Most woman that r still single in their mid 20s & up r damaged goods & deserve to b single forever


All Star
Nov 17, 2016
No matter how many times you shout your double standards out loud the fact is women today arent subscribing to them anymore.

Want to know why?

Because women now work for a living because men are having a harder time finding work. Men must have money to support a family, when your woman is pregant how does it look with both of you at home during her maternity leave?

Reality is hitting faster than ever. Its hard to ignore that alot of men do not have money anymore, women are laughing at the double standards men try to feed them. Women today are asking themselves why should they follow these double standards when their man is a stay at home dad with not job and she has to pay the bills? When she is out working and providing for the family, her husband is out slinging dikk?

Apparently these double standards only work when women depend on men to take care of them.

When women arent dependent on men, its pretty much a wrap for expecting women to allow men to use and abuse them.

Yep. The reality of the matter is that women no longer need men for survival. We live in a capitalistic market that encourages self-rule. There is more freedom in owning your own vehicle and making your own money versus it being in your husband's name. In the 1960's a woman couldn't even take out a loan unless she was married and had her husbands signature and approval for the loan. Such actions are no longer needed or even existent. Women can exist and function individually without a male accomplice. Times have changed immensely to create opportunities for women and yet men are still yearning for the caveman days where the wife was docile, obedient, barely educated, and forced to deal with her husband's infidelity or inadequacies. Men long for dominance and become upset when no longer in control of a woman, hence why the anti-woman brigade is off the charts on this board along with any other male dominated board. You can't refer to women as "inferior" "hoes" "bytches" and still expect to be desired when women become liberated. There's no longer an obligation or need to deal with the stressors that come with placing your survival on a man or husband. Women, just like men, are still biologically wired to desire companionship, but do not need men to survive. Those days are long gone.

And this is in accordance with why birth rates are dropping in the Western world. Women now have the opportunity to be dedicated towards a craft rather than being rushed into marriages and procreation. Women now possess degrees and own businesses. There's opportunities now. Marriage rates and Birth rates will continue to decline as women become more liberated.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013

U been hating strong today...what's your problem?


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
Why something always have to be wrong with a person when they don't do something in a certain time frame?

I'm 26 and childless and a man on this board told me I either can't have kids or something's wrong me because I don't have them. Yet these very men complain about single mothers. Could it be I don't want to be a single mother.

It's ludacris. That's why at this point of my life people opinions are merely just that. Empty opinions and men are suppose to be MORE logical but can't understand that things don't go as you plan and not everyone meets their equal before 30.
So this is why u mad phi...? I'm just stating my observation.. maybe you're the exception to the rule


Dec 8, 2012
Yep. The reality of the matter is that women no longer need men for survival. We live in a capitalistic market that encourages self-rule. There is more freedom in owning your own vehicle and making your own money versus it being in your husband's name. In the 1960's a woman couldn't even take out a loan unless she was married and had her husbands signature and approval for the loan. Such actions are no longer needed or even existent. Women can exist and function individually without a male accomplice. Times have changed immensely to create opportunities for women and yet men are still yearning for the caveman days where the wife was docile, obedient, barely educated, and forced to deal with her husband's infidelity or inadequacies. Men long for dominance and become upset when no longer in control of a woman, hence why the anti-woman brigade is off the charts on this board along with any other male dominated board. You can't refer to women as "inferior" "hoes" "bytches" and still expect to be desired when women become liberated. There's no longer an obligation or need to deal with the stressors that come with placing your survival on a man or husband. Women, just like men, are still biologically wired to desire companionship, but do not need men to survive. Those days are long gone.

And this is in accordance with why birth rates are dropping in the Western world. Women now have the opportunity to be dedicated towards a craft rather than being rushed into marriages and procreation. Women now possess degrees and own businesses. There's opportunities now. Marriage rates and Birth rates will continue to decline as women become more liberated.
I've noticed that the OP and many brehs have avoid any post that touches on these factors. I guess to them if they don't acknowledge it they can hide from the issue and live in dream world again.

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
:smh: I hope you never have any daughters. You guys have such negative opinions when it comes to women, I feel sorry for any woman that's around you. Relationships end, people deal with personal problems but a woman HAS to be in a relationship no matter what she's going through or she's "damaged goods and deserves to be single".