Liberal elites are Donald Trump's greatest allies


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
a lack of resources is why Dems lost a bunch of races.

You can be principled all you want, but if you aren't getting funds then something else has to give.

The law ALLOWS those donations. Its only the Dems who want to be on some high and mighty shyt.

Well guess what, you can play that game but you will lose cause the other team is doing it.

Lmao are you serious. A lack of resources?

Hillary raised millions more than Trump could even imagine. She didn't bother helping out any other Dem candidate. That's on her and the DNC.

Lack of resources :hhh:


Aug 14, 2012
Dude, tons of Black people DIDN'T VOTE because they refused to vote for Hillary. Of course of the Black people who did vote, she'd get roughly the same percentages of Black votes that your average dem gets, because most Black people feel trapped and obligated to vote for Democrats

A lot of blacks that voted last election didn't vote at all is obvious with the drop of 93% to 88% but Hillary's numbers are in line to what the average Dem candidate gets in an election.

Those guys at the barbershop were in WISCONSIN. Hillary lost WISCONSIN. She also lost Michigan, Indiana, & Ohio, also.

If typical democratic voters (Blacks, Latinos, women) in Cleveland, Detroit, Flint, and Milwaukee came out for Hillary in any real way, she'd be president right now. Those are heavily Black cities.

In those regions she lost the black vote because she didn't campaign effectively and resonate with their frustration. In the article some the black men mentioned they couldn't vote for Hillary because if her political baggage but most of them ALSO couldn't vote for Trump because of his racist rhetoric.

The white ppl revived by Trumps racism came out in his support. Just because a "Tsunami" of white ppl didn't support a racist doesn't mean racism didn't help him win (more on this at the bottom)

When did I ever say that Trump didn't use "divisive rhetoric"?:yeshrug:

The numbers say that that's not why he won, though.

There was no tsunami of White voters voting against Blacks/Hispanics as Donald Trump only did a little bit better with them than Mitt Romney did.

You can't just look at numbers though. The devil is in the details. Its more nuance than saying "more white people voted for Romney than Trump so racism didn't help him win." That's ridiculously obtuse.

He did do a LITTLE bit better with Blacks and a LOT better with Asians & Latinos than Romney did.

He also did MUCH better with White women than Romney did.

What that says is that Hillary LOST the election because Blacks, Latinos, Asians, & Women did not show up for her. That's not Donald's racist rhetoric.

He did slightly better with blacks than the Romney/McCain but still hovered in the single digit area that most Republican candidates on average get. Most of these are blacks that vote Repub regardless. The small few that switched over to vote for him did it for a multitude of reasons but that doesn't discount his racist appeal to white nationalist/supremacist.

The latino groups that were protesting Trump supporters across the country and violently attacking Trump supporters in San Diego weren't doing it because of simply because political reasons. They also weren't doing this with Romney and McCain supporters. Must've been something said and done that drove them to repudiate Trumps campaign so harshly :patrice:

Uneducated white women gnerally break for Repubs. They're not as much of a monolith group as minority groups are so a women candidate doesn't guarantee a large portion of their appeal.

That's welfare reform, Clinton Crime Bill, Iraq War, being Wall-Street's bytch, and a ton of other reasons that minorities and women said :hhh:when faced with the idea of voting for her.

I'm sure those were PART of the reasons some minorities didn't vote for her I'm also saying couple that with Trump racist rhetoric that helped put the odds in his favor over Clinton's.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
That doesn't make him an elitist. You're robbing these words of their meaning. And this is something that shouldn't need repeating, but you don't unilaterally disarm. You don't give Republicans another advantage. Why is this so hard to understand? Once you've actually managed to capture the house, senate, presidency and changed the ideological makeup of the supreme court, then you do away with things like cu/corporate donations/what-have-you. You can't rely on small donors to cover the budget needed to fuel a 50 state rebuilding effort. Right now, you gotta do what you gotta do in this garbage system until you get enough power to make the change.

