Spike Lee gives Bernie Sanders yet another endorsement from the Black community

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Ad can be heard here.

"This is your dude, Spike Lee. And you know that I know that you know that the system is rigged! For too long we've given our votes to corporate puppets. Sold the okie doke. Ninety-nine percent of Americans were hurt by the Great Recession of 2008, and many are still recovering. That's why I am officially endorsing my brother, Bernie Sanders.

Bernie takes no money from corporations. Nada. Which means he's not on the tape, and when Bernie get's into the White House, he will do the right thing.

Enough talk. Time for action."


Running list of figures in the Black community who have endorsed Bernie for president.

Lil' B!!!

Wait, do I really need to list any after that....okay:

Cornell West
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Michelle Alexander
Keith Ellison
Benjamin Jealous
Erica Garner (Eric Garner's daughter)
Shawn King
Saul Williams
Killer Mike
Big Boi
Tyler the Creator
Bun B
Styles P ("shyt you ask me Bernie Sanders is blacker than Ben Carson.")
Fat Tony
David Banner
Charlamagne Tha God
Meshell Ndegeocello
Reggie Watts
Danny Glover
Zoe Kravitz
Malcolm D. Lee
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Michael Bennett
Wade Davis
Chad Johnson
Justin T. Bamberg (South Carolina State Rep. and lawyer for Walter Scott family)
Cezar McKnight (South Carolina State Rep.)
Joseph Neal (South Carolina State Rep.)
Wendell Gillard (South Carolina State Rep.)
Terry Alexander (South Carolina State Rep.)
Robert Williams (South Carolina State Rep.)
Gloria Tinubu (South Carolina State Rep.)
Bill Perkins (New York State Rep.)
James Sanders (New York State Rep.)
Vincent Ford (Georgia State Rep.)
LaDawn Jones (Georgia State Rep.)
Nina Turner (Ohio State Rep.)
Keelan Sanders (director of Mississippi Democratic Party)

I know there's more I missed - hit me up with their names


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
Bernie has most intelligent black folks support. Its the corrupt politicians and the sheep that are supporting Hillary.

Unfortunately most of our people are sheep.

Moms of Travon Martin, Eric Garner, and Sandra Bland are all out campaigning for Hillary. I surely hope you are not calling these women unintelligent and sheep right? :dahell:

Sorry Ass Bernie supporters :smh:
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Bernie has most intelligent black folks support. Its the corrupt politicians and the sheep that are supporting Hillary.

Unfortunately most of our people are sheep.

There are people with legit reasons to support Clinton.

However, what you say about politicians is true. The entire Democratic power establishment is behind her, and with all the favors she's traded in in the past and the favors she's promising with her expected win, she's got them all at her feet.

When someone like Keith Ellison supports Bernie, you know it's legit, because Bernie's never been in a position to give him anything and he hasn't been expected to have a chance to win until recently, so the promised positions that Hillary's giving out wouldn't move anyone towards him.


Nov 25, 2014
whispers- These nikkas will fall for anything



Jun 8, 2012
Moms of Travon Martin, Eric Garner, and Sandra Bland are all out campaigning for Hillary. I surely hope you are calling these women unintelligent and sheep right? :dahell:

Sorry Ass Bernie supporters :smh:
and lets say these people never were killed by the cops. guess who their parents would've been going for anyway? Hillary. And guess what we would've called them?SHEEP. so sorry. just because we are down for you in your lose and at the end of the day they are still my people. they are still SHEEPLE. i aint holding my tongue. i said it.

OH AND BY THE WAY, their is a such thing as Highly intelligent SHEEP too.
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Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
and lets say these people never were killed by the cops. guess who their parents would've been going for anyway? Hillary. And guess what we would've called them?SHEEP. so sorry. just because we are down for you in your lose and at the end of the day they are still my people. they are still SHEEPLE. i aint holding my tongue. i said it.

OH AND BY THE WAY, their is a such thing as Highly intelligent SHEEP too.
You call them sheep because they aren't supporting your favorite candidate. They can jus as easily call you Bernie stans sheep as well. Cut it down with the lowkey insults and let people vote who the fukk they want to vote for.


Jun 8, 2012
You call them sheep because they aren't supporting your favorite candidate.....
STOP IT. i'm calling them sheep anytime any of them follow after hillary. Do you understand why that is? If bernie wasnt there. i would still call any black person RUNNING behind hillary a sheep.

You think its a beef or battle between stans. maybe with white people. But not with me(i'm black). I will never forget what hill and bill said/did during that 2008 run vs obama. If you're not black you could care less.

We have already seen things hill has championed that her husband has passed did middle america, middle class to broke class americans NO good.

and last but not least, we know politics is a wrap all due to what? way to much money running all up and thru DC. lobby lobby, lobby so that the rich can get even more rich while the rest of us work for less and less as the cost of living goes up and up, or they just trade our jobs in for abusing some other humans overseas.

