Israel has single-handedly destroyed the legitimacy of International Law


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
Exactly. You’ve never even heard of them. Largest refugee camp in the world filled with Muslims yet you only ever heard of Palestine. There is a Palestine going on all over the world every year. :mjlol:

I’m referring to the solidarity of Islamic states or lack there of. You see it’s easy to play online revolutionary from the safety of western provided comfort, it’s another to actually be about it.

What are you going to liberate with? Tweets?

Or perhaps you’ve not been a good Muslim and have partaken in too much western decadence and are being punished?

As Ghengis Khan said as he proceeded to destroy dozens of Islamic centers of culture

“I am the flail of god. Had you not created great sins, god would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

This is a really bad response by you :mjlol:

I knew of the Rohingya and some of those you posted I didnt know. My point which you still cant contest was none of those have been broadcasted on live tv with billions of dollars going to the oppresor in real time with the entire country and world aware of it. Again, Western hypocricy is on display. With your logic the holocaust was ok because that is a normal occurance. To be frank, you're logic is idiotic.

And you making the stupid argument that someone needs to get their hands dirty to support a revolution. You can't be that dumb. My response to you was to prove how stupid and wrong your comment was and I've succeeded. And its on display here for people to see. Mission accomplished.

If people are being punished, or being bad muslims, or living immoral and decedent lives, which is causing plight this is for God to judge. Again you're making dumb assumptions. Muslims are to always help the oppressed against the oppresor.

Genghis khans own descendents settled in those same muslim lands and ended up becoming muslims. He lost. Islam continues and has more followers than ever. You should also look into submitting yourself to the creator instead of making bad arguments online supporting the mass murder of innocent people.


Struggle, challenge, and rise to struggle again
May 24, 2022
This is a really bad response by you :mjlol:

I knew of the Rohingya
Sure ya did :skip:

My point which you still cant contest was none of those have been broadcasted on live tv
Israel vs Palestine gets ratings. Poor Asian villagers in a country people can’t locate on the map don’t.

with billions of dollars going to the oppresor in real time with the entire country and world aware of it.

I mean

JERUSALEM, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) -- China kept its position as Israel's largest source of commodity imports for the fourth consecutive year in 2023, data released by Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics showed on Sunday.

In 2023, Israeli imports from China amounted to 11.2 billion U.S. dollars, with the main imports being machinery, electrical and electronic equipment, textiles, electric cars, chemicals, rubber, and plastics.

The United States is Israel's second-largest source of imports, providing commodities worth 9.06 billion dollars last year. Germany, Switzerland, and Türkiye came next on the list.

The highest volume of Israeli exports in 2023 was to the United States, totaling 17.58 billion dollars, followed by China with 3.44 billion dollars, and Ireland with 3.42 billion dollars. Next on the list are the Netherlands, India, and Germany.

:yeshrug: I think you need to ask who isn’t sending money to Israel?

Again, Western hypocricy is on display. With your logic the holocaust was ok because that is a normal occurance. To be frank, you're logic is idiotic.
Nobody said any atrocity is ok. You said Palestine was unique, I proved it wasn’t. In fact the very premise of the thread was Israel being somehow the cause of a breakdown of world order and I shut that shyt down with actual facts. :manny:

And you making the stupid argument that someone needs to get their hands dirty to support a revolution
Is the Revolution in the room with us right now?

If people are being punished, or being bad muslims, or living immoral and decedent lives, which is causing plight this is for God to judge. Again you're making dumb assumptions. Muslims are to always help the oppressed against the oppresor.

Iran: Security forces used rape and other sexual violence to crush “Woman Life Freedom” uprising with impunity​

Bad Muslims or good Muslims?

Genghis khans own descendents settled in those same muslim lands and ended up becoming muslims. He lost. Islam continues and has more followers than ever. You should also look into submitting yourself to the creator instead of making bad arguments online supporting the mass murder of innocent people.
One of those descendants was Tamerlane who was a Muslim and proceeding to kill millions of Muslims

One particularly distressing incident, verified by independent eyewitnesses, was the burning of the famous Umayyad Mosque in March 1401,[12] and many others including the Baibars' al-Ablaq Palace (The Striped Palace), where the current Tekkiye Mosque is located.[13] Noted imams and religious priests went to Timur and asked for his mercy in the name of Allah. He falsely assured them to take shelter in mosques with their women and children. When thus they totaled more than 30,000 people; he got the doors locked and burnt them alive.[14] In addition, men and women were taken into slavery. A huge number of the city's artisans were taken to Timur's capital at Samarkand. These were the luckier citizens: many were slaughtered and their heads piled up in a field outside the north-east corner of the walls, where a city square still bears the name "Burj al-Ru'us" (between modern-day Al-Qassaa and Bab Tuma), originally the tower of heads.

Another Islamic own goal :francis:

Btw submitting myself to Allah would be like submitting myself to the tooth fairy.


