Justice Scalia Suggests Blacks Belong at "Slower" Colleges


Respectful Fade Runner & Card Puller
Jan 25, 2015
it's strategically by design that AA is promoted as a means of rectifying educational disparities when they refuse to address the institutional, cultural and economic barriers that prevent blacks from having a K-12 level of education comparable to their white counterparts.

just like being an upper middle class white kid ensures you a pipeline for success so long as you don't slip, there is a similar pipeline for the young black boy/girl in america.

most white people will never admit this inherent advantage, either. :yeshrug:

go to a top school and see how airheaded and oblivious the average white kid is, but they've been groomed in a system that ensures they've made it. that's the nature of white supremacy.


Achievement In Every Field of Human Endeavor
May 1, 2012
Yea, its easier with example.

black kid with 3.8 gpa and 1800 SAT goes somewhere where the average SAT is 2200. He will get destroyed by the bell curve. Has nothing to do with race. Black kids get 2400 too. So now, this kid is in his second semester at MIT with a low GPA. He now leaves the computer science major to switch to sociology, where he curve doe not kill him, loses confidence, drops out, whatever.

Send the same kid to a state school with an 1800 average SAT. His work ethic helps him succeed, and is actually noticed. He can get research opportunities(everyone goes for them at the top school) because people will actually apreciate a hard worker. He finished the first semester with a 3.5, and has developed his study skills. Hes confident, and goes on to get a degree in computer engineering.

The 3.8 gpa 1800 SAT kid fails out of MIT and graduates with honors from UAlbany.

Second black kid. 2200 SAT from a shytty family. 3.0 gpa in high school with barely 50 percent attendance. The top schools will label him lazy. He will go to a state school and be surrounded by people far below his ability level. This could lead to a lot of different outcomes, but in the end he should be at a top school if not for family circumstance. IMO this should be the point of AA.

The first example is a phenomena Malcolm Gladwell and Thomas Sowell have written about. "Outliers" by Gladwell. And I dont remember which Sowell interview, in the interview he points out how the average black kid at MIT is in the top ten percent in Math in the country, but bottom ten percent in math at MIT.

The second one is basically my story/ anecdotal/ venting.
Do you have any verifiable data to back up these scenarios?

Affirmative Action is very misunderstood by most non-legal people. It is not really a tool to get lesser qualified students admitted, it is a way to allow students who are equally qualified with another to be able to be admitted based on their race or gender or whatever. For example: Student A and B both have similar GPAs and SAT/ACT scores, but student B could get admitted over A (if it was an either/or thing anyway) based on using race as a "plus factor." There are lesser qualified white students just like lesser qualified black students at every school. Don't see how this has destroyed black people more.


Flop Champion
May 1, 2012
seems like campuses are getting sick of sharing facilities with the colored folks :mjpls: , won't bother about kids who pay to get admitted to their schools

i dont know if white people really want this, taking out AA means campuses and jobs will be filled with asian foreigners

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
What dont you agree with in particular? I dont really have a postion, I just believe the implementation of Affirmative action hurts black students. Im only talking about in college admissions. Did you study STEM in college? No shade, but the curve is something you have to experience yourself.
I don't agree because those examples and that explanation kinda excludes the fact that these higher level schools are full of kids who had the benefit of parent alumni and stacks of cash to get them through the door/across the stage as well.

But nobody ever brings that up. :whistle:

Richard Wright

Living Legend
Jan 16, 2013
Do you have any verifiable data to back up these scenarios?

Affirmative Action is very misunderstood by most non-legal people. It is not really a tool to get lesser qualified students admitted, it is a way to allow students who are equally qualified with another to be able to be admitted based on their race or gender or whatever. For example: Student A and B both have similar GPAs and SAT/ACT scores, but student B could get admitted over A (if it was an either/or thing anyway) based on using race as a "plus factor." There are lesser qualified white students just like lesser qualified black students at every school. Don't see how this has destroyed black people more.

Look at the average SAT and the average black SAT at the top 50 schools. Idk if that info is available. Again, Gladwell and Sowell actually know what they are talking about. I dont.
Im a computer science/data guy, not a policy/legal guy.


