Ladies, what is your Lilith zodiac sign?


The Black Venus
Sep 30, 2014
Lilith in Virgo


“ To fear is to die a hundred deaths daily! A man fears everything in this world, great and small, the insect as well as the lion, mean words as well as illness…which is why he always attacks, hates the fairest and unwillingly listens to the wisest.”

Lilith in Virgo guarantees a shining intelligence and a brilliant mind that can lead a person to various high positions and a successful career. He approaches work maniacally and is capable of working day in and day out. This is why he is a truly fanatical worker, that tirelessly spends his nights over books or doing some job, incapable to adjust to any team, although he is often in life faced with that. He is always the best in what he does, although on the side, carefully observing the development of the situation and waiting for his 5 minutes! Although in some cases when Lilith is badly aspected, he acquires work and money with difficulty, often changes jobs or the hard conditions at work adversely influence his health.

The need to prove himself as different is pronounced quite early in life, most frequently as a consequence of some humiliation in childhood and early youth, not being able to find an appropriate field for self expression (the novel “Little Prince” by A.S. Exipery – LI in Virgo, presents a story of overcoming this rejection by the human race, a primary misunderstanding and miscomprehension from people). The person is very eloquent and critical, analytical and detail oriented in every undertaking. That is why we have an inclination for mathematics, physics ( Thomas Edison), languages, literature in general, psychology, acting, medicine (Hans Berger, EEG)… These people believe that somewhere there is a key for every problem, no secret is unattainable, and the human brain is a true treasury in which we only need to look into without fear! (Erne Rubik – LI in Virgo, in the eighties marketed his “Rubik cube” and made millions think!)

These people usually possess a sense that is particularly keen, as well as a pronounced sensitivity to outside influences and, weather conditions, which only confirms that these people are located between what is above and what is below, as a sort of connection. They are hypersensitive. With the Black Moon in the sign of Virgo, the person should have strong ties that connect him with Earth and the rythm of nature. But it is usually not the case in youth, when the realization of weaknesses of the human being goes on and its helplessness before the higher powers, old age and death. This is where various fears come from and to overcome them, much intellectual work, contemplation, travel and liberating of spirit is necessary.

Their emotional life is in jeopardy mainly because of a difficult situation in childhood and youth, poverty and modesty that will exist here throughout life. Women and men will not find it difficult to enter into emotional relationships, but there will regularly be problems in the sexual relationship, in relationships that are not sanctioned by society, that are banned by morals or some other ethical rules…In the early youth of these people some public humiliation happened which made them ashamed of their bodies, so they often neglect it, suppressing sexual desires and defending themselves from sex often times saying “ I’m tired…” or “I have to work…”. Libido can not be seen here at all. The person seems completely detached from its animus. However, all of this is just an illusion, so the glasses slyly hide lucidity and every perversity of Woody Allen who has Lilith in Virgo. The greatest temptation for this person, whether it be a man or woman, lies within the workplace. Only in the workplace there will appear a person of true sex appeal that can snap them out of their monotony and strip the mask of their false disinterest in sex. Especially women with Lilith thus positioned have a pronounced instinctive and earthly appearance of the feminine, they are sensual and they love men which they are ashamed of admitting to themselves. That is why they retreat, completely devote themselves to work, sometimes have gynecological problems (all on a psychological level because of their repressed natural sexual need). Men can get venereal diseases so protection is compulsory. Men usually prefer younger girls and those who are inexperienced. When there is no sex, their desire for perfectionism comes to the front, their need for cleanliness that gradually turns into mania! Too strong a libido culminates in passionate intellectual work, a complete fascination by books, thinking, writing and a fascinating capactiy for the most accurate analysis and insight into the human spirit. As if the animalistic is hidden all the time behind lascivous thoughts, just like Henry Miller who in his youth admired the shamelessness of Lawrence’s “Lady Chaterley’s Lover”, only to later himself write a crucial trilogy of sex, depravity, street sin and love pathology.

In people that are not engaged in intellectual work, this position of Lilith is dangerous since it brings heavy thoughts, words, the need for agression – usually through verbal attacks that are an attempt of releasing the pent up energy. That is why they gossip as a form of therapy, their inexplicable need for interfering in other people’s lives (this is why this position is frequent in charts of politicians, journalists, criminals).

Here health can be seriously damaged through frequent stressful situations, especially due to unsatisfactory relations in marriage or the family. It sometimes brings a hard life to women and a difficult life for the mother.


