NYTimes: As Biden Struggles With Black Men, Allies Gather at White House


Mar 11, 2022
The Democrats. :mjlol:

Every single Democrat voted to Impeach and remove Trump after the January 6th insurrection. Only 10 Republicans out of 207 voted to Impeach in the House. REPUBLICANS WERE PUSSIES AND DIDN'T VOTE TO CONVICT TRUMP IN THE SENATE because they put party over country even after an insurrection, and they are physically scared of Trump's violent voter base.

As a matter of fact, McConnell purposely stalled the Senate trial/vote until after Biden was sworn in so that some Republicans could use the excuse of "well we can't convict Trump because he's no longer President". Only 7 Republicans out of 50 voted in favor to convict. The Senate needed 17 Republicans to vote for conviction for Trump to be convicted. If they had the votes, they would have been able to ban Trump from ever running for any office ever again.

Then two or three weeks after the inauguration, then House minority leader Kevin McCarthy went to Mar-A-Logo and kissed the ring in that infamous Trump/McCarthy picture. McCarthy believed the only way he could become Speaker after the 2022 midterm election was to kiss Trump's ass and keep enough of Trump's voters with House Republicans. A lot of the political pundits have said that picture revived Trump's political career.

Trump's resurgence is 100% Republicans fault.

Oh yes, the cure to all of this is that CORNEL WEST IS GOING TO WIN THE ELECTION!!!! You're not a serious person.

The scammer who's only running for President to pay off $500,000 in taxes.

Anyone who supports him is a fool. He 100% knows that if he actually makes it to the November ballot, any vote he gets is a vote that actually helps Trump. But he doesn't give a fukk if it means he can pay off his taxes and and charge people a shytload of money for him to speak at events as long as he's a Presidential candidate.
This is exactly why we can never make progress and constantly stall out.

Too many of them in government and the Democrats never clean them out of their positions.

Instead the stick around as ticking time bombs waiting for the right time to go off and rile people up.


Mar 11, 2022
“It’s clear that there’s been a focus on Black women and the question becomes, has there been an equal focus on Black men?” said Cedric Richmond, a former Louisiana congressman and Biden administration official who is now a senior adviser at the Democratic National Committee and who was at the meeting.”

Black women have not been displaced by immigration the way black men have. Until Democrats acknowledge this and begin to moderate on open borders black men will continue to slide down the economic ladder. It may already be too late. The only issue that matters to black men is economics. More than racial justice or any of these other weak, emotional spots the dems love to hit. Money money money money - MONEY.

“He added: “There’s been a mantra that Black women are the base of the party and, I think, it’s Black families that are the base of the party. That has the potential to separate the family unit by gender, which I think is just unfortunate.”

Bullshyt and Richmond knows it. Black families are by and large led by women this is a statistical and economic reality. Dems have to learn that they have two masters and both genders have different needs. But if you solve black men’s economic crisis you have fewer community issues overall.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Bindu said they don't need us, but still beats us in the head to vote for them for nothing, and crusades for them non-stop? The math ain't mathing:patrice:

You mad? This is why I said you need to smarten up. We're becoming the smallest demographic.
They're mad at me for essentially being right. Hispanics are not going to listen or tolerate discussions about reparations. Its over.

Its not that I disagree with him about our vote becoming less and less relevant in terms of numbers. I dont think you would disagree either. My issue is if he actually believes this,why wouldnt you believe that now may be our last chance to leverage our vote?

Maybe the plan is to get us to continue voting with nothing to show for it. Using shaming and scare tactics. All the way until the sand runs out of the hourglass,and black people dont have the numbers to leverage our vote,or make any demands. All the liberal filibustering is just a stalling tactic. They want us to vote with zero demands,until we literally cant make any demands. Unfortunately we have stayed the course,and called their bluff as we are far to savvy. This is why they getting humble again,hat in hand:respect:


Mar 11, 2022
The Democrats. :mjlol:

Every single Democrat voted to Impeach and remove Trump after the January 6th insurrection. Only 10 Republicans out of 207 voted to Impeach in the House. REPUBLICANS WERE PUSSIES AND DIDN'T VOTE TO CONVICT TRUMP IN THE SENATE because they put party over country even after an insurrection, and they are physically scared of Trump's violent voter base.

As a matter of fact, McConnell purposely stalled the Senate trial/vote until after Biden was sworn in so that some Republicans could use the excuse of "well we can't convict Trump because he's no longer President". Only 7 Republicans out of 50 voted in favor to convict. The Senate needed 17 Republicans to vote for conviction for Trump to be convicted. If they had the votes, they would have been able to ban Trump from ever running for any office ever again.

Then two or three weeks after the inauguration, then House minority leader Kevin McCarthy went to Mar-A-Logo and kissed the ring in that infamous Trump/McCarthy picture. McCarthy believed the only way he could become Speaker after the 2022 midterm election was to kiss Trump's ass and keep enough of Trump's voters with House Republicans. A lot of the political pundits have said that picture revived Trump's political career.

Trump's resurgence is 100% Republicans fault.

Oh yes, the cure to all of this is that CORNEL WEST IS GOING TO WIN THE ELECTION!!!! You're not a serious person.

