President Maduro of Venezuela urges US diplomats to leave country within next 72hrs

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
US and Puppet Guaido Implicated in Terrorism Plot Against Venezuela
March 25, 2019


The US coup with the self-proclaimed Venezuelan puppet president Juan Guaidó has been failing. Right-wing Latin American countries and the European Union, while willing to go along with the charade farce president have not been willing to take military action against Venezuela.

This week the US was caught seeking to create violent chaos with imported mercenaries disguised as Venezuelan military, funded by assets seized from Venezuela as part of the US economic war. Telesur reports the government unveiled telephone conversations and other evidence between leaders of the right planning violence against the country that came from a Guaidó aide.

Earlier this week Guaido’s ‘chief of staff,’ Roberto Marrero was arrested along with his bodyguard. In announcing the arrest, Minister of Interior Justice and Peace Nestor Reverol, Venezuela had dismantled a “terrorist cell” that planned to attack and destabilize Venezuela. As a result of that arrest evidence has been uncovered about a terror campaign planned against Venezuela.

The arrest uncovered new evidence about the terror campaign planned by the US and the Venezuelan opposition. Mission Verdad reports on a press conference by Jorge Rodríguez, Minister of Communication and Information which described how the arrest of the arrest Marrero led to the discovery of widespread terrorist plans. The new evidence points to a plot funded by assets seized by the United States from Venezuela and channeled into bank accounts through Colombia.

Reporting on the Rodríguez press conference, Mission Verdad describes how eight to ten teams of assassins were being brought to Venezuela from Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador and being trained in Colombia to carry out terrorist acts in Venezuela. They planned selective assassinations of high-profile figures of the Venezuelan State and attacks on the country’s public services. Half these groups had entered the country, while others were blocked by the shutdown of the borders over the phony attempt to deliver humanitarian aid.

Venezuela: US Imperialism Is Based on Lies and Threats
The objectives of the terrorist plot were shown in a slide by Jorge Rodríguez. Mission Verdad reportsthe slide described how Operation Libertad (or Operation Freedom) planned:

  • Selective killings of government officials
  • New sabotage to the Caracas Metro, the Cable Car and the electric service
  • False-positive operations or false flags by people disguised as military deserters
  • A general strike, an assault on Miraflores and terrorist actions such as the assassination of President Maduro
The mercenary teams planned to conduct their terrorist acts disguised as deserters of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces to portray them as “military deserters.” They sought to show a non-existent conflict between the Venezuelan military and the legitimately elected government.

They also report that among the material seized from Marrero were cell phones that allowed investigators access to conversations, which showed $500,000 and $700,000 being spent per day to pay these assassins and to bribe members of the military to desert and join them. The money was deposited by NGOs created in January and February in accounts of Banesco and Bank of America by the government of Iván Duque after a request from Juan Guaidó. The communications indicate the funds came from money seized from Venezuelan companies by the United States. The money stolen from Venezuela that would be used to finance this operation would amount to $1 billion.

To add further to the hypocrisy of the United States, the Department of the Treasury sanctioned the Economic and Social Development Bank of Venezuela when Guaidó’s terrorist aid was arrested on suspicion of terrorism.

Mission Verdad reports Guaidó himself and right-wing leader, Leopoldo Lopez, who is under house arrest for previous violence, were implicated, writing,

“On Marrero’s phone, conversations were also found in a group called ‘the General Staff,’ made up of members of the Voluntad Popular party. Among them, Leopoldo López is identified, in charge of his leadership; Freddy Guevara, in charge of advising on the discursive line of Guaidó; Marrero, the deputies Freddy Superlano and Sergio Vergara, and Juan Guaidó himself.”

Guaidó has described “Operation Freedom” which is consistent with these plans. Freddy Guevara describes how the operation is moving “from a strategy of siege to one of assault” with selective assassinations and attacks against public services. This is all consistent with Guaidó comments at a rally on March 22 in El Tigre, Anzoátegui state, where he said: “Venezuelans do not beg for our rights, so soon we are going together to Miraflores to rescue the office of all Venezuelans,” and told his followers “we must organize because the dictator will not go out kindly.”

