Kid rock throws shots at Jigga's wife


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
He's right tho..... Beyonce doesn't really have any timeless music....for as massive as she is as an artist, she doesn't have one definitive song that you'd truly call a classic.

No " I Will Always Love You", " I Will Survive", "No Ordinary Love" or anything of the sort.... i wouldn't even say that she's has anything on the level of " That's the way love goes"

She's been on the scene in the limelight for 20 years.....and doesn't have any song of such.

a lot of you fakkits go on the defense of Beyonce out of emotion, and that's very telling of you....cause you're fakkits.
You can argue Love on Top is classic, probably the best song in her catalog solo or group wise too

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
Only thing that bugs me about his comments, and it's the same thing that I think Bill Huckabee was out of line for too, was talking flagrant about another man's wife. It's one thing when it's us, as we don't move in those circles and those are entertainers and are fair game for our discussion. But if you're in the public eye, that makes you a peer, and to talk flagrant about another man's wife is a no-no. At times it makes me question Jay like, "you're not gonna check these dudes?" If Beyonce's my wife, and Huckabee states that I'm "pimping her" which is exactly how Huckabee phrased it, I believe I'm obligated to check Huckabee both for saying some slick racist sh!t like, "pimp", and for questioning my relationship with her in the public eye. As peers, that's a no-no.

Same with Kid Rock. I get that she's in the public eye, and conversation about her in the public is going to happen, but as one of her peers and a peer of her husband, there's certain sh!t you really shouldn't say out of respect. Kid Rock talking about , "Sweet Home Alabama", wtf does that have to do with Beyonce? That's him playing towards the redneck element that supports him. Then bringing up, "skinny white chicks" and playing the comparison game to Black woman with a "big ass", again per his words. That's not even borderline race baiting sh!t. He needs to get checked on that, especially since he was given a pass years ago for misappropriating Black culture for himself. Had he said, she's attractive but not really my type, then there's nothing to discuss, but he made it race related like fakket. Guarantee you he wouldn't have said the same about someone that would put paws on him. Amazing how people can speak flagrant about Jay and his wife cuz Jay ain't gonna do nothing. Dipset won't do nothing? Naw, Jay won't. Just like he wouldn't say anything about any of these social issues that have been in the news for the past couple years. Quiet as a church mouse, and wearing a 5% medallion for fashion without suscribing to that philosophy. Fukk Jay.

brother walt

Feb 7, 2015

looks like a skinny white chick to me :skip:

underated post


thaKEAF aint never lied
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Steel City
The full interview

Some quotes
Rock heads across the road to his huge barn, a man cave decked out with a pool table, a full bar and a safe stocked with guns: a .22 rifle, two custom .45 pistols with ivory handles inside a case marked "American Badass Set," and a semiautomatic with a silencer. "Guys with the president carry this," he says. "You have to get these pre-1985 with a silencer. I bought it when Obummer came into office, because I'm thinking, 'What if he fukkin' bans guns?' ":sadcam:

He's installed several cameras in trees to keep track of wildlife from his barn: deer, coyotes, bobcats — and lately, feral hogs, which have been damaging his property. He points out a torn-up stretch of grass. "A nice green field — they fukked it all up," he says. Then we reach the clearing with Rock's badass surprise: a small cage trap containing three fat, wide-eyed hogs. They wandered into it this morning, lured by the corn inside. "See that?" he says with a grin. "We're about to do some murderous shyt.":demonic:

Two light-colored sows and a small boar huddle together in the back of the cage. As we get closer, they get jittery, walking in circles around one another, grunting and crashing.

"Let me knock this one out with my 9-mil first," Rock says, reaching into his holster. He points the pistol between one of the sow's eyes. "Bye," he says, firing. It collapses and writhes on the ground, running in place on its side for several seconds, its hooves rattling the cage. "His ass is done.":birdman:

The other pigs go silent. One rubs its snout on the dead sow. Rock hands a rifle to Audrey, showing her where to aim at the blond boar. "Ah, they stink!" she says, sticking the gun into the cage and firing. "Poor thing! Sorry, buddy."

Rock shoots the third. It falls, stays still, then lurches back up, blood spilling from behind its ear. He shoots again. "Two to the head with a .45 and it's still kicking," he says. "That's unbelievable." Everyone surveys the damage. Rock takes a photo and sends it to Hank Jr. Some locals will come by later to purchase the hogs. "The blond one is pretty," says Audrey.

"Pretty dead," :youngsabo:Rock says with a chuckle. "Well, there's some excitement to get the day started!"

"I'm the Jimmy Buffett with hair who swears." He'll help fans save their beer money by holding prices down to $20 a ticket, like he did last time out. "I'm going to ride that into the sunset," says Rock. "The only obstacle is Ticketmaster adds an extra $5. fukkin' whores.":pacspit: At this point, Rock knows who his audience is: "45-50-year-old girls wearing extra-large T-shirts — they're my bread and butter.:whew: They know how to fukking party — 'I don't give a fukk, I'm making a T-shirt and putting sequins on it. I'm saving my money for beer and having a good time.' "

Rock could have had a country career after his 2001 hit with Sheryl Crow, "Picture" — he is routinely asked to co-write with Nashville's top songwriters – but he's not interested. "In country, those award shows make your career . . and I don't suck dikk," he says. "I'll tickle your balls a little bit. But I ain't gonna suck your dikk."

