Star Wars Episode VII spoiler discussion thread (enter at your own discretion)


May 12, 2012
Luke Skywalker is kind of a fakkit, lets be real. im all for him being evil


Jul 6, 2014
Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Putting on the brakes and consoling a pirate!
Spoilers: Don’t discuss these openly on Twitter or in public forums. Protect your friends’ right to not know a thing until the film is released.

This story is meant for people who have read past spoilers. If you haven’t read them all, more or less, this piece may confuse you (more than usual).

Today we have a big moment in Star Wars: The Force Awakens to discuss. The Falcon makes a crazy stop that causes the ship to crash onto the snow planet. There are lots of details here that give us insight into the context for many things in the film. I hope you find this sequence as interesting as I do.

EXTERIOR DAY RESISTANCE BASE BAY (MILLENNIUM FALCON) Leia gives Finn the lightsaber. Han promises to hurry back to Leia.

EXTERIOR DAY RESISTANCE BASE BAY (MILLENNIUM FALCON) wide shot as Millennium Falcon takes off on the mission.

INTERIOR DAY FIRST ORDER CASTLE – DUNGEON Rey uses some “special skills” to convince Stormtroopers to leave their post.

CG EXTERIOR NIGHT OUTSIDE / MILLENNIUM FALCON Millennium Falcon races fast towards its target.

PLATE EXTERIOR DAY RESISTANCE BASE Plate shots/landscapes as required for Millennium Falcon departure.

INTERIOR NIGHT MILLENNIUM FALCON – FALCON COCKPIT (GIMBAL) About to arrive, Han reveals his crazy plan to stop.

PLATE EXTERIOR DAY EVIL CASTLE / MILLENNIUM FALCON Plates required for Millennium Falcon’s emergency stop.

INTERIOR DAY MILLENNIUM FALCON – FALCON COCKPIT (GIMBAL) Han, Chewie, Finn screaming at sudden arrival.

PLATE EXTERIOR DAY FIRST ORDER CASTLE / MILLENNIUM FALCON Plates required for Millennium Falcon crashing through trees.

INTERIOR DAY MILLENNIUM FALCON – FALCON COCKPIT (GIMBAL) Han reacts to Millennium Falcon slamming through trees.

PLATE EXTERIOR DAY FIRST ORDER CASTLE / MILLENNIUM FALCON Plates required for Millennium Falcon coming to a standstill.

INTERIOR DAY MILLENNIUM FALCON – FALCON COCKPIT (GIMBAL) Standstill. Han shook up. Finn consoles him regarding Kylo Ren.

The action essentially ramps up once Rose tells Leia that she believes Finn should have the sword (because Rey doesn’t take the sword, I speculate Rose knows it will end up in Rey’s hands if Finn has it and that’s why she makes that request). I also speculate that Han and Leia have a “moment” with the “I’ll hurry back” stuff. This scene is significant for a lot of reasons, mainly that it is their final “goodbye” moment.

It appears that Rey uses the Jedi Mind Trick to convince her captors to abandon their post, allowing her to begin her escape from The First Order’s captivity. This is one of the first moments in the film where we see that she probably has supernatural “Jedi” powers. Later in the film, she is touched when Finn and the gang came back for her as they cross paths.

Han Solo’s crazy plan to stop the Falcon sounds like he’s stopping the ship as it moves really fast to sneak through the snow planet’s defenses or else why do it? It makes me think of Star Wars Rebels using the Phantom to drop out of Hyperspace, which uses a crazy sort of Doctor Who-like visual, which has made me wonder if it stems from this sequence. Either way, the Falcon makes a crazy stop that puts it into some serious danger and it crashes through a lot of trees. It could be visually stunning and a nice way to see Han say goodbye to the Falcon.

I am of the opinion that Finn consoling Han Solo about Kylo Ren at that moment is really important to us. First, it probably means that Kylo’s parentage is discussed with Rose during the flashback as Finn now has reason to console Han Solo. A short time later, Kylo will board the vessel after they’ve gone. Kylo sitting in this seat is important. Moments later, after Han Solo carries out his mission, he will meet Kylo Ren on screen to devastating consequences.