May 15, 2014
Making this about sovereignty is looking at the top hat with the rabbit. It's the magician's assistant you should be watching. Israël as a experimental proxy state was the plan from the get go. Israël doesn't hold leverage within the region without complicit support from western Europe and the US. This is about maintaining a base of power and influence which has been going great until they let a power hungry opportunist open the door to extreme right wing politicians and normalizing the ideology for a new generation of Zionists. This Hamas attack was so pitch perfect in its timing that you'd be hard pressed to convince me that Netanyahu neither knew nor cared that thousands of people would die so he could stay in power,get rid of these corruption charges hanging over his head and work towards a police state by curtailing the reach of the (supreme)court(s) in Israël. This was a premeditated play that went off the rails and now the rabbit is bleeding all over the magician and his assistants.


Jan 28, 2013
It’s all theater. They ushered millions of white people back into a land they had no recent claim to then act surprised there’s bloodshed over it. All so they could have a cac ally in the Middle East. GTFOH with that fake concern :pachaha: :camby:


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
Sure ya did :skip:

Israel vs Palestine gets ratings. Poor Asian villagers in a country people can’t locate on the map don’t.

I mean

JERUSALEM, Jan. 21 (Xinhua) -- China kept its position as Israel's largest source of commodity imports for the fourth consecutive year in 2023, data released by Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics showed on Sunday.

In 2023, Israeli imports from China amounted to 11.2 billion U.S. dollars, with the main imports being machinery, electrical and electronic equipment, textiles, electric cars, chemicals, rubber, and plastics.

The United States is Israel's second-largest source of imports, providing commodities worth 9.06 billion dollars last year. Germany, Switzerland, and Türkiye came next on the list.

The highest volume of Israeli exports in 2023 was to the United States, totaling 17.58 billion dollars, followed by China with 3.44 billion dollars, and Ireland with 3.42 billion dollars. Next on the list are the Netherlands, India, and Germany.

:yeshrug: I think you need to ask who isn’t sending money to Israel?

Nobody said any atrocity is ok. You said Palestine was unique, I proved it wasn’t. In fact the very premise of the thread was Israel being somehow the cause of a breakdown of world order and I shut that shyt down with actual facts. :manny:

Is the Revolution in the room with us right now?

Iran: Security forces used rape and other sexual violence to crush “Woman Life Freedom” uprising with impunity​

Bad Muslims or good Muslims?

One of those descendants was Tamerlane who was a Muslim and proceeding to kill millions of Muslims

One particularly distressing incident, verified by independent eyewitnesses, was the burning of the famous Umayyad Mosque in March 1401,[12] and many others including the Baibars' al-Ablaq Palace (The Striped Palace), where the current Tekkiye Mosque is located.[13] Noted imams and religious priests went to Timur and asked for his mercy in the name of Allah. He falsely assured them to take shelter in mosques with their women and children. When thus they totaled more than 30,000 people; he got the doors locked and burnt them alive.[14] In addition, men and women were taken into slavery. A huge number of the city's artisans were taken to Timur's capital at Samarkand. These were the luckier citizens: many were slaughtered and their heads piled up in a field outside the north-east corner of the walls, where a city square still bears the name "Burj al-Ru'us" (between modern-day Al-Qassaa and Bab Tuma), originally the tower of heads.

Another Islamic own goal :francis:

Btw submitting myself to Allah would be like submitting myself to the tooth fairy.

Another dumb post son.

Theres a lot of coping in your response. I've already proved my point that yes palestine is unique as its hapening in real time with everyone aware with checks being cut to continue the genocide.

China trading with israhell is not the same as money being sent to israel to kill innocent people. You are either dumb or disingenuous. Probably both.

You lost. Goodbye :camby:

Fill Collins

I like the one that says shum pulp
Jun 19, 2019
Just because Islam is a terrible religion doesn't mean jews are better or deserve a safe nation, they don't, especially if our tax dollars are propping their social safety nets :manny:


Thanks to the lawyers uh, I marbled the foyer
Mar 19, 2013
Somewhere tropic...
What exactly has this country done to earn our taxes and support?

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
When has anyone cared about "International Law" :dahell:

It's just an excuse for meddling
I'm saying. America has been meddling in Latin America for YEARS and it's only now recently that they've been taking their shyt back.

The point of the UN and its predecessor the League of Nations was to keep empires from fighting with each other. Nobody in Europe or America cared when France and Britain were machine gunning, starving, and raping people in Asia and Africa.

It's only when they turned their guns on EACHOTHER that shyt got real for these people. So the security council was a way to keep these ancient European beefs(remember, these are the same people that fought a war literally called the 100 years war) from getting out of control again.

Israel is able to act this way because nobody will check them militarily without risking losing America's business and demolishing their own economy and losing millions of lives. It's like when a 13 year old bully pushes you around when you're a kid and then when you fight back he comes back with his 19 year old brother who knows MMA.

