Carolina Slim

May 1, 2012
Raleigh by way of Crooklyn
I've seen some funny stories about scraps at work, but I've never been involved.... The closest I came to really wanting to harm someone at my job was the first job I had after I had moved to NC. I used to manage the records for a law firm in their Raleigh office. My boss was in our Atlanta headquarters, and I expected to get my marching orders from her. Now the funny thing is, the day I started, one of the practice groups had left, and the office manager who had hired me, she was leaving with them to join another firm. So in the meantime, there's no real structure or direction. I didn't care because my boss was in another office. I had ideas on how things should be run, cause these attorneys would be losing files left and right. So part of my solution was that I would come in early, like 7:00, and do an inventory of where the files were, who had what and where. The trade off would be that I would leave at 3:00-3:30. I told my manager in Atlanta and she was on board with it. It was a success; no more wild goose chases looking for "lost" files, and everyone was happy.

One day, I come in, and I see the managing partner had requested a file the day before, after I had left. So I get it, bring it to his office. No biggie. In the interim, the "head of secretarial support" is walking around like she's a big shot. She basically oversaw two temporary secretaries, and was trying to justify being kept on by making herself seem more invaluable than what she really was. So this broad comes by my room and is asking me in a rush, "Did you get that request Murray sent yesterday?" I'm like "I gave it to him this morning" "Oh, OK, good, good" Now I walk over to Murray's office and ask his secretary, "Did Murray need that file urgently yesterday?" She's like "No, he knows that you leave at 3:00, so he figured you'd get it to him once you saw it" So now I'm looking at this other broad with the side eye, wondering why she's all in my business, and she ain't even my manager.

Fast forward a few weeks later, and after about a year, they finally hired an office manager. So she's meeting with different groups to get an idea of what it is that we do. She comes to sit with me and see how I operate, and Nancy (head of secretarial support) comes to sit in also. I'm looking at her like :dwillhuh: but I roll with it. I only address the office mgr, and when Nancy asks a question I make short replies. The office mgr gets the vibe, cause I always mention "my manager Marty in Atlanta". So she's satisfied with what she sees. A little while later she conducts midyear reviews, basically talking with people I work directly with. She calls me in, and I kinda walk in like :smugbiden: cause I know that everything been running smooth. Everyone (attorneys, secretaries) got love for ya man and the way he moves. So I get down to the part on the report where Nancy has decided to make remarks, talking about how I was absent when files were needed, I always seemed to be gone in the afternoon. Now, remember, I don't have any work with this chick. So I look up, and the office mgr says "yeah, I thought you'd want to address that. Would you like me to call her in to discuss this?" "Yes, absolutely" When she comes in and sits down next to me, she won't even look at me. I wind up shooting down everything she says, with the help of the office mgr, who says, "do you know that he's gone in the afternoon because he comes in at 7?" :ohhh: "no I was not aware of that" "You don't need to be, my manager already knows" So later on that day, after she got put in her place, I'm in the hallway with some coworkers laughing about something, and she comes up and tries to join in on some "Oh Vic you're funny" I go from :russ: to :stopitslime: right away and tell her "I am not joking with you. We are not like that. We are not friends. You could be on fire and I wouldn't even bother to urinate on you" and walked off. I was so hot that she thought that she could come up and act like everything was sweet. Where I came from, everybody knew what the get down was. If you came at someone, you knew yall now had beef. I was shocked at how desirous I was of doing physical harm to this broad.

Sorry for the essay, brehs, I saw this and had to vent. :lolbron:


May 1, 2012
Anybody ever fight someone at work or after work before:jbhmm:What was the situation and consequences?

Once it was understood I know brazillian jiujitsu all conflicts are settled with conversations, as they should be but sometimes I wanna cry because there's been people I wanted to hurt so bad but was shackled by responsibility to earn a living
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All Star
May 31, 2012
Houston Tx
I had to be like 21 or so, I got a job at a call center one summer as a side gig as I was tryna stack some bread to make a move in a few months. Call centers are like the end all, be all of fukkery I swear it's something new every day anyway, my altercation happened during the two week training class.

Basically the whole training class was black and the instructor was a middle aged white lady (she was cool though). We used to clown all the time, the majority of the class ended up getting real cool and we used to even all hook up after work and go out clubbing and what not and hook up on off days it was real cool. There was this one chick with huge titties that sat towards the back corner of the class I forget her name but she was the reason shyt went down. This chick Karenda whom I'd been kicking it with warned us about her she said do not trust that chick she is messy and loves to talk about people behind their backs, she overheard her talking shyt bout half the class to someone at the facility one day during a break.

