Is San Diego and LA the west coast equivalent to Philly and NYC?


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
:mjlol::lolbron::russ:nikka that ID shyt don’t mean nothing to nobody in real life. WTF you sitting here talking about. I’m sure nikkas sitting im these beachside villas that appreciate like crazy crying they eyes out every night that SD has no “identity” like Chilly Philly. I swear yall goofy on this site:umad:

nikka … u da goofy one
this thread isn’t about where to live - shyt, Canada is highly regard it a better place to live than America yet we laugh at Canadians for the same reason we do about SD

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
People in Sacramento do take day or night trips to SF/DTSF, it's a destination...

In regards to SF specifically the East Coast comp isn't Manhattan, it's a hybrid of Boston/DC/Atlanta. In many regards. It's simply not a big enough city to be compared to anything NY besides the dirtiness..dirtiest...

Never been to Daygo but always heard great things. My impression is that it's got little brother syndrome the same way Philly has with NY....

And I've definitely heard the SD/Miami comp before. Miami ain't the destination out this way you seem to believe, yes people do trip there but I haven't seen any evidence its more popular than Vegas...

And a comp I've heard from several people is VB is an East Coast version of SD, heard that several times while living in The Beach. Not in weather or size or culture but it was specified more in aura and build and the spirit of the city, which I always found interesting...

All the East Coast heads in here trying to shyt on SD's identity is funny. nikkas really apply their tiny frame of reference as objective fact lmao...

@kingofnyc you could prefer Philly over other places but by no objective measure is it a Top 4 city in the country. DC shyts on Philly. 99% of people prefer The Bean to Philly. Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, and Miami are all arguably greater cities than Philly...

Philly is a Top 10 city but is not close to Top 4...

@Unknown Poster nothing is fukking with NY hahahaha. Admittedly never even been to California to make this statement but you said this with your chest lmao...

First let me state this, I really like New York. Globally it's the most important city here, and because of its age has all the legacy institutions that underscore its relevance. On an "every man" perspective its definitely unique, there is no place else here really like it, and it's fun and a great place to be BLACK in America...

That said, my nearly 33 years of living have shown me that domestically, there is a near equal draw amongst American citizens between NY and LA, NY doesn't have a monopoly on popular opinion that you find online. Ask people who have spent time in both cities which they prefer, and you're gonna get a nearly even response. This board has heavy East Coast bias so this board may not be the best place to gauge by but the real world experience reveals that---->in my life it has anyway...

There is nothing NY has that I can't experience in LA. Hyper diverse populous? Expansive and diverse dining and nightlife? Amazing shopping and fashion? Highly artistic and creative population? Multiple nodes of transportation? All the top tier events and entertainment? Music, sports? Coastal capital of media and politics? International esteem?

Keep in mind as well, LA didn't really start growing as a city until circa 1900, NY has a 200+ year head start on its infrastructure, foundation, and formation as a city and global power. And in roughly ~100 years Los Angeles has closed the gap rapidly, with the biggest gap remaining being infrastructure---->NY was built to handle its large population, LA wasn't. LA continues to build up its infrastructure issues in real time, though...

Granted, LA is gonna appeal to me more because there is a personal connection but I'm trying to take the emotion out of it. There's nothing I can really experience in NY that I can't in LA unless we wanna get into minutiae that doesn't really affect me on a day to day. There's this belief on here that you can't experience Black Culture in Los Angeles which is so far left of truth its ridiculous. Yes, NY has more black people and areas because again, it has over 200+ years head start as an incorporated jurisdiction, not to mention the United States as a union was settled East to west, not the other way around----->African descendants introduction to this land was by and large from the East...

So of course places east of the Appalachians, and east of the Mississippi, have more black people, than points west. Our American foundation is literally the Eastern seaboard, particularly the Southeast....

And yet Los Angeles still has underrated black diversity and shytloads of black culture despite being as far west as possible and being barely over 120 years old as a maturing metropolis...

Take NY's historical advantage and place it to the side. NY and LA are coastal equals, and again my experience with people who've been to both, is its right down the middle. Maybe nowhere else stateside is fukking with NY but I can assure you Los Angeles is...
Its referred to as a mini Manhattan which many people refer to it as. Never did I say its a Manhattan equivalent or on par with it. I've been to NYC several times and of course SF is not even in the scope of Manhattan. Downtown SF is just so lauded from its exterior look which is impressive and top notch but street level with things to do and see its not there. Of course some folks from Sac and the Central Valley will do a day or two up there for a Giants/Warriors game, Fisherman's Warf, Golden Gate Park but you rarely hear about anybody going up there to really kick it and hang out. Back in the day everybody used to go up there to at least "catch a vibe", the Juneteenth Celebration in Oakland, hang out in Berkeley, Raiders game(gone), etc. The Bay still has it's look but its changed


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
The consensus #4 and #5 cities in America are DC and SF, in either order. They both wield way more political clout than Philadelphia, way more media notoriety, both cities are far more wealthy than Philly and have much larger economies...