The Black Venus
Sep 30, 2014
Lilith in Cancer


“ … I am the carrier of a tribe given to passions, a mass, almost ritual intoxication. Men are in charge, women are subordinate and mean – as if that is their revenge. Homes are dirty, every one of them has a secluded weapon, and close relations are mainly used for misunderstandings and hatred!”

Lilith in Cancer represents the Grand Mother, the Protector. Family is very important for people with this position of Lilith. The hereditary scheme is very pronounced, the genetic code through the female side – the maternal. These people have good memories, particularly regarding their childhood, their ancestors, parents, school days.

But perhaps the most frustrations are given by Lilith thus positioned. Family secrets surely exist, abandoned children, suffering women, dying at childbirth, slain and raped (Sharon Tate, wife of Roman Polanski, that was killed while pregnant in the massacre of Manson’s gang in her house has LI in Cancer), many vices – especially alcohol (Hendrix, Janis Joplin), houses that are lost, burned, stolen. Those are the events that make a person feel like a stranger in his own family so in his youth he wants only to leave as soon as he can.

With his family and relatives he meets only when someone is in trouble or not even then, while in times of peace relationships can be hard, cold – usually from others toward this person, which is what makes him feel betrayed and deserted by the people closest to him. This is a difficult position that brings suffering and torture always because of someone very close, someone who is under the same roof as this person, whether it is an ill parent, a problematic child or a drunken husband. Here, the relationship of the person with his mother is very important, whether he has one or whether she has (which is frequently the case) died or is living somewhere far away. The mother will sooner or later, through her action, words or deeds hurt the person, make it vulnerable and simultaneously dangerous for any one in the future who betrays his love and dedication. This is the reason men lose their faith in women early on, they get disappointed several times and in their mature years usually have many women in their past. These are people that fear loneliness more than anything and if they do not find what they are looking for in the first half of their life, they go to the extreme and make themselves absolutely unavailable for the emotions of other people, condemning themselves to being lonely and rejected. There is a big capacity here to be forthcoming to the desires of others, to help others, to be useful, but they themselves are incapable of accepting other people’s help. They regularly reject in advance the possibility of accepting help, ready to give but not to accept. Their behaviour attracts and ties to them people with similar needs that can later burden them with their possessive behaviour. The soul is calling on a certain kind of psychic torture from the immediate environment, so women often chose men that will strike fear in their bones, that they will dread and live in teror of . And it will go on until the moment the aversion to being down and subdued, as under the family authority awakens, that once forced them to go away and leave everything, and they will do it again. They sever ties and relationships radically since they abhore true commitment. The first pregnancy often ends in abortion. As mothers these women are more cold and on a distance with their children, they reject breastfeeding them and they do not give touch, they do not cuddle and show emotions, but instead strive to teach them to be resilient, persistent, disciplined and their own. And all of this because they know that these children will one day leave them and go their own way.

In a sexual relationship there are frequent misunderstandings and uncertainties because of their irrationaly strong fear of rejection. As there were sexual scandals in the past of the family, dramatic situations are a regular occurence here, in more difficult cases there are many threats and dangers within the home and family. Here only drama can activate the long suppressed libido. Otherwise, women will gladly give pleasure to others, while they will deny it to themselves, while men will sooner opt for “easy” women, prostitutes, relationships of which they are sure that not even the slightest hint of emotions will appear ( Larry Flynt, owner of “Hustler” and a big pornographic house).

This position of Lilith can bring certain problems with inheritance or apartments. Wholeheartedly helping others this person gains surreal strength. On the other hand, it will always be dissatissfied and bitter because it gives more than it receives. The soul is soaked in suffering and fear, especially of losing people close to her over which she daily thinks and fears, which was best described by E.M.Remark that has Lilith positioned here. This position is good for the media and brings popularity and fame.
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The Black Venus
Sep 30, 2014
Lilith in Gemini


“If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.”
William Blake

Lilith in Gemini could in short be called – challenging opposites. Every one of us carries within him two natures that are opposed to each other. The need for aggressive behaviour belongs to the person who is essentially a coward, just as the most understanding for others will be shown by the loneliest of people. Lilith positioned here gives the possibility for these two opposites to meet. A person with this position constantly feels as if before a mirror that breaks every lie, ego trip, illusion. However, this process does not happen spontaneously and unhindered.