I really love the relationships in this movie and what it appears they will mean. Finn consoling Han about his son and then Han teaching Finn to “man up” during the shield destruction of the First Order Castle makes for an interesting relationship between the men. In the old EU, Han Solo was essentially a Stormtrooper that defected to save the Wookiees. The idea that Han has a soft spot for this kid and they have this friendship is really nice in the context that Han Solo’s son is likely the biggest “b*stard” in the galaxy.

The wait for this film is painful. I want to see these sequences executed right now. I have a fever–Star Wars fever!


Jul 6, 2014

SPOILERS! Please don’t reveal this information to anyone not looking for it! That means watch what you say as to not accidentally spoil someone that doesn’t want to be spoiled!

Happy May the 4th, scoundrels! (Okay, this was going to go out tomorrow, but let’s get it out today because it is May the 4th eve and you should get to open one present on May the 4th eve.)

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens things really move. Once the movie gets going it doesn’t slow down. It makes it easy to focus on the constant action occurring in the film. In the shuffle of talking about various components of this film, some important but minor character-building moments get forgotten about. This one is one I have wanted to come back to for a long time.

Rey ends up being captured and interrogated by Kylo Ren. I’m going to set this up as well as I can as to not confuse anyone about where this takes place.

If you recall, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Rey, Finn, and BB-8 head for the green planet (that everyone that sees it thinks is Yavin IV). Rey is overcome by the beauty of this green world after having resided on the desolate Jakku for a very long time. Rey does not have a beautiful time on the green world though.

After they meet “Rose” in a pub, they head to the underground of the pub. I believe Korr Sella, an emissary for Leia, is also at the pub to speak to “Rose,” probably about what Poe Dameron encountered on Jakku. However, “Rose” is already in the catacombs below the pub inducing a vision of the past for the band of heroes. “Rose” believes she knows why the lightsaber everyone is after came to Rey but Rey doesn’t want it and she runs from the pub.

Above the green planet, “Uber” is in communication with Kylo Ren and the “The General.” “Uber” orders “The Catapult” weapon to be used against Han Solo, Rose, and the rest of the heroes. Kylo is apprehensive and “Uber” orders him not to “be so sentimental.” Down on the surface, Rey looks back to see a scene of destruction unfold before her. The weapon is fired, killing Kor Sella, taking out a “castle,” “the tunnel of love,” and the pub.

The Resistance witnesses Kor Sella’s death and springs into action. This is where we believe we will see Admiral Ackbar, very old, in a new, slightly green outfit. He is part of Leia’s “staff.” Note: Tim Roose canceled convention appearances around this time which may mean he’s back on Ackbar puppetry.

INTERIOR DAY RESISTANCE BASE – MAP ROOM Leia and staff react to Tunnel of Love unhappy ending

Thankfully the heroes are in the catacombs below the pub and survive the assault after suffering through some shaking and rumbling. They head through tunnels where they meet some Stormtrooper resistance and “Rose” uses her “special powers” to dispatch them. I assume this means she uses the Force to slam them against a wall or something unless she Jedi Mind Tricks them.

When the heroes get outside of the tunnels, things looks really dire for them. But a “black tie makes all the difference.” We believe this is when Poe Dameron returns, either with a fixed TIE he crashed back on Jakku or in the black X-wing without an explanation as far as we know. The point is, it seems Poe returns to save the day using his piloting skills.

Rey saw the First Order invade the green planet and also witnessed the destruction of the buildings by the super weapon. She’s spotted by First Order forces very quickly. Kylo Ren and his troops (who are on their way to survey the damage from the weapon) pursue Rey and capture her. Finn witnesses the capture from afar but can’t save her. BB-8 hides and evades capture too and the heroes meet up with Leia, the droids, and head for the Resistance base without Rey. (So if you’re wondering, Rey doesn’t meet Leia at this point in the film.)

Rey is then taken to the First Order Castle on the snow planet and imprisoned. Rey is escorted to her interrogation by Captain Phasma. We have reason to believe Kylo might not be in his armor for this sequence. (For some scenes, Kylo doesn’t wear his armor but instead wears the same black uniform “The General” wears with his hair slicked back, a little long, just above the shoulders).