Then to know hill and bill have made not a few grand, not a 100 or so grand. not 400k. but MILLIONS in speeches to The baller sector. That tells me all i need to know. At what point do you get off the Hillary boat if you're black and not Ultra Rich where you want to keep being ultra rich while others starve?

So all jokes aside, at what point do you get off the Hill /Clinton Bandwagon? See i aint mad at wall street for riding with the clintons. i didnt elect them, and most of them are not black, and most of them are who we need to be targeting. My issues is with regular people that are hurting, why the hell are you riding with anything called clinton at this point? if this were years and years ago before we saw the negative impact of their policies and if we didnt see her and her husbands chumming it up with wall street/bankers, etc that would be a completely different story. But since that is the case, there's no way in hell a regular joe should be riding for hillary like a lot of you are. it makes NO sense. Especially seeing that you have an alternative candidate.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Bernie has most intelligent black folks support. Its the corrupt politicians and the sheep that are supporting Hillary.

Unfortunately most of our people are sheep.
Or some of us think Hillary would be a better POTUS.

Bernie would get destroyed in a general election. Your naivety is polluting your judgment


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
STOP IT. i'm calling them sheep anytime any of them follow after hillary. Do you understand why that is? If bernie wasnt there. i would still call any black person RUNNING behind hillary a sheep.

You think its a beef or battle between stans. maybe with white people. But not with me(i'm black). I will never forget what hill and bill said/did during that 2008 run vs obama. If you're not black you could care less.

We have already seen things hill has championed that her husband has passed did middle america, middle class to broke class americans NO good.

and last but not least, we know politics is a wrap all due to what? way to much money running all up and thru DC. lobby lobby, lobby so that the rich can get even more rich while the rest of us work for less and less as the cost of living goes up and up, or they just trade our jobs in for abusing some other humans overseas.

Then to know hill and bill have made not a few grand, not a 100 or so grand. not 400k. but MILLIONS in speeches to The baller sector. That tells me all i need to know. At what point do you get off the Hillary boat if you're black and not Ultra Rich where you want to keep being ultra rich while others starve?

So all jokes aside, at what point do you get off the Hill /Clinton Bandwagon? See i aint mad at wall street for riding with the clintons. i didnt elect them, and most of them are not black, and most of them are who we need to be targeting. My issues is with regular people that are hurting, why the hell are you riding with anything called clinton at this point? if this were years and years ago before we saw the negative impact of their policies and if we didnt see her and her husbands chumming it up with wall street/bankers, etc that would be a completely different story. But since that is the case, there's no way in hell a regular joe should be riding for hillary like a lot of you are. it makes NO sense. Especially seeing that you have an alternative candidate.
you stay on this wall street bullshyt...you really don't understand that companies like Ford, IBM or even Google are more responsible for your misfortune than UBS or Citibank

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
Moms of Travon Martin, Eric Garner, and Sandra Bland are all out campaigning for Hillary. I surely hope you are not calling these women unintelligent and sheep right? :dahell:

Sorry Ass Bernie supporters :smh:
If they had any intelligence they wouldn't be campaigning for a woman deeply imbedded in the pockets of special interest groups that have wreaked havoc on the black community...


Jun 8, 2012
you stay on this wall street bullshyt...you really don't understand that companies like Ford, IBM or even Google are more responsible for your misfortune than UBS or Citibank
who said i didnt mention them? i think you need to read my post more clearly. did i not mention the companies that are running around not paying their fair share of taxes? Bernie is going after them TOO. read around this form. i posted it yesterday.

I can't trust someone thats in bed with the people who are a part of the issue. ok fine for arguments sake, lets say wall street/bankers, etc are not the MAIN problem(i never said they were). i said LOBBYING/Big money in politics is the problem. We end up in the same place with Hillary and the Clintons. they have been paid ridiculous amts of doe to just run their mouths. WHY? you know why.

Let me explain something to you. lets say, i..me rapbeats was given millions of dollars to speak in front of wall street and bankers. lets just assume that was the case. even me being down for the people and not budging on the bull...

The moment something comes up where i have to make a tight decision on doing the bankers/ wallstreet dirty with a policy change. I will hesitate to help the people. you know why? because in my understand of fairness, wallstreet gave me millions for little speeches. I some how some way feel like i owe them a little something somethin. even if it aint that much, i feel like i owe them something. and thats coming from Joe honest aka rapbeats. now we know thei clintons/hill are not Joe honest. lets keep it 1000. They will lie to do what they have to do as well. So, i know hill will do favors for those who paid her crazy money. its a fact of life.

When i vote for you. I"M YOUR CONSTITUENT ..>EFF ANYONE ELSE. i need you to do whats right BY Me for ME. Now there are times its in the best interest of even myself for you to help out the business sector, banks, etc. but the manner in which the money has been flowing for the past 20 years or so hasnt been a fair process. not even close. So WE THE PEOPLE cant keep running up behind the usual suspects expecting any change. and if we assume no change will occur regardless. we might as well not even discuss it and dont show up to the voting booth. thats also an option.