Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
You are bold and I like that, but no reason to project your perspective of what I was thinking onto me. You never hashed out your view of social clout. So I took it as my iwn interpretation.

White men's social clout comes from dominating the economic sphere for centuries. Not the other way around.

Another thing I think you are missing, people by and large don't respect white men. They tolerate them. Which is why their women are quick to divorce them and run off men of different racial groups. Or cheat on them, engaging in dehumanizing sexual dynamics i.e cuckolding. Paul manafort, who was Donald trumps campaign chair was giving his wife away to rooms full of black men.......that's not social clout

Why do you think white nationalism and chauvinism is a thing for many of these limpwristed caucasions. The liberal world order as reduced the white man's social clout to an incredible degree, they see it and they want it back.