Thousands of thoughts rush and rush, a mental block happens, they fall into pits of the mind, questions rush in and with them also doubt. Since it is a given to be aware of one’s black and white side, a person with Lilith in Gemini will naturally seek the easiest way to beat herself, her weaknesses, faults, bad habits. In time she becomes obsessed with what is good and what is not – thus burdening not only herself but the environment as well. This is especially pronounced in relationships. From the beginning she sees all of the black and white sides of a partner and does not stop criticizing. This is an exceptionally analytical mind that must think. So if it does not create, if it is not completely free in the ways of expression, then it will passionately indulge in small, mundane things and create dramas there! She will be suffocated by her desire for change, since she is in principle a changeable type. By accepting monotony, she only beckons the moment that will inevitably come, and in which, with furious nerves and rebelled, she will destroy all that she has built until then, change her profession, faith, life philosophy and with the unbelievable lightness of “nothing” begin to learn, create, travel, conquer new spaces from the beginning. Curious and superficial, in order to discover the real truths they must dig deeper into their soul, so good psychotherapists are born with this position, especially since they have the power over other people that open up and confide in them voluntarily. They tell them details from every day life, which is why Lilith in Gemini is in the charts of many journalists and media personalities. Because of their strong intuition, they can predict the future on the basis of facts, so it gives exceptional astrologers, numerologists, chiromants and esotherists in general, that can reach their full success only when they believe in what they study, in what they do, because while doubt haunts them, they are not capable of using their oracle capabilities to the fullest. People with Lilith in Gemini are excellent to work with young people, in the media, as animators, imitators, entertainers, actors – since they easily get into other characters. Properly used, it can give a top poet, writer, dramatist. Danger always lurks in traffic because of their passion for speed driving.

People born with Lilith in Gemini get everything with a smile. They seem naive and calculated, lucid and childish. Their communication with others goes from one extreme to the other, from sweetness and kindness to the worst statements, threats and curses. If it is used positively it can give a unique individual that will courageously follow her own way.

Sexuality is here much complicated with the flood of thought that doesn’t allow the psyche to relax, which is why they often resort to (especially in their youth) to alcohol, drugs, various opiates. Thousands of different possiblities come to their mind of which only a small number will actually materialize. Sometimes in the family’s past there was incest, which is why sometimes the love toward a sister or a brother is often pathological, and a husband and wife are further modelled after them. What is true for them is that excitement and sex are most forceful and best in the street, in the car, in the traffic, quickly, unexpectedly, without planning… Already as boys, men like watching pictures of naked women, and since Gemini is the sign most commonly associated with communication – here is where we find hot line girls or the users of their services. They like to animate their partners with talk, provoking their erotic thoughts. But, especially with women, it happens that other introductions into opening the senses are needed, after which everything is easier. Because of their sexual life they can often be the target of gossip, always of the paparazzi (if we are talking about celebrities) and scandals.


The Black Venus
Sep 30, 2014
Lilith in Taurus

“… My cook hoped I would fall in love with one of them, but my zeal exceded her hopes: all beauties had their turn and all were satisfied with me; the cook was also rewarded for her services.”
Casanova “The Memoirs”

This is one of the most natural positions of Lilith who was, according to Hebrew myth where she is mentioned as Adam’s first wife, herself created from earth. Those born under her influence are very sensual and very fertile which is why she almost regularly brings unwanted pregnancies to women and problems with genitalia to men, genital infections and other diseases, and all because of too much pleasure in youth, lust, fornication and hedonism. In their youth they are usually interested in little except pleasure, all is subordinated to laughter and beauty. Later, when they first begin to fear old age and disability, death, they start their serious quest for the “elixir of immortality”, so that their enchantment and intoxication with this world, their “dolce vita” could be celebrated as long as possible!

If we needed to describe her, she would be the belly dancer with voluptuous curves, big eyes wide open. Goddess of sensuality that knows the long forgotten rythm of the universe, rythm that drums somewhere in every one of us, tribal dance, that starts gently and joyfully and then in a growing trance she gives herself up to frenzied passions, instincts and senses that vanquish the demons of night, darkness and death. Only those who have Lilith positioned here can establish contact with her, can awaken her! Fabulous sense of rythm! Truly, these people will only with the help of joy, laughter, music, dance, sex, with the help of their talent to see beauty in everything, they will elevate their consciousness and find the divine within themselves! They are extremely talented for art, painting and singing in particular, although trading in art objects and paintings as well as jewelry is also possible.