These aren't small things, g...

What I will say is thru a historical lens Philadelphia damn sure has an argument as the most historic city in the country, a literal handful of places could even entertain that conversation with Philly...

All your other points for making Philly's case are less objective, and when we're not bringing feelings to a fact fight. All three cities have many celebrities, great food culture, great architecture, all three are internationally esteemed centers of education, have representation in all the major leagues, and are relevant in varying aspects of pop culture...

Philly is in that 6-10 range battling with Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Miami, and Seattle. It's comfortably a Top 10 US city..

i would take DC off your list … SF & Philly are the 2 fighting for that 4th spot - IMO
DC & Philly economies aren’t that much off - where DC lacks is pop culture, food, sports teams and basically the entertainment sector

but always :salute: to u, for bringing civil convo to this forum


Sep 25, 2012
People in Sacramento do take day or night trips to SF/DTSF, it's a destination...

In regards to SF specifically the East Coast comp isn't Manhattan, it's a hybrid of Boston/DC/Atlanta. In many regards. It's simply not a big enough city to be compared to anything NY besides the dirtiness..dirtiest...

Never been to Daygo but always heard great things. My impression is that it's got little brother syndrome the same way Philly has with NY....

And I've definitely heard the SD/Miami comp before. Miami ain't the destination out this way you seem to believe, yes people do trip there but I haven't seen any evidence its more popular than Vegas...

And a comp I've heard from several people is VB is an East Coast version of SD, heard that several times while living in The Beach. Not in weather or size or culture but it was specified more in aura and build and the spirit of the city, which I always found interesting...

All the East Coast heads in here trying to shyt on SD's identity is funny. nikkas really apply their tiny frame of reference as objective fact lmao...

@kingofnyc you could prefer Philly over other places but by no objective measure is it a Top 4 city in the country. DC shyts on Philly. 99% of people prefer The Bean to Philly. Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, and Miami are all arguably greater cities than Philly...

Philly is a Top 10 city but is not close to Top 4...

@Unknown Poster nothing is fukking with NY hahahaha. Admittedly never even been to California to make this statement but you said this with your chest lmao...

First let me state this, I really like New York. Globally it's the most important city here, and because of its age has all the legacy institutions that underscore its relevance. On an "every man" perspective its definitely unique, there is no place else here really like it, and it's fun and a great place to be BLACK in America...

That said, my nearly 33 years of living have shown me that domestically, there is a near equal draw amongst American citizens between NY and LA, NY doesn't have a monopoly on popular opinion that you find online. Ask people who have spent time in both cities which they prefer, and you're gonna get a nearly even response. This board has heavy East Coast bias so this board may not be the best place to gauge by but the real world experience reveals that---->in my life it has anyway...

There is nothing NY has that I can't experience in LA. Hyper diverse populous? Expansive and diverse dining and nightlife? Amazing shopping and fashion? Highly artistic and creative population? Multiple nodes of transportation? All the top tier events and entertainment? Music, sports? Coastal capital of media and politics? International esteem?

Keep in mind as well, LA didn't really start growing as a city until circa 1900, NY has a 200+ year head start on its infrastructure, foundation, and formation as a city and global power. And in roughly ~100 years Los Angeles has closed the gap rapidly, with the biggest gap remaining being infrastructure---->NY was built to handle its large population, LA wasn't. LA continues to build up its infrastructure issues in real time, though...

Granted, LA is gonna appeal to me more because there is a personal connection but I'm trying to take the emotion out of it. There's nothing I can really experience in NY that I can't in LA unless we wanna get into minutiae that doesn't really affect me on a day to day. There's this belief on here that you can't experience Black Culture in Los Angeles which is so far left of truth its ridiculous. Yes, NY has more black people and areas because again, it has over 200+ years head start as an incorporated jurisdiction, not to mention the United States as a union was settled East to west, not the other way around----->African descendants introduction to this land was by and large from the East...

So of course places east of the Appalachians, and east of the Mississippi, have more black people, than points west. Our American foundation is literally the Eastern seaboard, particularly the Southeast....

And yet Los Angeles still has underrated black diversity and shytloads of black culture despite being as far west as possible and being barely over 120 years old as a maturing metropolis...

Take NY's historical advantage and place it to the side. NY and LA are coastal equals, and again my experience with people who've been to both, is its right down the middle. Maybe nowhere else stateside is fukking with NY but I can assure you Los Angeles is...
Nowhere has anything close to the might and cosmopolitan nature of a manhattan

LA is younger, but NYC out-competes cities THOUSANDS of years older than it, on a global scale

so that's not a good excuse:beli: