So Christianity has African Origins


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Dip said:
Those 300 slave rebellions are irrelevant if those involved weren't African born. And i know for a fact that most of the african born skaves in your haitian example were not christians

So what? That makes no difference seeing that slaves didn't accept Christianity wholesale until AFTER they were free.​

Dip said:
5% is a miniscule amount amd in the case of the Kongo people, very few of them were taken to the united states so what you said has nothing to do with what he said

5% of 11 million is just over half a million. By the time the Emancipation Proclamation was enacted, there were approximately 4 million 'Black'/African slaves and freedmen in North America according to the 1860 Census.

The Kongo people weren't the only Christians since they traded heavily with neighboring kingdoms and territories. These people also were quite aware of Christianity if they didn't practice it themselves.

Your criticism is invalid.​


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
MaLi said:
Dude didnt say we never practiced Christianity or had no knowledge of it, he said the version we were taught wasnt what we originally believed while in Africa. Christianity from EuroAmericans was intended to be used as a weapon, and it did work on a lot of our ancestors as far as making us worship white Jesus, and accepting our status as slaves/cursed.

What I'm saying is that entire story is false. They didn't 'teach' the slaves Christianity and the vast majority of them didn't accept it anyway. As far as how well it worked on our ancestors, less than 1% of slaves in America were Christian. 'Black' people didn't accept Christianity until after they were emancipated thanks to Richard Allen and Absalom Jones......two free 'Black' ministers who established 'Black' churches due to racism.
MaLi said:
Not to downplay the positive aspects you mentioned, but we werent taught "true" Christianity during slavery. Our former slave masters were trying to have physical, mental, and spiritual slaves, so mixing lies and truth with our belief system only makes sense from their perspective

What I'm saying is that it didn't work. That seems to be getting lost in this discussion.​


Dec 5, 2012
So what? That makes no difference seeing that slaves didn't accept Christianity wholesale until AFTER they were free.​

5% of 11 million is just over half a million. By the time the Emancipation Proclamation was enacted, there were approximately 4 million 'Black'/African slaves and freedmen in North America according to the 1860 Census.

The Kongo people weren't the only Christians since they traded heavily with neighboring kingdoms and territories. These people also were quite aware of Christianity if they didn't practice it themselves.

Your criticism is invalid.​
you're using the haitian revolution and the kongo elites converting to christianity as proof that African Americans were Christians or exposed to Christianity before slavery? You gey what im saying? Its more likely that African Americans had muslim roots considering the areas many of them came from


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
NeilCartwright said:
I guess what im saying is if this is true then it pretty much challenges a lot of what people have been taught..The Judeo-Christian teachings have Jesus/God/Holy spirit. The African "trinity" is Isis/Osiris/Horus.

No where in the African teachings does it mention Jesus. It doesn't mention, a hell, and instead emphasizes living justly on Earth.

There was no 'African Trinity'. You're focusing more on Jesus than on the 'deity' he supposedly was. That was what Africans were worshipping and what 'Black' Christians worship now.



Jul 19, 2013
What I'm saying is that entire story is false. They didn't 'teach' the slaves Christianity and the vast majority of them didn't accept it anyway. As far as how well it worked on our ancestors, less than 1% of slaves in America were Christian. 'Black' people didn't accept Christianity until after they were emancipated thanks to Richard Allen and Absalom Jones......two free 'Black' ministers who established 'Black' churches due to racism.

What I'm saying is that it didn't work. That seems to be getting lost in this discussion.​

How about EuroAmericans used their version of Christianity to "justify" slavery and colonialism of Black Americans, and Africans (who were also christians, muslims, hebrews, pagans etc themselves)?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Dip said:
you're using the haitian revolution and the kongo elites converting to christianity as proof that African Americans were Christians or exposed to Christianity before slavery?

No, I'm using them because they are easiest to show evidence on this board. Western African nations were exposed to Christianity prior to the slave trade because they were trading with Europeans a couple hundred years before America was even established.​


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
MaLi said:
How about EuroAmericans used their version of Christianity to "justify" slavery and colonialism of Black Americans, and Africans (who were also christians, muslims, hebrews, pagans etc themselves)?

It didn't work and wasn't tried until the 19th Century. The slave trade started in the 17th. Europeans had been trading with Western African nations/Kingdoms since the 15th Century.​
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Jul 19, 2013
It didn't work and wasn't tried until the 19th Century. The slave trade started in the 17th. Europeans had been trading with Western African nations since the 15th Century.​


I gotta look deeper into this.
Do you have any Black/African references or scholars that cover this topic I can check out?