Partnerships will, from early youth, be an important part of their lives. With kisses and sex they manage to overcome all obstacles. Any form of renouncing pleasure here is impossible because Lilith will lay its trap. Sensualities are emphasized and very early on they manage to recognize their impulsive nature. During their life they will change many partners. These are people whose sexual life is exclusively based on the visual and tactile so affairs and infidelities are easily possible. A hint in the air of some pleasure and fun is sufficient. They feel strong sexual desire in kitchens, restaurants, at various receptions, at glamorous ocassions. Oral sex and kissing are of great significance to them. They usually have big, sensual lips and in time their voices deepen to an “invitation to sex”. Financially they are quite sound, but often make wrong investments, they easily squander money especially on pleasures, love, gamble…

It is paramount that during their life they maintain a direct contact with nature that is to them the greatest existing mistery. They are connected to the earth and her energy with their heart. They are very traditionalist and respect the cult of family.


The Black Venus
Sep 30, 2014
Lilith in Aries


“To sensual vices she was so abandoned,
That lustful she made licit in her law,
To remove the blame to which she had been led.“
Dante Alighieri “Inferno”

Everything is dominated by the impulse, passions and the electric energy that is born from every new action, desire, and through itself. Here everything is “ now or never”, all is submitted to time that is sincerely despised. A person has no time to question, for the body and mind are already united with passions, that are born as such, and before the consciousness can catch this thread and make that fiery, furious being conscious, everything has already happened. In the visual sense, this person exudes sensuality and an agressive but seductive erotica. Often persons with Lilith in Aries want to look fatal, so their body becomes their main tool in achieving this goal which they attain by regular exercise in gyms and strict diets. Their motto is “ if I can do it – so can you!”, so they rarely show understanding for the weaknesses of others. They can be very audacious in their dress, vulgar in their behaviour and speech, thus emphasizing their superiority. The worst situation is when a person with Lilith in Aries is paralyzed, whether because of prejudice, environment, unawareness or suffered anxieties. Then he becomes blocked for any kind of action, and since he can attain the deepest understandings only through action and concrete experiences, hes regularly remains primitive. They live in fear of themselves, in fear of pain, because they do not stand it and run away from every situation where they can be faced with pain (from a dentist to emotional ties). All people with Lilith in Aries have a pronounced need to retaliate when hurt. They do not forgive themselves emotional humiliation, so after a tragic emotional experience women with Lilith thus positioned often become ruthless and unattainable for men, strict toward other women, blaming the whole female gender because of their unlucky love, while men enter into relationships without emotions, usually with frail and vulnerable, much younger, inexperienced partners that will surely not dispute their masculinity and power! This is a position that gives overt jealousy, tendency to fatal connections, and no immunity to casual flings. Every childbirth carries a danger, the Caesarian and much bleeding.

However, when a person is aware and wants to provoke her own Lilith-energy, then she gives herself up to life as an adventure, always readily walking one step ahead of others. Regularly in life comes across people similar to her with which she will compete and measure up to. It happens that within a family there are two persons with Lilith in Aries, and regardless of other astrological characteristics, in time they start to resemble each other very much. They are drawn to new territories, new knowledge. They dislike rules and do not respect them. They desire power, are conquerors and nothing is hard for them. Every challenge is a motivation to them. In their youth they are boastful and talkative, which is why they experience a lot of problems, later in life they strive to be strict and disciplined parents. Their main principle is maintaining their personality, integrity, their “I”. Sometimes they can be so pushy that they want others to behave according to their wishes, according to the motto “Be like me!”. They don’t stand compromise, they are vigorous champions of freedom, they have a specific strong urge to represent themselves always and everywhere as someone completely liberated of other people’s influence, which frequently leads them into scandalous situations because of their whimsical behaviour. They will rather follow their inner impulse, which they regard as a “given”, then to strategically use ratio. They have a young spirit even in their later years. In order to establish harmony and equilibrium they need retreat, a complete dedication and development of trust in their relationships with other people, so that these people could get rid of their fear of emotions and their own weakness and vulnerability!
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Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
Im a Leo

Black Moon Lilith Astrology Sign



Spirituality, Openness, Independence, Idealistic

About Your Sign :-

You are very clear about what you want out of life. No one can make you feel guilty. You do not have secrets and are very straightforward about your likes and dislikes. You long to share your wisdom as long as others are sensible and not stupid. You have an open spiritual channel that can help others. You may underestimate yourself and suffer from lack of self confidence. You will love to travel and have an affinity towards adventures. You will be highly idealistic by nature. You will forever be on a spiritual quest.