In a speech at the Mobilization for Peace outside of the Miraflores Palace on Saturday, President Maduro described how the country is facing “the strongest imperialist aggressions that the Republic has ever survived in 200 years.” Maduro said the people continue to be “the greatest guarantee of peace, democracy, and sovereignty of the Fatherland” against the attacks perpetrated by the Venezuelan right-wing and the US. Regarding the plans of the terrorist cell described in the article below, he assured the people: “We are going to capture them and hand them over to Justice.”

The long-time US effort to put in place a US friendly government in Venezuela is reaching new aggressiveness and violence under the Trump administration led by National Security Advisor John Bolton, Special Assistant Elliot Abrams and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. President Trump has openly called for military action since August 2017. Those opposed to US intervention in Venezuela will be holding a mass protest at the White House on August 30 to kick-of a week of action against NATO and the war against Venezuela.


~crackin windshields~
Oct 30, 2014
Peep what he says @27:20 too

I watched that vid a while back and others on this Venezuelan conflict. Quiet as it's kept, this conflict has a racial component too, just like chavez said, with the WS-oriented wealthy people on one side and the afro/indigenous people on the other.

You could see that aspect clearly in the "dueling concerts" they had on the colombian border too. lol The guido side was very ricky martin-esque.

Funny how even though damn near everyone there is "mixed", the two orientations still butt heads.

I hope russia and china help venezuela stand. What the US is doing in this case is straight-up foul and way too brazen for comfort.

And oh yeah -- fukk Richard Branson. He tries to come across as the "cool CEO" type, yet he dived in on Guido's side and sponsored the anti-maduro concert on the colombian border.

fukk all corporatists.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Venezuela: Adiós Guaidó
Angel Guerra Cabrera

20 Mar 2019

Venezuela: Adiós Guaidó

The self-proclaimed interim president committed political suicide when he called for U.S. military intervention in his own country.

“The gang of thugs in charge of US imperial policy dreamed that the Bolivarian Revolution would implode on February 23.”

The aggression of foreign powers gives revolutionary peoples the opportunity to raise their political consciousness and self-esteem, enhance their will and culture of resistance and test their ability to defeat powerful enemies. They are either strengthened in the face of intervention, or they are defeated by intervention and counterrevolution.

The Venezuelan people have struggled through almost two decades of fierce hostility from U.S. imperialism, its allies and lackeys. It has been attacked on multiple fronts including economic warfare, media warfare and electric warfare, within the context of the tactics of continuous coup and irregular, or hybrid, warfare. But they have come out victorious and with high morale after each attack.

The last two major assaults by Donald Trump’s colonialist and neo-fascist government against Venezuela have been a complete failure. But the gang of thugs in charge of imperial policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean dreamed that the leadership of President Nicolas Maduro and the building of the Bolivarian Revolution would implode on February 23, or at worst, as a consequence of the greater and more prolonged terrorist sabotage against Venezuela’s electro-energy system that shut down the country for almost a week. Or because of the two onslaughts combined.

“The Venezuelan people have been attacked on multiple fronts.”

What is certain is that both aggressions have produced serious economic and human consequences in a population that is already subjected to the rigors of economic warfare and the stress generated by one of the most intense and prolonged campaigns of communicational terrorism against a country.

It is necessary to emphasize the considerable magnitude of the victory of the 23 February, a heroic achievement of civil and military Chavismo, which united and cohesive, prevented the unleashing of paramilitary and mercenary violence from the introduction of so-called humanitarian aid across land borders. Chavismo defeated a tremendous threat of violation of Venezuelan sovereignty by the United States, several European nations and the lackey governments of imperialism in our region.

The great blackout was planned and executed from the bowels of U.S. imperialism, though apparently with cooperation from within the Venezuelan electricity sector. The modus operandi of the neo-fascist group composed of Trump, Pence, Bolton, Pompeo, Rubio and Abrams, during those and previous days, proves that sabotage was part of the psychological warfare plan preceding an eventual military intervention, that they were informed in detail about it and that they tried to make the most of the extremely serious situation created for their plans to overthrow Maduro.

“Sabotage was part of the psychological warfare plan preceding an eventual military intervention.”

Venezuela has not experienced a tragedy of great proportion in these days of blackout thanks to heroism, courage, patience, discipline, mutual solidarity and the high patriotic conscience of civil-military unity.

