Over-rated in the gaming world


May 1, 2012
PS4 imo. I remember playing it for the first time at my brother's house and wasn't impressed. No backward compatibility, a worthless service (PS Plus), and just a overhype console in general. I used to cape for Sony hard, but I realized the shyt show they showed during the reveal of the PS4 during E3 was embarrassing. Especially with them taking shots at Microsoft for their original idea for their DRM that would have been revolutionary.
Took shots then quietly did all the same shyt

It is a mystery

Tory Lanez Stan
Aug 20, 2013
:whoa:Are you calling for me to be banned because I said Dark Souls is overrated? Ok I'm sorry Dark souls is actually

the most overrated franchise of all time. It's literally just a 3D metroidvania that gets acclaim for being "hard" but it's really just a game for gamers to stroke themselves to how patient they are. If you want to play a game that provides a challenge and requires you to memorize enemy patterns, why not play Ninja Gaiden Black or a Megaman game or something?

The game is highly centered around it's combat system, which is by far the clunkiest I've ever played. Dark Souls is also lacking in several areas, and somehow gets praised for it. The game is silent outside of grunts half the time for no real reason. There's no map at all. There's hardly any explanation to anything. You can hardly even see what's going on (The game's camera can get obstructed. Also, due to the games art style, stuff can blend into the background very easily). The only really good thing are the bosses.

If people weren't making "YOU DIED" memes and looked critically at the franchise, these games would not be well received


Where is Princess Fajita
Oct 30, 2013
SSJ God SSJ at -3000
:whoa:Are you calling for me to be banned because I said Dark Souls is overrated? Ok I'm sorry Dark souls is actually

the most overrated franchise of all time. It's literally just a 3D metroidvania that gets acclaim for being "hard" but it's really just a game for gamers to stroke themselves to how patient they are. If you want to play a game that provides a challenge and requires you to memorize enemy patterns, why not play Ninja Gaiden Black or a Megaman game or something?

The game is highly centered around it's combat system, which is by far the clunkiest I've ever played. Dark Souls is also lacking in several areas, and somehow gets praised for it. The game is silent outside of grunts half the time for no real reason. There's no map at all. There's hardly any explanation to anything. You can hardly even see what's going on (The game's camera can get obstructed. Also, due to the games art style, stuff can blend into the background very easily). The only really good thing are the bosses.

If people weren't making "YOU DIED" memes and looked critically at the franchise, these games would not be well received

I've played Demon Souls, All Dark souls and Bloodbourne. I love these games. But I agree with you post. The combat is clunky and slow. If God of War or Kingdom hearts combat was Darksouls-like people would be irate. The camera never improves in games, "Difficulty" is really tied to learning the maps and enemies to manipulate. Story is always some cryptic unilleigble or decipharable mess that is told through bad voice acting of NPCs and the 4 total cutscenes in the game.


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
TLOU; people ignored clunky game mechanics because its an epic story.


The Souls series, congrats, you're really patient with enemy fight patterns....okay? Where's the story? Fighting mechanics passed '01?

I enjoy them but I can't lie, the difficulty only lies in the player not knowing the patterns their first time playing the games. Once you figure that out, everything becomes considerably less scary and challenging


Jan 24, 2016
This piece of shyt right here.

Took all the charm out of the first game and turned it into a Great Value GTA clone.
Jak is hilariously bad at trying to be edgy.
The missions fukking suck. (aside from the platforming segments, when it's trying to be a platformer)
fukk the guns
They throw hard ass missions with no checkpoints (fukk the pier mission:pacspit:)
Traveling between missions is a chore for no reason.
Every hovercar in the game sucks except for the bike that's made out of paper.
The story is dumpster fire trash.

I played this game from start to finish, TWICE! Once around the time it came out and again when the collection came out on PS3 just to see if maybe I judged it too hard back then and I found it just as annoying as I did when I played it years ago. This shyt put me off of ever playing Jak 3 unless someone pays me to do it.

This is without a doubt one of Naughty Dog's worst games and anyone that praises this game needs their dikks smacked off into their grandma's mouth.

coming off of jak and daxter i was so hyped for this shyt too. and they got rid of everything that made jak and daxter a great game and added fukking guns. after the 10th fukking chase mission i was done with that fukking game


I aint lyrical
Jul 21, 2015
:whoa:Are you calling for me to be banned because I said Dark Souls is overrated? Ok I'm sorry Dark souls is actually

the most overrated franchise of all time. It's literally just a 3D metroidvania that gets acclaim for being "hard" but it's really just a game for gamers to stroke themselves to how patient they are. If you want to play a game that provides a challenge and requires you to memorize enemy patterns, why not play Ninja Gaiden Black or a Megaman game or something?

The game is highly centered around it's combat system, which is by far the clunkiest I've ever played. Dark Souls is also lacking in several areas, and somehow gets praised for it. The game is silent outside of grunts half the time for no real reason. There's no map at all. There's hardly any explanation to anything. You can hardly even see what's going on (The game's camera can get obstructed. Also, due to the games art style, stuff can blend into the background very easily). The only really good thing are the bosses.

If people weren't making "YOU DIED" memes and looked critically at the franchise, these games would not be well received
Which games from the series did you play and beat?