Not sure if thats the right interview.

Richard Wright

Living Legend
Jan 16, 2013
I don't agree because those examples and that explanation kinda excludes the fact that these higher level schools are full of kids who had the benefit of parent alumni and stacks of cash to get them through the door/across the stage as well.

But nobody ever brings that up. :whistle:

Oh yea, youre totally right. The problem has happened way before high school. But the problem is the black kids that are getting in with AA arent the most talented. They are the upper middle class/upper class kids who have the same advantages relative to kids from my neighborhood as the top white kids have relative to the poor white kids in South Buffalo .

I went to an elite public high school. We sent kids to Harvard, Yale, MIT , Brown and Williams in my class. Everyone with a higher SAT than me had a tutor and a class paid for by parents. I had a USED copy of the official SAT study guide my mom bought for me instead of MS medicine with child support money.

At the end of the day, if youre poor and black, good luck getting educated. Its hard for me to organize my ideas on this since im still going through college/coming to an understanding of my own coming of age.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
Yea, its easier with example.

black kid with 3.8 gpa and 1800 SAT goes somewhere where the average SAT is 2200. He will get destroyed by the bell curve. Has nothing to do with race. Black kids get 2400 too. So now, this kid is in his second semester at MIT with a low GPA. He now leaves the computer science major to switch to sociology, where he curve doe not kill him, loses confidence, drops out, whatever.

Send the same kid to a state school with an 1800 average SAT. His work ethic helps him succeed, and is actually noticed. He can get research opportunities(everyone goes for them at the top school) because people will actually apreciate a hard worker. He finished the first semester with a 3.5, and has developed his study skills. Hes confident, and goes on to get a degree in computer engineering.

The 3.8 gpa 1800 SAT kid fails out of MIT and graduates with honors from UAlbany.

Second black kid. 2200 SAT from a shytty family. 3.0 gpa in high school with barely 50 percent attendance. The top schools will label him lazy. He will go to a state school and be surrounded by people far below his ability level. This could lead to a lot of different outcomes, but in the end he should be at a top school if not for family circumstance. IMO this should be the point of AA.

The first example is a phenomena Malcolm Gladwell and Thomas Sowell have written about. "Outliers" by Gladwell. And I dont remember which Sowell interview, in the interview he points out how the average black kid at MIT is in the top ten percent in Math in the country, but bottom ten percent in math at MIT.

The second one is basically my story/ anecdotal/ venting.

I see your point here but AA also ensured that the black kid who had the grades to attend those schools without extra merit gets a chance to attend. Before, those kids were being denied purely on their race.

Richard Wright

Living Legend
Jan 16, 2013
I see your point here but AA also ensured that the black kid who had the grades to attend those schools without extra merit gets a chance to attend. Before, those kids were being denied purely on their race.

I feel you man. Youre totally right. Thats why I say the implementation of AA. I again am no expert and am only sharing my experience. And im young as hell lol.

The college system is soo broken AA is the last thing anyone like a judge should be worried about. The k-12 system is so fukked, we should be focusing on that before college. It makes me sad to think about. Thanks for your input though.

Dr. Acula

Jul 26, 2012
I'm not going to doubt Scalia being a staunch conservative probably have some racist ass views but I really hate editorializing in headlines like mother Jones did here. However, I guess since they are a staunchly partisan website its expected but when news media do this, unless its a direct quote, its inserting bias into a debate or discussion by trying to steer the discussion towards their viewpoint.

I read what he actually said in the article and it was more nuanced (not saying he can't be talking in code) than what the headline suggests. He stated pretty much what @Eric Blair stated which is that giving an advantage to a student who may not be academically prepared for the rigors of certain school work may not be a good thing. Also, just accepting black students for sake of just accepting more black students, he stated he didn't buy the argument it improves the education of a school.
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May 6, 2012
We're in 1933-34 Germany right now. It's only a matter of time.
How does this make sense breh. I'm serious. When did the Jews go through hundreds of years of slavery in Germany. Come on now, man. You can't compare the two they are on totally different levels.