If with the aggression of the 23F they did not succeed in breaking the Bolivarian National Armed Force or civil Chavismo, with terrorist sabotage they did not succeed in creating anything resembling a rebellion. There was no water or fuel, food was fermenting, schools and workplaces were closed, the subway and much of the transportation collapsed, patient care in some hospitals had potholes until generators were installed where they did not have them. However, there was not a single death as a result of the blackout, although the media outlets mentioned close to 300 people who died, including 80 newborns.

And there were no deaths because the authorities adopted drastic measures to ensure the continuity of service in the care centers. Who can deny that this sabotage constitutes a crime against humanity by the Trump government?

“There was not a single death as a result of the blackout, although the media outlets mentioned close to 300 people who died, including 80 newborns.”

For his part, the puppet clown Guaidó continued to vanish, disappearing politically until only a small group of people gathered in the supposed big march that he called for Tuesday the 12th. There was never a large crowd. But as Luis Hernández Navarro wrote, the opposition committed suicide when the self-proclaimed interim president called for U.S. military intervention in his own country. Apart from the betrayal of the homeland and the enormous perversity involved in that request, it reveals a great ignorance about the political culture and the patriotic and anti-imperialist sentiments of the Venezuelan people, who will not forgive him for his infamy.

The United States has plunged itself into a serious predicament and has dragged with it the European Union, which is cautiously seeking its interests in Venezuela in the face of the evident fact that Guaidó is the phantasmagorical president of a vaporous government while Maduro remains solidly rooted with the Venezuelan people.

This article previously appeared on Internationalist 360 .

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Russia Throws Down the Gauntlet to US on Venezuela
March 28, 2019


The Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova acknowledged in Moscow on Tuesday that Russian “specialists” are indeed in Venezuela within the ambit of a 2001 military-technical cooperation agreement with Caracas. Zakharova underscored that Russia’s bilateral military cooperation with Venezuela is in accordance with the latter’s constitution and has legal underpinning, which “doesn’t require any additional approval from the (opposition-controlled) National Assembly of Venezuela.”

This followed media reports that two Russian air force planes landed at Caracas on Saturday carrying Vasily Tonkoshkurov, chief of staff of the ground forces with nearly 100 military personnel and some 35 tonnes of material. An unnamed official at the Russian embassy in Caracas told the Sputnik that the Russian personnel had arrived to “exchange consultations. Russia has various contracts that are in the process of being fulfilled, contracts of a technical-military character.”

Zakharova’s remarks came a day after Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov received a phone call from the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on March 25. The Russian readout said Pompeo was “interested in certain issues related to the developments in Venezuela.” It added,

“Sergey Lavrov emphasised that Washington’s attempts to organise a coup d’etat in Venezuela and threats to its legitimate government are a violation of the UN Charter and blatant interference in the domestic affairs of a sovereign state… After stating principal differences in Russian and US positions, the officials agreed to stay in touch and continue to exchange assessments.”

The state department readout, however, claimed that Pompeo warned Russia “to cease its unconstructive behavior” in Venezuela” and that Washington and its regional allies “will not stand idly by as Russia exacerbates tensions.” It also said Pompeo accused Russia of “continued insertion … to support the illegitimate regime of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela [which] risks prolonging the suffering of the Venezuelan people who overwhelmingly support interim President Juan Guaido”.

Meanwhile, on Monday and Tuesday, in a series of tweets, US national security advisor John Boltonvent anger and frustration:

“Maduro has lost the support of the Venezuelan people, so he’s relying on Cuban and Russian support to usurp democracy and repress innocent civilians… Rather than sending nuclear-capable bombers and special forces to prop up a corrupt dictator, Russia should work with the international community to support the Venezuelan people. The United States will not tolerate hostile foreign military powers meddling with the Western Hemisphere’s shared goals of democracy, security, and the rule of law… Maduro asks for Cuban and Russian goons to suppress the people of Venezuela.”

With these developments, the crisis situation around Venezuela may deem to have acquired a New Cold War dimension to it. Clearly, Moscow has weighed the pros and cons of the Venezuelan situation and has decided to be unapologetic about its support for the Maduro government. Despite the US outbursts, Moscow is showing no signs of backing off, either.

