that big of a deal.

Y’all act as if I came in here spamming or something. Taking it personal as fukk. :dead:

I read the program and I also saw several variations of it (ICF, MadCow, etc.) so logically I might think it may make sense to tailor it to my specific needs, but even then I’m more than willing to actually stick to the program.

I’m not in here trying to waste anyone’s time. But, I’ll just consult my coach.

Sorry for wasting your time. :hubie:
I got tagged by my Brehntor @Son Goku :sawadeep: because I too was like you before young jedi.... I too wanted to "freestyle" and "hot dog" because I too wanted to "tailor it to my needs".

You have acknowledged in words that you are a beginner... good.... humility.:youngsabo: As am I... but your actions belie you......:sas1:

You claim to be able to know how to adjust food, but if you were aware of such you would instantly have known with the increased work load that "The Golden Program" :blessed:requires additional nutrients from the nectar of the Gods to be able to succeed. Especially if you're expending large amounts of calories on boxing.

You claim to want to "tailor to your needs" while you also do boxing more days on than days off... .. it means you do not respect the hidden variable of REST..:ufdup:.. by about Week 6 (not even the 5th month that Lord Goku mentioned) you WILL be feeling the challenge of pushing weight and thay will be taxing on your whole nervous system. Think it's a game until you are just spent from squatting 3 times a week.

I too made the mistake of "wanting it all right now". So you want to put on super size, get super strong, look super cut, and still be able participate in another demanding sport (mine are muay thai and bb). It doesn't work like that amd it is a pipe dream..... Choose ONE to specialize. The other things will have to be put in a holding pattern. At the most to be done twice a week (and that could be pushing it depending on intensity).:francis:

But enough of chastizing. If you follow The Whey :blessed: and walk the Path of SL5x5...... :praise: ....The Results???.......:banderas:.... You will progrssively feel stronger and progessively feel bigger and see it happening in real time which will keep you hungry...... and you will eventually feel like an African God!!!:ahh:

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
I got tagged by my Brehntor @Son Goku :sawadeep: because I too was like you before young jedi.... I too wanted to "freestyle" and "hot dog" because I too wanted to "tailor it to my needs".

You have acknowledged in words that you are a beginner... good.... humility.:youngsabo: As am I... but your actions belie you......:sas1:

You claim to be able to know how to adjust food, but if you were aware of such you would instantly have known with the increased work load that "The Golden Program" :blessed:requires additional nutrients from the nectar of the Gods to be able to succeed. Especially if you're expending large amounts of calories on boxing.

You claim to want to "tailor to your needs" while you also do boxing more days on than days off... .. it means you do not respect the hidden variable of REST..:ufdup:.. by about Week 6 (not even the 5th month that Lord Goku mentioned) you WILL be feeling the challenge of pushing weight and thay will be taxing on your whole nervous system. Think it's a game until you are just spent from squatting 3 times a week.

I too made the mistake of "wanting it all right now". So you want to put on super size, get super strong, look super cut, and still be able participate in another demanding sport (mine are muay thai and bb). It doesn't work like that amd it is a pipe dream..... Choose ONE to specialize. The other things will have to be put in a holding pattern. At the most to be done twice a week (and that could be pushing it depending on intensity).:francis:

But enough of chastizing. If you follow The Whey :blessed: and walk the Path of SL5x5...... :praise: ....The Results???.......:banderas:.... You will progrssively feel stronger and progessively feel bigger and see it happening in real time which will keep you hungry...... and you will eventually feel like an African God!!!:ahh:
:salute: breh, I’ll look into the Golden Program.

What I meant about my earlier comments about the food, by the way, is that I pretty much have easy access to whatever I need.

I’m a literal restaurant manager so I got access to all types of equipment, quality foods, storage, etc. that the average person doesn’t. I’m able to buy quality proteinsin bulk at a discounted cost and I can literally do meal prep on the clock if I want to, so that won’t be an issue. :ehh:

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
How intense are your boxing sessions op? Used to do 5x5 years ago when I started could be relatively intense on your body, so it might end up effecting your boxing. When I did it I did put on a good amount of muscle but for it to work properly you better be in a caloric surplus (which again will effect your mobility in boxing). Realistically you can't box on the same day and go and do 5×5 on the same day because it will likely be too much on the body.

But that was just my experience, yours might be different :yeshrug:
They’re pretty intense but I’ve been at boxing for years and I’ve been doing combat sports since I was a kid. I’m well adjusted to the intensity BUT maybe it will be an issue when I start the program.


All Star
Feb 12, 2015
:salute: breh, I’ll look into the Golden Program.

What I meant about my earlier comments about the food, by the way, is that I pretty much have easy access to whatever I need.

I’m a literal restaurant manager so I got access to all types of equipment, quality foods, storage, etc. that the average person doesn’t. I’m able to buy quality proteinsin bulk at a discounted cost and I can literally do meal prep on the clock if I want to, so that won’t be an issue. :ehh:
I feel you that's a good advantage to have. And you are going to want to meal prep too amd make sure you keep your meals with you due to the temptations of being in a restaurant.......

That's the easy part......... :youngsabo:

The fun begins in figuring out a Macro split that will help you achieve your goals, building out a meal plan that will have said macro split for all your meals for every day of the week. Then sticking to it because it can get repetitive, especially when new and haven't figured out all the alternatives. Then adjusyting it while progressing. But in a restaurant environment you will be exposed to more food ideas to make it interesting.