The scammer who's only running for President to pay off $500,000 in taxes.

Anyone who supports him is a fool. He 100% knows that if he actually makes it to the November ballot, any vote he gets is a vote that actually helps Trump. But he doesn't give a fukk if it means he can pay off his taxes and and charge people a shytload of money for him to speak at events as long as he's a Presidential candidate.
This why people don’t give a fukk about politics now, all of a sudden Cornell west is a scammer and only running for president to pay the irs, yall have no proof of a such thing, yall could at least hear what Cornell got to say but yall scary asses won’t even do that while we further dig into this hole we in as citizens of this country

Y’all nikkas is see through, and this is not the strategy you think it is to get Biden re-elected, a vote for Cornell is a vote for Cornell

Y’all want people to go vote but turn around and say your vote only counts if you vote for my guy, stop it with that bullshyt


Aug 23, 2019
The group agreed that Mr. Biden had many accomplishments that had helped Black men. Democrats, he said, are falling short in telling this story.
“We left the room acknowledging that we collectively have to do a better job communicating,” said Kwame Raoul, the attorney general of Illinois. “Sometimes being awakened to a challenge is a good thing.”

“There have been communication gaps,” said Harold Love, a Tennessee state representative who is the incoming president of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators. He said the administration needed to tell people what Mr. Biden had done “in plain language so they can understand.”

Mr. Raoul, the Illinois attorney general, said that part of Mr. Biden’s problem was that he had articulated a complex message that often ended up competing with easier-to-digest misinformation.
“Sometimes when you do a lot, it’s difficult to convey it to folks who are used to consuming things in sound bites and who have been at times recipients of intentionally targeted misinformation,” Mr. Raoul said on Tuesday.

The end game of most of these posters that spam these forums with their insufferable Democrat dikkeating.

To be the special negroes selected to tell the President he's doing a great job, this just hasn't been communicated to black America.

To be the political strategists and agenda makers to come up with the strategy of dumbing down the message for us to get how much of an asset he's been. Because this clearly isn't something we see manifested in our lives in any meaningful way.

The future behind the scenes labelers of black America's pathological incompetence, practicing their c00n talking points on the internet before they get to the majors.
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Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
“It’s clear that there’s been a focus on Black women and the question becomes, has there been an equal focus on Black men?” said Cedric Richmond, a former Louisiana congressman and Biden administration official who is now a senior adviser at the Democratic National Committee and who was at the meeting.”

Black women have not been displaced by immigration the way black men have. Until Democrats acknowledge this and begin to moderate on open borders black men will continue to slide down the economic ladder. It may already be too late. The only issue that matters to black men is economics. More than racial justice or any of these other weak, emotional spots the dems love to hit. Money money money money - MONEY.

“He added: “There’s been a mantra that Black women are the base of the party and, I think, it’s Black families that are the base of the party. That has the potential to separate the family unit by gender, which I think is just unfortunate.”

Bullshyt and Richmond knows it. Black families are by and large led by women this is a statistical and economic reality. Dems have to learn that they have two masters and both genders have different needs. But if you solve black men’s economic crisis you have fewer community issues overall.

I didnt like this either,felt like they were trying to appeal to black men as misogynist. As if they believe that narrative,that thats the reason black men loooove some Trump,is because of his "masculinity":mjlol:

Our women are the base of the democratic party,give them their flowers. My misogyny has nothing to do with why Im not planning on voting ,unless the democrats really come through with something appealing. Dont mess around and lose black women trying to pander to us through reckless rhetoric:respect:


Gotta learn how to kill a nikka from the inside
Oct 19, 2015
I’ve been beating this drum for years now and to be honest there’s nothing Biden can do but change his coalition.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
This why people don’t give a fukk about politics now, all of a sudden Cornell west is a scammer and only running for president to pay the irs, yall have no proof of a such thing, yall could at least hear what Cornell got to say but yall scary asses won’t even do that while we further dig into this hole we in as citizens of this country

Y’all nikkas is see through, and this is not the strategy you think it is to get Biden re-elected, a vote for Cornell is a vote for Cornell

Y’all want people to go vote but turn around and say your vote only counts if you vote for my guy, stop it with that bullshyt
Cornell West is a smart man. He knows that if he makes it to the ballot box in November (which isn't guaranteed), any vote he gets would be a vote he potentially took away from Biden, and will help Trump. Not only does he know it, but even Fox News knows it because one of their hosts said it. Cornell obviously wouldn't say this out loud because it's not good optics to do so.

Cornell West was one of the loudest Progressive votes against Trump during his time as President. So why would he run for President when he stands 0.0000000% chance to win, won't get any real mainstream media attention to speak on his objectives, and could actually end up helping Trump? Which is something he obviously wouldn't want to do unless he has something to gain from it. Like, paying off $500,000 in taxes. Because he's not going to get any additional fame or notoriety from this stunt, nor will he effect Democratic policy in any way, shape or form.

You see, you guys do this all the time in TLR. When a Democratic Governor or President does something good, you always question the motive and suggest that they were only doing it to pander. Not because it was simply a good policy objective to accomplish or it was the right thing to do.

But now, one of your own is questioned, and it appears to hurt you.

He's not running for President for some militant cause. :mjlol: