Ryback Believes That John Cena Is 'Poison' To Professional Wrestling


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
If early returns are any indication, Ryback is going to go in on WWE even harder in 2017 than he did in 2016. Which is to say, pretty hard! He recently told a story about WWE and Vince McMahon lying to him and pressuring into dropping a legitimate medical malpractice lawsuit, but it looks like he’s possibly saved the most vitriol for none other than John Cena. He’s gone on the record before about how Cena was single-handedly responsible for pulling the plug on the Nexus, but that’s nothing compared to the hot fire he’s spitting about the Face that Runs the Place now.

On a recent episode of Conversation With the Big Guy, a podcast repository where Ryback vents about all the people and institutions that have done him wrong over the years, Ryback talked about Cena having been a “piece of sh*t” to him “since day one,” and taking it upon himself to elaborate on that blowup between Cena and Alex Riley that Riley himself is not yet ready to discuss.

“John [Cena is] blocked on my Twitter. I blocked him, he’s legit [blocked], I blocked him a long time [ago]. He [has] been a piece of sh*t to me since Day One. And people, the guy, I was nothing but nice and respectful to him and I know Alex Riley just came out and [admitted he had issues with Cena] and when people hear what really happened with that, they’re going to lose their sh*t. Like, and I know, I have a pretty good idea of what happened with that and the guys in WWE. And, one, it’s f*cking hilarious. And, two, it’s hilarious what people will find out about John. So he used to sh*t-talk me when I was in the ring. I remember I was in there against Mark Henry. You’ve got to remember, I came up with all these guys in developmental and I know everyone who’s sitting backstage. No, John [used to talk trash], I used to be back there for John when Riley was in the ring, when the company was f*cking with him because John was hot at him because of what happened and all this.

“But John would sit back there and bury Riley in front of everybody for no reason, and Alex Riley is f*cking money and he was money from Day One. Busted his ass, had awesome theme music, worked his ass off, went out there and got a reaction from the people, but because of John Cena and I swear to God, I swear to f*cking God, because of John Cena, his career is over in the WWE for no f*cking reason outside of John and his personal issues. Unbelievable.”

Ryback also believes that Cena is “poison” to the wrestling business, and further postulates that Triple H started NXT specifically to circumvent the “Cena problem” in WWE, which … well, uh, that’s quite the conspiracy theory.

“John comes from that [mentality of], ‘well, we’re going to push one guy down your f*cking throats.’ No, you push who the crowd is behind. He has been poison to the [professional] wrestling industry. I told [podcast co-host Pat Buck] this before. We talked about this before. And again, this is my opinion, but I think I’m pretty accurate on this is I think he [has] done so much harm for so long to new talent to getting [over], breaking out, over there.

“I had my experiences, and other talents up there have their experiences, that I think Hunter finally had to say, ‘what the f*ck do I need to do?’ And I think he started with the NXT thing and bring up all these NXT guys and protecting the f*ck out of them. There [are] so many guys now that John just can’t f*cking pick his battle with one guy because there are nine other guys that are hot on his [heels]. Do you know what I mean? And he [has] been surpassed now and so Hunter’s brilliant if that’s what he did to get rid of the f*cking Cena problem.”

Yeah, okay, Ryback, but what are your thoughts on John Cena?

There you have it, folks. Cena is history’s greatest monster. We now know it for a fact, because it comes straight from the mouth of the most reliable narrator we know: The Ryback.
(h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription)

Ryback On John Cena Being 'Poison' To Wrestling, Cena Treating Him Badly, Cena - Alex Riley Incident - WrestlingInc.com