Pro-Palestinian activists leave ‘eviction’ notices for Jewish NYU students


Jul 17, 2013
.Florida back to Spain...


Jan 5, 2014
Lol y
yes Florida back to Spain...they was the first to colonize it...we defeat them and won Florida Cuba and Puerto Rico...that's the risk people take when they fight lose , you lose more then just a war...u might lose your freedom, country, rights...these people lost 4 times bt yet keep acting like they are victors...and btw they fired 800 rockets at Israel last year not giving a fukk where it lands...

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
returning the southeast n California back to Mexico...the Midwest back to the Indians...Florida back to Spain...

So................. land only goes back to the Indians if the land was settled by Anglos? :shaq: Don't be brainwashed by Aztlan bullshyt. Neither Mexico nor Spain are owed shyt back, either, because it wasn't theirs first.


Jun 4, 2012
Bt why are they against it...for the Americana who are against it they should show some self respect by returning the southeast n California back to Mexico...the Midwest back to the Indians...Florida back to Spain...shyt Americans got no right to live in this country at all if we wanna look at it this way...the Arabs fought 4 wars against Israel and LOST all four...can u imagine what they woulda if they won...Hamas is Gaza promise to drive the Jews back to the sea...the Palestinians in Israel got more rights then Arabs in the arab world...they can vote, belong to any religion, be gay or straight...that's democracy and they only get that in Israel...the only freedom these Muslims want is the freedom to deny other people their freedom...last year Turkey celebrated their 500 year anniversary of the conquest of Constantinople frm the bizantyne (eastern Roman empire), is anybody gonna ask them to return that land?

lol, so I guess we should give Detroit back to France and NY back the the dutch??? Are you being funny or something?

Maybe we should give 6 Trillion to West Africa, along with it's descendants.. make all crakkers leave North America and allow hispanics to take it over along with some asians.... Then give the Mid east back to arabs, and move the fake jews our of Israel.

Maybe Turkey won a war....... That was them, most caucaisians didn't fight wars, then simply colonized... and State of Israel wasn't created because they won a war........ The Jews lost a war in Europe because they were being grimy as fukk with the media and money (as usual) and someone Finally pulled their card in the worst way. Because they lost their lives and platform for manipulation, The Western powers set them up in the Mid East, allowed for mass migration, then supported them with Trillions of dollars worth of weapons, support, and resources so that they could have the ability to ".the Arabs fought 4 wars against Israel and LOST all four."
Jun 24, 2012
lol @ david horowitz. Wasn't he down with the black panthers in college? :laff:

Check this out....

During the early 1970s, Horowitz developed a close friendship with Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton. In Horowitz's subsequent writings, Newton is depicted as equal parts gangster, terrorist, intellectual, and media celebrity.[10]

As part of their work together, Horowitz helped raised money for Newton and assisted with the running of a school for the children of Party members. He further recommended that Newton hire a bookkeeper, Betty Van Patter, who was then working for Ramparts. In December 1974, Van Patter's murdered body was found floating in San Francisco Harbor.[10][15] Horowitz, who was certain that the Panthers were responsible, had his suspicions confirmed by several Party members. He has cited that experience as the catalyst which led him to reject Marxism completely

This cac is crazy.

He supported Communism and his family was huge supporters of Joey Stal( Joseph Stalin). He also opposes reparations for slavery idea.


Jun 4, 2012
Check this out....

During the early 1970s, Horowitz developed a close friendship with Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton. In Horowitz's subsequent writings, Newton is depicted as equal parts gangster, terrorist, intellectual, and media celebrity.[10]

As part of their work together, Horowitz helped raised money for Newton and assisted with the running of a school for the children of Party members. He further recommended that Newton hire a bookkeeper, Betty Van Patter, who was then working for Ramparts. In December 1974, Van Patter's murdered body was found floating in San Francisco Harbor.[10][15] Horowitz, who was certain that the Panthers were responsible, had his suspicions confirmed by several Party members. He has cited that experience as the catalyst which led him to reject Marxism completely

This cac is crazy.

He supported Communism and his family was huge supporters of Joey Stal( Joseph Stalin). He also opposes reparations for slavery idea.

yet another case in point. he was down with the bpp.. we thought he was our friend because of his friendly and helpful actions....
but eventually most will prove to be


Anyway, There was a spin on that story anyway...... Sure MAYBE Huey told the chick Brown to get them goons to kill Betty Van Patter.... but it wasn't because she was a whistle blower.. well she at least wasn't blowing the Right Whistle. That's why Malcolm X and those guys never let outsiders in the group and efforts.......... Because shyt like this happens and of course nikkas will ALWAYS be the ones painted in the negative light.
EVEN while he was BFF with Huey - he called Huey a terrorist, but refereed to himself and other CACs as serious marxist intellectuals.