Russia will either lose too much money and have to give up on Ukraine, or the EU and America will just stop spending and let Russia win. At this point they're going band for band and if Russia takes over Ukraine they'll have to occupy it and fight an insurgency for at least another 10-20 years...or until the EU decides to just support Russia and help suppress the resistance movement.

What Israel has done essentially guaranteed another 9/11. 9/11 itself was blowback from years of horrible foreign policy. They knew if they deposed their dictator, America would just put a new one in place. So then the move was to damage America itself so they'd be too busy doing damage control to keep pumping money into these brutal regimes. Israel knows exactly what its doing by killing the children. If your entire family is brutally murdered and an armed group be it al qaeda, hezbollah, or isis offers you some form of payback, why wouldn't you join them?

They know if they don't kill those children, they will grow up as angry men and women with nothing to lose and will get revenge one way or another. So then the plan is to kill ALL of them. HAMAS is just code at this point, similar to "communist" back in the 80s and earlier.
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Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether

I'm talking about American foreign policy. It doesn't matter if Trump or Biden is in office, the outcome is the same hypocrisy and a genocide will still happen. You and I have had this discussion in many threads. You always disappear. Let's save time and avoid that. Your logic is flimsy and arguments are shallow

Did you read what I wrote? My parents taught me a trick when I was a kid. If you don't understand something and have a question, read it three times before you ask.

So read my whole paragraph three times.

Brother I don't give a fukk what you do or don't do. :unimpressed:

Better or worse.

Can't answer huh?

Let me help.

Trump would be worse. Much much worse.

Why does it matter? Cause one or the other of them will be in charge next year.

"American policy" will not be prez and "International law" will not be prez.

If you're so concerned (which is only right. This situation is terrible and Israel is foul for how they are handling it) then you would support the



That's the only problem I have with your POV. You act like Donald Trump is not the worst possible person to put in charge of.. anything.

Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
Yes, nobody had ever annexed land, started an aggressive war, put people in concentration camps, threatened nukes in retaliation, bombed/assaulted an embassy or broken UN rules until Israel. :mjlol:

Gotdamn they got you Arab brehs deranged.
It's the fact that they act so brazenly and get no pushback from anyone with power.

If any other nation was bombing humanitarian convoys like Israel is, they'd be facing sanctions at the very least.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Better or worse.

Can't answer huh?

Let me help.

Trump would be worse. Much much worse.

Why does it matter? Cause one or the other of them will be in charge next year.

"American policy" will not be prez and "International law" will not be prez.

If you're so concerned (which is only right. This situation is terrible and Israel is foul for how they are handling it) then you would support the



That's the only problem I have with your POV. You act like Donald Trump is not the worst possible person to put in charge of.. anything.

I can understand where he's coming from but here's the thing about America and fascism that people have to remember:

Germany, France, and England ALL had an equal chance of turning into what Italy and Germany turned into.

Why? They had a LONG tradition of antisemitism, race science was mainstream, they have a history of autocratic government via Monarchy and they all were suffering financially after WWI. They were all primed to do what Germany ended up doing. The Weimar republic was "Germany" experimenting with democracy.

I put Germany in quotes because for hundreds of years no such country existed. It was Austria Hungary, Prussia, Bavaria and other smaller nations. The Weimar Republic lasted less than 20 years. Autocracy was the rule, not the exception.

America is different in that democracy was there from the beginning. There aren't generations of Americans who grew up obeying a singular authority figure. Fascism in America would last for even less time than it lasted in Germany if it ever really takes at all.

I see states leaving the union and declaring war before they let themselves get pushed around by a central fascist government. Doesn't mean it can't happen, but the factors I described+the well documented horrors of fascism would make people resist it with more energy than the Europeans did.


Aug 23, 2019
Idk what’s going on but it’s war wat do u think gonna happen?

Unemployed GM

All Star
Mar 3, 2015
None of those atrocities are being blasted on prime time news daily. :dahell: comprehension is key. Those artocities are being swept under the rug and shouldn't be. That being said the us gov is not openly telling those countries "give them hell" while sending billions of taxpayer dollars to them. There are clear differences, and the ukranian issue followed up with the palistinian issue displays western hypocrisy for the whole world to see. The jig is up.

Regarding the house of saud, when have they proclaimed to be the leader in human rights and pointed fingers at others for violating human rights? They dont, the west does. They dont even support a liberated palestine because they know they're up next.

History always repeats itself, so yes the islamic world will unite and will defeat satan periodt. The timing only God knows. :ufdup:
Who is this great Satan? There are many Devils on the planet. Christian USA, Hindu India, China or Russia? All have killed Muslims in mass. Some more than the USA. The house Saud have been evil and corrupt for over 100 years, and been in an alliance with the USA and the Rothschilds for most of that. Before you can defeat the devils, they must be removed as custodians of the Holy City of Mecca. The evil slavers that is the House of Saud must be destroyed first.