One day we were all coming back from lunch I remember me, Karenda, this chick Erica, and my potna Shawn, had all went to lunch together so as we're coming back to class I notice the big titty messy chick staring at us talking to the chick who was sitting next to us but I just brushed it off and went back to my desk. As everyone is getting settled in this dude ( I forget his name) just starts talking loud talm bout "if a nikka got something to say about me say it to me not none of these hoes" the whole class immediately looks at him like :dahell: and he continues " I aint no ho ass nikka all that bumping tryna look fly for these hoes gone get you fukked up" now at this point he's looking our direction so I ask buddy who is he talking to and at that point he says "you nikka". I immediately stood up and walked to where buddy was sitting and said "wtf is you talm bout" now at this point I don't think I've said 2 words to dude the whole time we been in the class now all of a sudden he plexed up about some shyt I said?

Anyways, dude stood up and proceeds to get loud and gets in my face, the second this dude forehead touched mine I hit him and jumped on top of him as he fell back. Folk in the class immediately break us up. The instructor takes us out in the hall and I knew it wasn't over, he stepped around her and charges me now mind you dude is bigger than me but we lock up and this time some big white dude comes out the blue along with some of our classmates and separates us for good.

The big white dude who separated us this time was a branch manager from another department, he takes us into an empty room and sits between us and starts talking/mediating with us to get to the bottom of the situation and come to find out the big titty messy chick told dude I was basically talking bad about him saying he seem like a weak nikka and all kind of shyt which I NEVER said, anybody that know me know that I don't get down like that at all, I had never said 2 words to dude to even get a vibe from him much less a weak ass nikka vibe and I'm sholll not gone pillow talk with a broad about another dude hell nawl! After putting pressure on the big chick she confesses that I never said those things about him and I swear I saw the devil in this dudes face as he just started cussing her out calling her all kinds of bad build bytches etc.

Since it was a night class hardly anyone was there when me and buddy had our altercation and our instructor was so cool she actually let us make it and we kept our jobs :whew:. Me and dude ended up squashing our issue a couple days later but was never homies or anything like that but he said he respected my G cus I got out there on the spot so we was straight. I remember coming back to class the next night and everyone was on some:ooh: about the situation. The messy chick wound up quitting after getting put on blast.


May 23, 2012
Frankincense and Myrrh
Did you ever square up tho:ohhh:

These stories :blessed:yall some villains:demonic:

Nah I tried to goad him into a fight but he didn't bite lol. I didn't want to look like the aggressor so I waited till he made a lighhearted joke to confront him like ''What did you say? :birdman:'' taking it out of context and shyt.

He backed down quick as fukk on some '':merchant: No I was just asking if. . . ''

After he left my friend looks at me like: :what:

He walked on eggshells for the remainder of my employment there so I had no more reason to smack him. He would literally avoid me. Face down when we meet the hallways and all that. Perhaps I should've anyway for past transgressions.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Nah I tried to goad him into a fight but he didn't bite lol. I didn't want to look like the aggressor so I waited till he made a lighhearted joke to confront him like ''What did you say? :birdman:'' taking it out of context and shyt.

He backed down quick as fukk on some '':merchant: No I was just asking if. . . ''

After he left my friend looks at me like: :what:

He walked on eggshells for the remainder of my employment there so I had no more reason to smack him. He would literally avoid me. Face down when we meet the hallways and all that. Perhaps I should've anyway for past transgressions.
Got you hyped and then backed down like a troll. Sounds like you wanted to get em even after he turned coward


Dec 16, 2015
Nah, but I should have. I was like 18-19 when I was working at Bottom Dollar and used to get tried by some tall, stank, ugly dark skinned nikka.

One day after work, we were all standing in front of the store chatting. It's me, some bytches, security guard and this nikka. So I'm talking to these hoes, all of a sudden I feel a burning sensation on my neck. I fukking yelled and I see that it's this nikka putting a cig to my neck. I felt like such a weak bytch that I didn't even fight dude. I straight walked home out of intimidation and ignored that nikka everytime I saw him. I was in denial that dude was really bullying me but :snoop:

I kept telling myself that it was not worth losing my job and fighting this nikka but I regret that shyt every day. The security guard told me it wasn't worth fighting over because the nikka is clearly a loser but this nikka really burnt me with a fukking cig. Feel free to laugh at my pain.

You should've clapped him