Rock has always known how to get attention. He remembers riding around Detroit in the Nineties in a Cadillac painted with gold flames, alongside Joe C., his three-foot-nine hype man, along with "my black girlfriend at the time, who had a body like Jessica Rabbit.:ohlawd:

"There's probably photos of it somewhere," he adds. "The caption should've been, 'Somebody look at me! Over here!' "

Rock's dad, who owned a Lincoln-Mercury dealership, didn't approve; he wanted his son to take over the family business. "He would ask, 'Why would you want to be a ******?' :mjpls:" says Rock. "But I've seen him change, and he couldn't be more proud. Now he's crying after shows."

Rock contends he could have made a lot more money during his pop peak. At the time, he was going through a custody battle with Russell (which he settled in 2000; Rock says he charged her $25 a week in child support), and only toured on weekends. "I'd be driving the field trip Monday after I banged, like, four hookers," he says. "Well, not hookers, but, you know, four nice girls:takedat: on Saturday night in Cincinnati.

"He knew I was wild," Rock says of his son. "I didn't hide any of that. But it was kind of our dirty little secret together. He saw girls come in and out, which probably wasn't the healthiest thing. I tried not to do it too much, but fukk, I had a dikk and I was famous at that time, you know?:yeshrug: I can only talk about this now, since he's 21. I wish I could've talked about it, said, 'Hey, I was wild. But I showed up to work on Monday to be a father.' "

Rock's rapping and flashy turntable skills earned him a deal with Jive Records, but his 1990 debut album, the straight-hip-hop Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast, tanked. He added rock riffs to 1993's The Polyfuze Method (he calls it a "drug record"). He started growing his hair out; on the strength of independent sales and packed shows, he was signed to Atlantic in 1998. By then, Rock was a single father — his girlfriend, Kelley Russell, gave birth to their son, Robert Ritchie Jr., whom Rock calls Junior, when Rock was 22. "He was pretty much dropped off at my door at six months old::beli: 'You raise this fukking kid,' " says Rock. "I was like, 'This has gotta work.' So what's popular? Korn. I knew I can do that shyt in my sleep. But let me throw in 'Only God Knows Why' and 'Cowboy' so I can have a career.":jbhmm:

Junior is now in his final year at Belmont University in Nashville and is pursuing a music career himself. A couple of weeks from now, Junior will become a father. "He really is a great kid," says Rock. "That's my best accomplishment by far. I'm nervous for him, because I know it's a lot of work. But he's got a good girl. I'm excited for him, but he's gotta give up a lot of shyt to have to take care of that baby. I said, 'You know how your friends are telling you I'm fukking rich? I fukking am. You're not.:umad: And if I wrote you a check, it'd be doing a disservice to you. I'm rooting for you, but I need to stand by the sidelines and watch it go down.' "

But the Rock most people see has few social inhibitions. He's friends with cops and imprisoned gang members, Mitt Romney ("He's the most decent motherfukker I've ever met in my life") and Eminem. Cruising the well-maintained roads on Hank Jr.'s 1,500-acre property, he's full of stories: his debaucherous three days with Axl Rose a few years ago — "I was like, 'Why's everyone think this guy's a dikk? He's the nicest guy on Earth!' " — or the time Eminem and Seger recently hung out together at Rock's Detroit place. "Em's just sitting in the corner — me, Em and Bob — and they're trying to relate, but they're both a little kooky. . . . Eminem's funny as shyt, man. He's a great father, he's funny, he's talented out his ass, but you know, obviously, my social skills are much more developed.":smugfavre:

At his Malibu house (which he bought during his relationship with Pamela Anderson), he holds dinners with unlikely combinations of friends: Sean Penn and Mike Diamond, Josh Groban, and, recently, Lionel Richie. "He said, 'I just got knighted in France,' ":obama: says Rock. "And I went, 'Lionel, do you know how to play the bigger-dikk game?' He goes, 'Hell, yeah.' I run to my bedroom, I bring out my NAACP Award and go, 'Boom.' :sas2:He goes, 'You just beat me at the fukking bigger-dikk game!' By the end of the night, me and Lionel were going to start a restaurant in California called Dem Ritchie Boys."

Lately, Rock has been getting into golf. He was just accepted into Jack Nicklaus' private Bear's Club, near Palm Beach, Florida. "If you told me five years ago I'd have to take my hat off and tuck my shirt in, I'd have slapped the taste out of your mouth," Rock says. "Now I'm like, 'Look at me, hair slicked back, shirt tucked in.' I'm like, 'What a faq!' ":wrist: Rock recently got some pointers at the range from Nicklaus himself, and he hit balls at Tiger Woods' nearby house. "Nice kid," Rock says. "A little bit of an Eminem and Axl Rose syndrome. Very reclusive, literal, and sometimes you feel a little bad for them. Sometimes they think the world's against them. You gotta loosen up, man! People are gonna talk shyt. You just gotta enjoy it!":manny:
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brother walt

Feb 7, 2015
beyonce album before her last flop started talking bout sex and drugs stole rihanna whole lane and sold some records which one is beyonce who run the world girls, or bow down b!!!! :francis::sas2:


May 1, 2012
Idk. I hardly ever hype Beyonce but 'Crazy in Love' and 'Single Ladies' seem to be in a place where those songs will always and forever get a lot of run.

Yea, that's cool if he's not attracted to Beyonce but to say she doesn't have any huge hits isn't true