NYC police arrest Black Federal postal employee for nothing....


All Star
Apr 21, 2015
Just a fukked up situation imo
Sorry if a repost

-Black Federal Postal employee gets arrested for yelling at an unmarked car for driving crazy
-Cops continue saying stop resisting even though he isn't and says "I'm not resisting"
-The cops kick his package
-The cops don't put on his seatbelt
-The cops rear end another car after taunting him from the front seat
-The cops leave his federal vechicle unattended
-The postal employee is about to get married to a cop

I hope he sues the NYC police departments ass off.

Basically heres the article.
Mail carrier handcuffed by 4 plainclothes officers in Brooklyn while delivering packages

The video

highlights from the article

"The video begins by showing plainclothes officers approaching Grays, who is holding a package. Not all of the words they exchange are clear.
"You want my ID? My ID is right there inside of the truck," Grays tells the officers, pointing to the vehicle.

The officers tell him to get his ID. Grays is heard telling them he is delivering his postal route. Two officers physically pull him away from the door. The package, having fallen to the ground, is kicked away by an officer.

Grays is told to put his hands behind his back.

"Stop resisting," officers tell him.

"He almost hit me," Grays says. "I'm not resisting."

"Put [your hands] behind your back, or you're going to get f---- hurt," one officer tells him.

Four officers surround Grays, who repeats, frustrated: "I'm not resisting."

"Get off of me," he says.

The four plainclothes officers eventually lead Grays, handcuffed, to their unmarked black car.

An officer frisks him and puts him in the car.

Bystanders yell at the officers throughout the encounter. Some recognize Grays and call out to him by name. The video ends there.

Adams, the borough president, said that after the police vehicle drove away, it rear-ended another car and that Grays, who wasn't placed in a seatbelt, was injured in the crash."

From the New York Times:

"The driver, who had turned around to taunt him, hit the vehicle in front of them, Mr. Grays said, causing him to bang his shoulder against the front seat. Mr. Grays was then taken to the 71st Precinct station, where he was issued a summons for disorderly conduct that will require him to appear in court. He was then released."

Adams denounced the actions of the officers, saying he was deeply troubled by the treatment of a federal employee and that the "major steps" taken by de Blasio and Bratton to reform police practices haven't gotten "down to the street."

"This could have been another Eric Garner situation if Glen had not responded as calmly as he did," Adams said.