#inherently this CAC is a Zionist Jew who voted for Reagan- and in turn supported US corruption world wide, crack era drug laws, wealth gaps, etc. ...... As smart as our brothers were in the 1950/60's they ignored with X was attempting to tell us about the Devil.
Jun 24, 2012
yet another case in point. he was down with the bpp.. we thought he was our friend because of his friendly and helpful actions....
but eventually most will prove to be


Anyway, There was a spin on that story anyway...... Sure MAYBE Huey told the chick Brown to get them goons to kill Betty Van Patter.... but it wasn't because she was a whistle blower.. well she at least wasn't blowing the Right Whistle. That's why Malcolm X and those guys never let outsiders in the group and efforts.......... Because shyt like this happens and of course nikkas will ALWAYS be the ones painted in the negative light.
EVEN while he was BFF with Huey - he called Huey a terrorist, but refereed to himself and other CACs as serious marxist intellectuals.

#inherently this CAC is a Zionist Jew who voted for Reagan- and in turn supported US corruption world wide, crack era drug laws, wealth gaps, etc. ...... As smart as our brothers were in the 1950/60's they ignored with X was attempting to tell us about the Devil.

To this day there is no evidence of the BPP killing her with word from Huey. Just rumors. He( David) claimed some of the BPP members confirmed it but not one man is brought up and no former BPP members have ever said anything about it. Plus COINTELPRO was already in full effect with infiltrators. Maybe Betty knew some of them were cops, snitches and she was killed for knowing.


Jan 5, 2014
lol, so I guess we should give Detroit back to France and NY back the the dutch??? Are you being funny or something?

Maybe we should give 6 Trillion to West Africa, along with it's descendants.. make all crakkers leave North America and allow hispanics to take it over along with some asians.... Then give the Mid east back to arabs, and move the fake jews our of Israel.

Maybe Turkey won a war....... That was them, most caucaisians didn't fight wars, then simply colonized... and State of Israel wasn't created because they won a war........ The Jews lost a war in Europe because they were being grimy as fukk with the media and money (as usual) and someone Finally pulled their card in the worst way. Because they lost their lives and platform for manipulation, The Western powers set them up in the Mid East, allowed for mass migration, then supported them with Trillions of dollars worth of weapons, support, and resources so that they could have the ability to ".the Arabs fought 4 wars against Israel and LOST all four."
Regardless of how they got there they won 4 wars...the pilgrims just landed in this country n took it over...they fought n killed the Indians and won the whole country...are the Indians allowed to get north America back? If u really wanna see the land given back to the Palestinians why dnt u willingly give up your house back to the Indians since u living on stolen country on earth besides Israel is being asked to give back conquered land...they did Egypt a favor by giving back the Sinai peninsula after they defeated them in 1967...these Palestinians will never get my sympathy or support as long as they keep firing 800 rockets wit no care in the world...would the USA allow Mexicans to launch 800 rockets at them to get Texas, California, Arizona, Nevada back? Hell fukk no...


Jan 5, 2014
lol, so I guess we should give Detroit back to France and NY back the the dutch??? Are you being funny or something?

Maybe we should give 6 Trillion to West Africa, along with it's descendants.. make all crakkers leave North America and allow hispanics to take it over along with some asians.... Then give the Mid east back to arabs, and move the fake jews our of Israel.

Maybe Turkey won a war....... That was them, most caucaisians didn't fight wars, then simply colonized... and State of Israel wasn't created because they won a war........ The Jews lost a war in Europe because they were being grimy as fukk with the media and money (as usual) and someone Finally pulled their card in the worst way. Because they lost their lives and platform for manipulation, The Western powers set them up in the Mid East, allowed for mass migration, then supported them with Trillions of dollars worth of weapons, support, and resources so that they could have the ability to ".the Arabs fought 4 wars against Israel and LOST all four."
And to be technical the only "real Arabs" belong in the Arabian peninsula which is Saudi Arabia and Yemen...the other countries that claim Arabic only speak the language...ethnically they are not Arabs...Sudan and Chad speak Arabic but they are black Africans...Egypt was a Christian country for 1000 years until the Muslims invaded in the 7th century so do they belong there still? Therea still 10 million Christians in Egypt who are the original inhabitants of the land...the Jews history in the middle east stretch back 4000 years...they belong there more than anybody...should that be the only reason for them to claim the land? they fought n won four wars against 6 arab countries...they've earn the land back...all you and other Muslim sympathizers can do is complain on message boards while these terrorists keep blowing them selves up wit bombs...