So, being owned by corporate money doesn't make you an elitist? It does in my world.

The Republicans have an advantage alright. That advantage is a compromised Democratic party that takes money from all the same sources they do, so they generally support the same system of cronyism, but the Democrats try to make up for it by over doing it on the identity politics, which alienates 90% of the country.

The Democrats are all like, "Yeah, we'll support endless wars, Wall-Street, insurance company giveaways, and media consolidation, but gay marriage and abortion are the MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES IN THE WORLD."

A lot of blacks that voted last election didn't vote at all is obvious with the drop of 93% to 88% but Hillary's numbers are in line to what the average Dem candidate gets in an election.

In those regions she lost the black vote because she didn't campaign effectively and resonate with their frustration. In the article some the black men mentioned they couldn't vote for Hillary because if her political baggage but most of them ALSO couldn't vote for Trump because of his racist rhetoric.

The white ppl revived by Trumps racism came out in his support. Just because a "Tsunami" of white ppl didn't support a racist doesn't mean racism didn't help him win (more on this at the bottom)

You can't just look at numbers though. The devil is in the details. Its more nuance than saying "more white people voted for Romney than Trump so racism didn't help him win." That's ridiculously obtuse.

He did slightly better with blacks than the Romney/McCain but still hovered in the single digit area that most Republican candidates on average get. Most of these are blacks that vote Repub regardless. The small few that switched over to vote for him did it for a multitude of reasons but that doesn't discount his racist appeal to white nationalist/supremacist.

The latino groups that were protesting Trump supporters across the country and violently attacking Trump supporters in San Diego weren't doing it because of simply because political reasons. They also weren't doing this with Romney and McCain supporters. Must've been something said and done that drove them to repudiate Trumps campaign so harshly :patrice:

Uneducated white women gnerally break for Repubs. They're not as much of a monolith group as minority groups are so a women candidate doesn't guarantee a large portion of their appeal.

I'm sure those were PART of the reasons some minorities didn't vote for her I'm also saying couple that with Trump racist rhetoric that helped put the odds in his favor over Clinton's.

The only person being obtuse here is you. The Black people who didn't vote aren't counted in the voter data, so the fact that Hillary went from 93% supporting Obama to 88% means, that 5% more voters voted for Trump & 3rd party candidates.

If you were to factor in non-voters who were specifically alienated by the Dems choice of Hillary Clinton, you'd see an even bigger number than 5% abandoning the Democratic candidate. Like I said, Black people aren't going to vote Republican, but they vote by NOT VOTING.

The problem is that Trump was not supposed to do as well as Romney with anybody BUT White males., yet he did better with EVERY GROUP just about than Romney, in spite of the fact that the entire media, Hollywood, and anyone else with a microphone was constantly yelling about how racist Donald Trump is.

He did better with White women, even though he was constantly hit with a barrage of sexism charges.

Like I said, Trumps racist rhetoric wasn't as effective as The Democrats picking the one person who could alienate enough Blacks, women, Latinos, and Asians to swing the election.

Trump doesn't have to get a high percentage of Black, female, Latino, or Asian votes, JUST ENOUGH of those people have to STAY HOME on election day, which they did

Dems had the lead in most states until the Healthcare premium news and Comey's letter came into play.

Yes, I'm sure all the Blacks, Latinos, White women, and Asians who stayed home or voted Trump were swayed by Comey's letter and Healthcare premium news.

And wasn't it Bill Clinton who said that Obama Care was some bullshyt at a Hillary campaign stop?:jbhmm:


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Yeah. Over her last 30 years. Hundreds. She sure did.

Has bernie?

Wow you're extra stupid today. The debate wasn't about Bernie. Get him off your mind.

The post was about Democrats losing local office because of a lack of funds. Also known as the DNC and Hillary kept it all to themselves and didn't give a fukk about local elections or any other Democrat not named Shillary.