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Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
Lilith in Taurus

“… My cook hoped I would fall in love with one of them, but my zeal exceded her hopes: all beauties had their turn and all were satisfied with me; the cook was also rewarded for her services.”
Casanova “The Memoirs”

This is one of the most natural positions of Lilith who was, according to Hebrew myth where she is mentioned as Adam’s first wife, herself created from earth. Those born under her influence are very sensual and very fertile which is why she almost regularly brings unwanted pregnancies to women and problems with genitalia to men, genital infections and other diseases, and all because of too much pleasure in youth, lust, fornication and hedonism. In their youth they are usually interested in little except pleasure, all is subordinated to laughter and beauty. Later, when they first begin to fear old age and disability, death, they start their serious quest for the “elixir of immortality”, so that their enchantment and intoxication with this world, their “dolce vita” could be celebrated as long as possible!

If we needed to describe her, she would be the belly dancer with voluptuous curves, big eyes wide open. Goddess of sensuality that knows the long forgotten rythm of the universe, rythm that drums somewhere in every one of us, tribal dance, that starts gently and joyfully and then in a growing trance she gives herself up to frenzied passions, instincts and senses that vanquish the demons of night, darkness and death. Only those who have Lilith positioned here can establish contact with her, can awaken her! Fabulous sense of rythm! Truly, these people will only with the help of joy, laughter, music, dance, sex, with the help of their talent to see beauty in everything, they will elevate their consciousness and find the divine within themselves! They are extremely talented for art, painting and singing in particular, although trading in art objects and paintings as well as jewelry is also possible.

Partnerships will, from early youth, be an important part of their lives. With kisses and sex they manage to overcome all obstacles. Any form of renouncing pleasure here is impossible because Lilith will lay its trap. Sensualities are emphasized and very early on they manage to recognize their impulsive nature. During their life they will change many partners. These are people whose sexual life is exclusively based on the visual and tactile so affairs and infidelities are easily possible. A hint in the air of some pleasure and fun is sufficient. They feel strong sexual desire in kitchens, restaurants, at various receptions, at glamorous ocassions. Oral sex and kissing are of great significance to them. They usually have big, sensual lips and in time their voices deepen to an “invitation to sex”. Financially they are quite sound, but often make wrong investments, they easily squander money especially on pleasures, love, gamble…

It is paramount that during their life they maintain a direct contact with nature that is to them the greatest existing mistery. They are connected to the earth and her energy with their heart. They are very traditionalist and respect the cult of family.

Phoenix Hoely

Aug 4, 2015
My Lilith is in Aquarius. Funny because I was born on the 20th in the Aquarius/Pisces cusp. Here's mine:



Change, Inspiration, Helpful, Ruthless, Freedom

About Your Sign :-

You have great inspirational powers and can give a good pep talk to people who are down. You love public interactions and people may take advantage of your helpful nature. You are protective, sympathetic and just in nature. But you may not get support when you require it the most. You can also be ruthless at times. You feel you have the authority to make your demands and can make people cry if thy are not fulfilled. You are always in a hurry and have no patience to wait. This can cause projects to be left half way or changed suddenly. Your freedom is very important to you and you will go any extent to achieve it.

So true! Thanks @Bliss


Too tired to think of something witty to say...
Jun 10, 2015
Black Moon Lilith Astrology is a sign of sensuality, strength, independence and your need for rebellion. It stands for all the negative feelings that we feel towards people and circumstances.

Black Moon Lilith Astrology Sign



Spirituality, Openness, Independence, Idealistic

About Your Sign :-

You are very clear about what you want out of life. No one can make you feel guilty. You do not have secrets and are very straightforward about your likes and dislikes. You long to share your wisdom as long as others are sensible and not stupid. You have an open spiritual channel that can help others. You may underestimate yourself and suffer from lack of self confidence. You will love to travel and have an affinity towards adventures. You will be highly idealistic by nature. You will forever be on a spiritual quest.


Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
I guess guys can't check this for them? I tried clicking the link and the shyt damn near gave me a virus. They must've known I was a guy and my phone was like hold on big fella, you know the thread title said ladies big fella. Why you clicking any links then big fella?