Now I see why people say NBA Players are lame around women.

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
Then how do you explain Irv Gotti? Yeah these dudes get girls but it becomes very unfulfilling when you can sense they’re only around you for money.
nobody has it all. Irv is an older man contemplating his mortality but is having trouble reconciling aging out of the dating pool with being a rich, powerful man.

that doesnt mean Irv is anymore unhappy than a regular 53 year old who has been married to his sweetheart for 27 years.

in fact after that interview irv prolly fukked on a bottle girl and had a blast doing so :yeshrug:

yall put too much stock in having game and wooing bytches. When in reality many of the “coolest and smoothest” men in history were paying for play.


Sep 10, 2015
Naw he’s just corny, a lot of his confidence most likely comes from his level of success and bank account.

He leads with his wallet. He super chatted Melli how many times with the hopes of getting in them drawls. I would never lead with my wallet even if I got it.

If I’m throwing money at a woman or anyone, it’s because I want to and not on no I’m tryna get some p*ssy shyt


not redeemed with gold but with His Blood
Mar 11, 2022
nobody has it all. Irv is an older man contemplating his mortality but is having trouble reconciling aging out of the dating pool with being a rich, powerful man.

that doesnt mean Irv is anymore unhappy than a regular 53 year old who has been married to his sweetheart for 27 years.

in fact after that interview irv prolly fukked on a bottle girl and had a blast doing so :yeshrug:

yall put too much stock in having game and wooing bytches. When in reality many of the “coolest and smoothest” men in history were paying for play.
It’s the red pill alpha male delusion. A lot of Men want to feel like natural alphas pulling women simply because of pure unadulterated masculinity.

They believe that Alpha males are born, not made. Their belief is that Alphaness is an innate and genetically hardwired trait, not an acquired or learned one. And that alpha male behavior is timeless because the same alpha men of 2023 would still be alpha men if they lived 500-1000 years ago. So in their worldview, men who are not naturally alphas from birth can’t spit game and be smooth with women like the real ones, even after years and decades of observation, learning, reading and imitation. They can’t act like alphas and succeed with women simply because they are not alphas, it’s not in their blood. So for red pill alpha male apologist, the only way to solve this problem, the best solution for non alpha men is to stop chasing waterfalls , swallow the bitter pill of reality, accept the fact that on a genuine and primal level, women will never be attracted to them. That instead of copying alphas and not having the same results and success with women , its better for them to obtain artificial attractiveness by investing all their efforts in education and status/money acquisition. They will never be real alphas but they will be contextual alphas in 2023, artificial alphas in the modern era with all the trappings of success.

In their minds they convince themselves:

« I’m a real man because all women love me for me( my physical looks, my genetics, my behavior, my unique personality, my vibes) not for what I can do for them. Women are genuinely attracted to me, they like me just because I exist, they like me as I am, not because I can give them material things. I attract women with sex, not with my wallet. »

It’s not like they actually expect and desire unconditional love from women, what they really want deep down is to pride themselves as naturally attractive men who are successful with women simply on the strength of their existence. They want women to view them as lovers, not providers. They believe that attracting women with things outside your God-given heredity(looks/personality) ultimately prove that a man is not naturally attractive and is in fact, naturally defective. They believe a man should attract women naturally and effortlessly without the help of money, power, education or clout.

They don’t want to feel like ugly, weak, feminine, and soft tricks having success with women only because they have wealth, power, influence, clout, a popular and active instagram profile, high social status and college degrees. And to those brehs using wealth to obtain women is like conceding defeat and admitting that you are not intrinsically and naturally attractive. That your biology and natural self aren’t enough to attract and seduce women. You are not a real man. You have success with women because of man made concepts like financial currency!

A lot of these red pill alpha bros believe that the eventual collapse of modern civilization would expose many fraud men with artificial attractiveness in and prove the superiority of nature over nurture, the supremacy of genetics over environment, The triumph of biology over culture, the victory of the natural over the artificial. These red pill thinkers believe that in the state of nature, these artificially attractive men (based on made man concepts such as money, status and education) would not be able to compete with those men who are naturally attractive. Ironically in a state of nature where food and resources are scarce, the men with the most resources would have a monopoly on women. And the natural alpha bros with nothing to offer would die alone. So even in a state of nature the providers would be just as successful.

These delusional red pill alpha male bros should know that only relying on their looks and personality will never give them access to social circles full of top tier women. You need other weapons in your arsenal. Also it’s impossible to please and satisfy all women. Even a physically handsome man with athletic gifts and exceptional charisma and swagger will struggle to seduce women at first sight because the vast majority of women will never be interested in him anyway. These types of men also underestimate how emotionally volatile, impulsive, irrational and fickle most women are. A man could literally be the best man ever and a lot of women would arbitrarily reject him for reasons that only God knows.
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Sep 10, 2015
The amount of professional athletes wifing/impregnating strippers, prostitutes, and flat out pornstars should tell you all you need to know about them…
Those are the women in their faces, and also know how to keep their mouths shut.

