Is your average black American living in poverty?

Does the average black American live in poverty?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 50.0%

  • Total voters

The Plug

plug couldnt trust you now u cant trust the plug
Feb 11, 2017
This thread is created from another thread in booth. We went on a tangent in which @xCivicx believed a Renzel song was deep because it was about the hood and the plight of the average black man. @David_TheMan disputes the claim that the average black person lives in poverty because it isn't supported by statistics.

Poverty | State of Working America

This also doesn't account for unemployment which is also highest within the black community

Another copout smh

Just admit that you cannot explain those nonsensical lyrics. This is getting ridiculous

Again, you are incorrect smh

The average black household has 1/20th the wealth of the average white household and lives paycheck to paycheck

That in itself is borderline poverty

nikka, you're on rap genius why do you need me to explain something that you've already seen the explanation for?

No copping out now. Most black people don't live in poverty and you purposefully supported a lie because you like Renzel. Utterly disgusting and defeatist of you. :scust:

Where did I cop out simpleton??

Unemployed people don't count in those statistics which only further proves my point because if they counted they would count below the lowest impoverished employed black people

Once again, the majority of black people in the US live in poverty period

And once again, instead of talking in circles just admit that you cannot explain Kendrick's lyrics that you're riding so hard for

Aka you're a stan

You seem to not understand the terminology you are using.
Having less wealth than the average white household wasn't being discussed.
We were specifically talking about poverty.
The average black house hold is not in poverty or below poverty. The average black person is not in poverty. That is a minority. As a group, the below poverty black household and individuals are smaller group than black middle class. So again educate yourself so you wont be fake deep.

The majority of black people in the U.S. aren't in poverty and no amount of word twisting would make it so.

Even if the unemployment rates were factored in, most black people in the U.S. wouldn't be poor. I don't know why you're arguing from the position of a lie.

If the average black person doesn't have as much money as the average white person, it doesn't mean the average black person is poor. This is the epitome of smart dumb talk and using white people as a standard.

The explanation is already in front of you, why do you want me to repeat it?

Black middle class that makes up 38% of black households in the US.
That you really have no idea what you are talking about, makes you a perfect example of fake deep for anyone who had any questions about wht it meant in this thread.

We have a kid that swears he knows an issue, but is saying the largest economic group of black american household doesn't even exist, you have no knowledge of what you are passionately trying to discuss.

ONCE AGAIN, poverty rates only account for employed people

Black people are the most unemployed and hit hardest by all American economic downturns

You're confusing income with wealth and forgetting to account for debt at the same time when you speak on this fantasy black "middle class"

Making a certain amount of money does NOT qualify a family as middle class or above unless said family ALSO has ASSETS of a certain amount of value, which most black families do not

If black people are so wealthy then why do we complain about gentrification or the education system??

Again kid you are trying to make a argument based on no statistical support. Since the civil rights and integrationists won black unemployment has always been greater than whites, this isn't new.
No one is confusing income with wealth, you want to talk about poverty, we are talking about poverty, try to stay on topic kid.
You say black middle class is a fantasy, yet its the largest single block of black households in the US. SMH.
Yes middle class is entirely determined by income, wealth measurement is determined by assets, you are trying to conflate two different things to save face, and why? So you can argue how lowly blacks are, how poor and criminal we are? You are presenting the argument of a white supremacist and it makes no sense at all unless you are a brainwashed and confused black or a white guy saying what he thinks blacks are, which is pathologically inferior.

What does complaining about gentrification or the education system have to do with the argument that most blacks aren't in poverty? That you talk about gentrification, which is primarily a urban situation and the majority of blacks now live in suburban environments also points to you not doing your research and studying.

The average black person cannot pull $1000 together in an emergency. That is poverty no matter what you think you know

The average black person is adversely affected by gentrification. That is poverty no matter what you think you know

The black person is adversely affected by economic downturns. That's poverty no matter what you think you know

The fact that you think there some sort of tangible black middle class speaks to your own ignorance, especially since even high income black families still live paycheck to paycheck

I like how hard you're deflecting from the fact that you can't explain Kendrick's lyrics

I posted stats already

Nothing you posted disproved anything I said, just more deflection from the topic smh

Black people owned less than 1% of all wealth in America when slavery ended

Black people own less than 1% of all wealth in America right now as I type

Income is the lie that is used to justify keeping black people in the economic state that we are in. Income means NOTHING WOTHOUT ASSETS, which black people don't have for the most part.

You seem to be personally offended by facts smh. Your post was one big emotional appeal

Are y'all done deflecting yet? Can we get back on topic??
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Sep 12, 2015
I dont know where you nikkas get this from:mjlol:. The average black family is average. Not poor but not really rich either. Its the same with whites, asians and hispanics. Where nikkas get the idea from that the average black person is starving to death in some housing ptoject is beyond me:pachaha::mjpls:.


May 10, 2012
I would say a plurality of blacks are lower middle class, a quarter are solidly middle class/wealthy, and than you have your poverty class being the last quarter


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
What is the definition of poverty? :lupe:
This. Poverty use to mean not being able to survive. Now it is how much a household grosses. I am sure black people understate their incomes.


Jan 22, 2017
I don't agree with many of Civics points as his arguments are misguided and the other posters tried to point this out to him in respect to poverty measurement and assets/wealth. But I will say I do agree that the poverty rate is higher than what is officially reported but at the same time from 2007-2011 black poverty was at 25.8 percent for our total population. Far from the majority of 51% he is claiming to be. This doesn't negate the hardships many people above the poverty line below or above middle class designations go through but these hardships doesn't officially represent actual poverty as defined by the federal gov, just mismanagement of income/debt. Could go on and on and eventually everyone would have written a research paper that might qualify them to get a degree in economics with a minor in statistics.


Nov 18, 2016
Living in poverty? No.
Are most black americans poor? Yes.


Nov 18, 2016
Just being American gives us a quality of life higher than someone living in brazil but we're still poor.
When you say "living in poverty" I picture a brazil slum or some shyt like that.