Earlier this year, I got an interview for a Marketing Assistant position for this bullshyt company called Sarder Inc. I was super nervous, because according to the site, this guy was some uber Marketing czar. So I prep myself like if I was back in school taking a final exam. As I sat in a room with a huge window overlooking Midtown landscapes, I went over the important bullet points in my head. In walks a Chinese (Korean, perhaps) girl. I thought, well this is a first. I smiled and shook her hand. As soon as the bytch opened her mouth, sweat started pouing down my back. She sounded like Ms.Swan but 10 times worse. I was taken aback. I'm like this has to be a joke. I was expecting cameras to come out on some secret got'cha candid show tip. So, the interview goes downhill right from the bat. Every question she asked took her five tries until she could complete it in a perfect sentence. I wanted to walk out so bad, but I said keep it professional. However, the interview continued to go left when I realized all the question she asked were extraneous to what the position stated and what I studied about the company. She even had a hard time reading my resume. I wanted to hadouken her straight out the huge window. Finally my misery came to the end, and the bytch ended the interview on some would you like a bottle of water, and I'll send you more info. Needless, to say I never head from those motherfukkers again
Wasting your time on a pointless job interview that leads to nowhere is the fukking worst.
Wasting your time on a pointless job interview that leads to nowhere is the fukking worst.