Dec 5, 2012
No, I'm using them because they are easiest to show evidence on this board. Western African nations were exposed to Christianity prior to the slave trade because they were trading with Europeans a couple hundred years before America was even established.​
the atlantic slave trade started as soon as europeans came to africa in the 14th/15th centurym the majority of West Africans did not live on the coasts where the Europeans were


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
MaLi said:

I gotta look deeper into this.
Do you have any Black/African references or scholars that cover this topic I can check out?

Read slave narratives such as Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet A. Jacobs, and The Narrative of the Life of Henry Box Brown.

You don't have to rely on scholars. The slaves themselves tell you all about it.
Dip said:
the atlantic slave trade started as soon as europeans came to africa in the 14th/15th centurym the majority of West Africans did not live on the coasts where the Europeans were

We're specifically talking about North America and that didn't start until 1619. North American slavery was wholly different than ANY other slavery in the New World or Europe or Asia.​
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Marl0 Stanfield

Yeshua Ben YHWH
Feb 14, 2015
The tribes were practing ancient Hebrew rituals and other b*stardized f0rms thereof that reflect dates their exile from Israel originally. Why do you think it's burned into your brain that Africans are a bunch of animal sacrificers? Cacz painted themselves into a corner if you're smart enough to see the correllations.

As for the Isis Osiris Horus bullshyt, that's just a fukking example of the fukkshyt Semiramis started pushing after Nimr0d got chopped and scattered. It's the basis of the entire Mystery Sch00l beliefs, most recently and ridiculously used to exalt DeMolay and turn confused blacks against their own religion. They should've been mad at Catholicism's b*stardization of Christianity but they were already benefiting from the Vatican's tyranny trying to establish the third temple of Jerusalem, where they had begun their fukkboy CAC versions of the mysteries, even more fukkboy CAC than the R0mans and teh Greeks before them.

That's why nikkas who ascend above teh 3rd degree are such fagg0t c00ns. They're trading their spiritual and literal birthright to propagate a French CAC's gay version of the mysteries (DeMolay = Hiram Abiff, the gay murdered version). These nikkas are openly rebelling against the greatest most benevolent religion, that pretty much renders its strictest adherents defenseless impoverished sheep, hence teh sheepskin apr0n, that was created by them and for them and then God was merciful enough to let everyone else be invited to the wedding feast too...

At the higher lvls these nikkas start messing with Molech, hence the skin bleaching and c00ning and pawgin and basically actively working against the interests of AA's. God has cut them off from their own people and the only way their able to mix back in is through Christ and/or the presence of Christ, whether they know it or not.

Arbor Mist Chardonnay Fun Fact: The reason you see the importance of serpents and Suns in the mysteries is because Jesus is the prophesied allegorical serpent that'll be risen up again to heal the sins of Israel. He's also the brightest morning star who's light chases away the darkness. King David and Solomon were Egyptian pharoahs as well as Hebrew kings. The two concurrent dynasties that seem so similar are actually one and the same. The true Hebrew calendar is a solar calendar, which was a mystery that was obviously known to certain wise men who could combine qabbalistic astr0logical knowledge with the Torah to know the Son of God was being born. If the Egyptians could use qabbalistic astr0logical mysteries to know that Moses was gon give em that work, what makes you think they didn't also know about the 1st and the second coming of the Son of God (changed into the literal Sun when fools started using qabbalistic luciferian channelling to know more detailed knowledge about this Sun. God confused them on purpose for straying from the Torah AND Gentiles couldn't understand the lvls in symbolism in qabbalistic Hebrew mysteries involving prophecy. It's the same way poor, pitiful atheists attack Revelation because a third of the stars can't fall from the sky, not understanding Jewish thinking and scripture and realizing the stars are the fallen angels that kick it with Satan while he accuses us day and night.)?

The group I referenced earlier were the CAC Knights Templar, who birthed speculative mas0nry, better known as freemasonry. It's also why you guys wanted to be pirates so bad during the aughts. The New 0rder for the ages was being ushered in, and teh Pirates (aka Knights Templar) were closer than ever to reclaiming Jerusalem abd completing the Great Work. That's why we have a Jesuit p0pe about to canonize a "dead :mjpls:" heretical antipope chiefly responsible for the most apostate groundwork in restructuring an already heretical and apostate doctrine. The 'hidden hand' is just one nickname they have for themselves. You can see a pic of Bergogli0 with his hand in his jacket over his heart, which symbolizes he's one in a long line of famous satanic men whose hearts God has put an unquenchable desire to do his will. The ones just below the highest most enlightened lvl think this God is Satan. The actual beasts and kings know it's the true God of the North, who creates both light through his Son, and darkness through his agent Satan, who is the accuser of the world.

