Political Strategy for 2020 Election - ADOS and Diaspora Get In Here


Feb 5, 2017
While watching a show on TV, I couldn't help but notice that they are pushing the immigration angle super hard. The only issue is that the face of immigration has become Latino.

Now, before everyone gets up in their feelings, I have to make it apparent that populations estimates show that Latinos will be the one largest group in America in a few decades. That means they'll be having a larger pull in regards to politics, even now this is seen with Democratic candidates pining for their votes, and with Republicans types making room in their ranks to welcome lighter complexion, right wing Latinos such as the Cubans.

Thus we have a group of people who have a pick of litter in regards to the ballot, a ticket into the dominant society's power hierarchy, and a nigh-dominant population size.

So my question for you all is, why aren't we doing the same with our Diaspora members? The way I see it, we should be running a two prong attack strategy in the political arena: ADOS/ pushing for reparations and using the non-American members of the Diaspora to infiltrate and hi-jack the immigration movement as well as bolster up the number of melanated people. Every other group finds a way to infiltrate our shyt and derail it to their advantage, it's high time we do it to them. Obviously, the c00ns will have to be filtered out, but we don't need them to be honest. It's time to close ranks.

And before you throw in the tribalism excuse, Cacs have literally been blowing each other up for the last 1000 years (Hundred Year's War, Seven Year's War, WWI, WW2, and a multitude of various other smaller wars and skirmishes), but they know when to close rank to fight a common enemy. Hispanics and Asians follow the same principles amongst their various ethnic groups, they'll band to together to get legislature passed in their favor, and then get back to busting each others heads open.

So, what do you peeps think?