But best believe they smashing regular chicks. A chick I messed with messed with an nba player and she a regular shorty.


Sep 10, 2015
If you’re watching this “pineapple show” girls videos, you’re a bigger dweeb than Gil.
It’s entertaining.

But when you look at the dudes that call in, you can see why they watch her videos.

They dusty, awkward and lack social awareness. A lot of them dudes ain’t seen a barber in a year, don’t know what a brush or comb is. They style is trash too.

Hawala Man

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
It's obvious coli brehs don't have friends or family that are semi-pro or professional athletes to know many of them have zero game with women outside of having fun. The money they have gets them BBL hoes but when it comes speaking with women in who are high earners they have zero game which requires social skills.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
It’s the red pill alpha male delusion. A lot of Men want to feel like natural alphas pulling women simply because of pure unadulterated masculinity.

They believe that Alpha males are born, not made. So men who are not natural alphas from jump can’t spit game and be smooth with women like the real ones, even after years and decades of learning, reading and imitation. So in their view, the best solution for non alphas men is to stop chasing waterfalls , swallow the bitter pull of reality, accept the fact that on a genuine and primal level women will never be attracted to them. That it’s better for them to obtain artificial attractiveness by investing all their efforts in education and money acquisition.

In their minds they convince themselves:

« I’m a real man because all women love me for me( my physical looks, my genetics, my behavior, my unique personality, my vibes) not for what I can do for them. Women are genuinely attracted to me, they like me just because I exist, they like me as it is, not because I can give them material things. I attract women with sex, not with my wallet. »

It’s not like they actually expect and desire unconditional love from women, what they really want deep down is to pride themselves as naturally attractive men who are successful with women simply on the strength of their existence. They want women to view them as lovers, not providers. They believe that attracting women with things outside your God-given heredity(looks/personality) ultimately prove that a man is not naturally attractive and is in fact, naturally defective. They believe a man should attract women naturally and effortlessly without the help of money, power, education or clout.

They don’t want to feel like ugly, weak, feminine, and soft tricks having success with women only because they have wealth, power, influence, clout, a popular and active instagram profile, high social status and college degrees. And to those brehs using wealth to obtain women is like conceding defeat and admitting that you are not intrinsically and naturally attractive. That your biology and natural self aren’t enough to attract and seduce women. You are not a real man. You have success with women because of man made concepts like financial currency!

A lot of these red pill alpha bros believe that the eventual collapse of modern civilization would expose many fraud men with artificial attractiveness in and prove the superiority of nature over nurture, the supremacy of genetics over environment, The triumph of biology over culture, the victory of the natural over the artificial. These red pill thinkers believe that in the state of nature, these artificially attractive men (based on made man concepts such as money, status and education) would not be able to compete with those men who are naturally attractive. Ironically in a state of nature where food and resources are scarce, the men with the most resources would have a monopoly on women. And the natural alpha bros with nothing to offer would die alone. So even in a state of nature the providers would be just as successful.

These delusional red pill alpha male bros should know that only relying on their looks and personality will never give them access to social circles full of top tier women. You need other weapons in your arsenal. Also it’s impossible to please and satisfy all women. Even a physically handsome man with athletic gifts and exceptional charisma and swagger will struggle to seduce women at first sight because the vast majority of women will never be interested in him anyway. These types of men also underestimate how emotionally volatile, impulsive, irrational and fickle most women are. A man could literally be the best man ever and a lot of women would arbitrarily reject him for reasons that only God knows.
You went a bit too far...


Jan 19, 2016
What I don't understand is why don't they date other athletes like girls who run track or play volleyball and shyt :what:
Russell Westbrook did marry a beautiful around the way sista who also balled and they met in college. Can't get more organic than that. They also have a beautiful black family.

King Poetic

The D.O.G.( Disciple Of God)
Feb 15, 2013
Bottom of the Lake
These women are willing to get fukk raw , even if the nikka isnt the street nikkas she really love, because it’s about 18 years of free money, access to the finest things that dope boy Rick or coli poster Leon cant provide…. U think goofies and ugly athletes like shawn kemp, Zion, Gil, PJ Washington and others could get women without money? Nope..


Kenny Anderson had a decent NBA career which spanned 14 seasons with teams like the Clippers, Nets, Celtics, Hawks, Hornets, Blazers, and Pacers. After making about $63 million during his playing days, Anderson still managed to go broke and successfully file for bankruptcy in '05. Over $40K in expenses and child support payments earned him a spot on this list. Life of a Baller 101: $12 for a box of rubbers >>> thousands per month in child support payments.

As we know, The Reign Man has a confirmed seven kids from six different women. If the rumors are true that the number is closer to 11 children by nine baby mamas, then this baller was officially racking up near double-doubles on and off the court. And yes, and this epic sonning officially added Alton Lister to Kemp's constantly growing number of children.