All religions both exoteric and esoteric that lack the Son aka the Sun lack true light and eventually fall into darkness, hence fake ass Jews following the moon and Muslims worshiping teh moon god allah, an entity that creates no light of its own and obscures literally sun, which leads to its adherents obscuring the Sun of Man, leading its followers into dark crusades and jihads and quests for things of this world like Holy Land, treasure, and resources. The true Christian Church has none of these things. In fact, one way you know certain Christians are apostate and antichrist is if they support the construction of a third temple, because it would basically not only lead to the Rodeo, but it would technically be blasphemous against Christ (and blasphemy is what seals the deal in a Hebrew contract with Satan, not a blood sacrifice or the giving of the shoe. That's why you saw Ro$$ in the pic holding the gun to his head and a shoe in the other, do or die time, and why you saw Kanye do his little thing with the shoe in his one videos. lmao@nikkas lacking talent and only getting 10, 5, and 1 year contracts like Nelly).

Jesus is descended on Joseph's side from Solomon (my nikka :myman:) and on Mary's side through Nathan, both sons of David, ALL nikkaS. African customs invoking Hebrew traditions are a result of the dispersion of black Jews throughout history. Dumb nikkas still haven't figured out why Israelites are the only group that refers to itself as tribes that the CAC not only deeply respect, but imitate :ld:. True initiates of the ancient black Egyptian mystery schools dispersed as well which is why the Kongolese found Christianity simpatico with their beliefs. As I've told my d0peboy homies and I've tried to tell y'all, Christ the Son aka Sun of God is Salvation, the only Salvation of God the creator of the light the most benevolent strictest Christian walks in and the darkness the most disrespectful intolerant arrogant atheist walks in. You cannot escape the African Mountain God of Sinai. Anyone telling you you'll be okay without Christ is fukking lying to you, unbeknownst to them themselves. That's why I started p0sting instead of lurking because my spidey sense started going off and I knew that after confused ass nikkas started talkin bout Egypt and Kemet for a couple years, the dumb fukking Farrakonvicts, undercover initiates frontin like Adepts, and doctrinally confused Christians would start trying to fuse the exoteric with the esoteric, and then worse still, supplant it all together. It would be like using the Godfather trilogy to supplant Christianity AFTER Revelation has been fulfilled. fukking retarded, basically. When you hear a nikka start talking sum Christ is a rip-off of Horus, know in your heart you just met a dumb nikka. The Holy Bible is an exact prophecy of events, the key to unlocking its exoteric wisdom is knowing the cast of characters and settings. New blacks hate on the God of Abraham, but every belief system that was supplanted by the Word was a vastly inferior and morally abysmal system requiring straight demonic evil lvls of barbarism (Khazars tying legs and arms of men to bent trees and letting them go to snap in separate directions being just one example of just the Homeboys from Outer Space before they started acting like wiggers over there in Tel Aviv and AENO it.)

Atheists are mad at the gay system of Roman Catholicism, which stifled not only scientific development, but true Christianity itself, which is really just truly technical Judaism. The mercy required by Christianity for the formation of a "secular" society paradoxically could only be supplied by Christianity, seeing as how blasphemy is a capital offense in the other two Abrahamic religions and the other wacko perversions of the mysteries lack a strong enough moral c0de to deter nihilism and intolerance of scientific achievement due to the hubris and unpredictable mood of a physically superior adversary. Basically Sharif can't teach Cain group economics if a morally unrestrained O-Dog keeps beating the shyt out of him so he can enjoy his robbery tape in peace. And if them 3 nikkas follow Allah or Isis or Horus or fukking L. Ron all them nikkas gon get blasted in the end.

Marl0 Stanfield

Yeshua Ben YHWH
Feb 14, 2015
Chrisitanity originated from white folks, not Africans.
I just fukking explai-- :what::why::snoop::childplease::dahell::scusthov::aicmon::wtf::mindblown::rudy::shaq2::noah::pacspit::snoop::stopitslime::upsetfavre::beli::leostare::snoop:

Kill yourself. Seriously, I can literally feel my cellular walls collapsing upon themselves from the pressure of the basic social injustice of you stealing my fukking oxygen everyday. Drink bleach and slit your wrists with a spork as you leap from a 1000 story building into 3 foot deep pool of "fukk OUTTA HERE" with a goddamned cinderblock tied to your ankle.