The big question ahead is whether Russia is climbing the escalation ladder. Indeed, the stepping up of the military-technical cooperation stems from the assessment in Moscow that the desperate US attempts to engineer / sponsor a military coup in Caracas aren’t getting anywhere. Meanwhile, President Nicolas Maduro announced in an interview with the Russian state television today that “a high-level working session on intergovernmental cooperation” between Russia and Venezuela is due to take place in April where “we will sign over 20 documents on cooperation in economy, trade, culture, energy and education.”

Suffice to say, Moscow intends to step up its support for Maduro and is drawing up a plan of action to develop a comprehensive bilateral cooperation program with a medium and long term perspective. Now, that can only mean that in the Russian assessment, US’ blueprint to overthrow the regime through economic sanctions and other covert actions (such as the sabotage of power supply) and various methods of political and diplomatic pressure (including illegal confiscation of Venezuelan assets in western banks running into tens of billions of dollars) can be and must be countered. It is interesting that Cuba, which is rich in experience in countering the US’ coercive policies, is working shoulder to shoulder with Russia in this direction.

From all appearance — so far, at least — a direct US military intervention in Venezuela to forcibly change the regime is not on the cards. Rather, a cold-war era war of attrition appears to be looming ahead. Can Russia sustain the financial and economic burden involved? But the analogy of the Russian intervention in Syria does not hold good here insofar as Venezuela is potentially a rich country with the world’s largest proven hydrocarbon reserves. Equally, China is also a stakeholder in Venezuela’s economic stability.

On the other hand, it is vitally important for Russia that the US, which aspires to be the number one exporter of oil and gas, does not gain control of the vast Venezuelan reserves, as that would mean an enormous capacity falling into Washington’s hands to manipulate the supply and demand in the world energy market and set the price of oil and gas.

In geopolitical terms, a strong Russian presence in Venezuela becomes a negotiating chip for Moscow in dealing with the growing NATO and American deployments along Russia’s western borders in central and eastern Europe and the Baltic states. That alone makes Venezuela a strategic partner for Russia.

Plainly put, any projection of Russian power in the US’ backyard will at some point sooner rather than later impress upon Washington the imperative need to constructively engage Moscow in dialogue and negotiations, howsoever unpalatable that prospect might be. In fact, at one point, Zakharaova pointedly touched on the Trump administration’s Munroe Doctrine, asking in an acerbic tone,

“What are they (US) themselves doing in Eastern Hemisphere? Perhaps, they believe that the people of this part of the world will be thankful when Washington wilfully changes their leaders and kills the unwanted ones. Or the US still believes that people are waiting for the Americans to bring democracy to them on the wings of their bombers. Ask Iraqis, Libyans or Serbs about it.”

Zakharova did not explicitly mention Ukraine or the Baltic states and Poland and the Black Sea and the Caucasus, but the implicit meaning is clear: If the US interferes in Russia’s backyard, Moscow serves the right to retaliate. Period. It is useful to recall that the denouement to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 was ultimately on the basis of a reciprocal withdrawal of Russian missiles in Cuba and the American missiles deployed in Turkey.

Pompeo’s phone call to Lavrov suggests that the US is trying to figure out the Russian intentions. Interestingly, the Russian readout mentioned that Lavrov also brought up Syria and Ukraine during the conversation with Pompeo. Lavrov’s remarks were rather sharp:

“He (Lavrov) also stressed that the US’s intention to recognise Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights would lead to a serious violation of international law, impede the Syrian settlement process and aggravate the situation in the Middle East. Speaking about Ukraine, Sergey Lavrov noted that Washington’s playing into the Kiev regime’s hands in torpedoing the Minsk Agreements on the settlement of the intra-Ukrainian conflict was unacceptable.”

Curiously, on the contrary, the US state department readout completely omitted any references to Syria or Ukraine. Evidently, it was too much of a hot potato for Washington to even acknowledge that Lavrov might have drawn a parallel with the US behaviour in the ‘Eastern Hemisphere’, which Russia finds utterly unacceptable.

Copyright © M. K. Bhadrakumar, Indian Punchline, 2019