Kylo uses his “powers” during his interrogation of Rey. Rey reverses this “probe” from Kylo as she’s mentally stronger than him or just more powerful in the Force. She then tells him:

“You’ll never be as powerful as Darth Vader.” :gladbron::gladbron::gladbron::blessed:

She apparently has learned something about Kylo instead of Kylo learning something about her during this metaphysical connection they have formed. But it isn’t a total win for Rey as Kylo does figure out he doesn’t need the lightsaber to carry out his goals and there is another way. (Note: the season premiere of Star Wars Rebels has a sequence that I believe is reminiscent of this between Ahsoka and Darth Vader.) Kylo then leaves to report to “Uber” about Rey and BB-8.

INTERIOR DAY FIRST ORDER CASTLE – DUNGEON Kylo Ren Tries to learn all he can from Kira. She turns the tables.

INTERIOR DAY FIRST ORDER CASTLE – CORRIDOR #1 Kylo Ren pauses outside the dungeon, flustered.

Shortly after this, Rey uses her “powers” to trick her Stormtrooper guards into leaving her unattended. We then see Rey escape via the ventilation system of the First Order Castle. She meets up with Finn, Han, and Chewbacca after they crash in the woods. She is touched the crew came back for her. I’m not sure if this is a comedic coincidence and Finn accepts credit for going back for her when it was just a coincidence or if she was part of the plan for Han Solo the whole time.

As the assault on the castle moves forward we are treated to a space and atmospheric battle that ends up relying on some good old fashioned explosives by Han and Chewbacca.

So that’s the long story about the short story regarding the time Rey was imprisoned by the First Order on the snow planet. I do wonder if the connection between Rey and Ren might have more consequences as the films move forward. Sources that have seen Ren without his mask on say he looks very upset. I wonder if he learns something about their past from her that won’t be touched in this film but addressed later? Then again, the interrogation might not be that important. We already know Kylo is enamored with Darth Vader and very early on we see the melted helmet in his “Padded Room.” So what is learned? She knows his secret. He learns he doesn’t need the saber, and that there is another way. I can’t wait to see this sequence (and all the ones before and after it, of course).


Jul 6, 2014
I'll spoiler tag this because it's just speculation based on the spoilers, but it is interesting and very plausible, especially Finn's background

So here's my theory (by which I mean idle speculation) about the events leading up to Episode VII. Most of this is conjecture.

After Battle Of Endor: News of the Emperor's death spreads across the galaxy. That his heir and top military commanders have also been killed is cause for celebration. With his death, the Emperor's plans unravel and completely backfire. Stretching the fleet thin across the galaxy to fool the rebels has meant that the regional governors have nobody to call to quell the uprisings. The obliteration of the command structure means that ship captains have nobody to give them orders. The Imperial military is in chaos with no leadership. The dismantling of the Galactic Senate means that the regional governors are now completely on their own with whatever troops and vehicles they have in their garrisons.

The Emperor relied on fear to maintain control. The Death Star was supposed to be the ultimate symbol of fear, meant to quash any notions the populace might have about siding with the Rebellion. With 2 Death Stars destroys and with them, the leadership, the people start to rise up. Even Coruscant, the most well-protected and supposedly loyal planet in the galaxy, sees millions, perhaps billions on the streets. Local garrisons across the galaxy are completely overwhelmed and the regional governors are left powerless. The power is returning to the people. The Empire is collapsing.

Seizing the opportunity, the Rebel Alliance makes a declaration, calling for the return of democracy and for the Imperial military to stand down. There is much debate in garrisons and on ships across the galaxy. Faced with not just a small band of rebels but an entire galaxy full of people demanding change, most Imperials, with nobody else to give them orders, agree to the call to stand down. Some don't and vow to fight on. The Alliance assumes temporary control of the Empire. It's first order of business is to begin negotiations for a permanent ceasefire with the Imperials and then to restore and recall the Galactic Senate. A new constitution is voted on and the Galactic Empire is transformed into the New Galactic Republic. Dismantling of the Imperial fleet begins. Han and Leia probably get married.

One Year After Endor: The New Republic military, made up of some Imperial but mostly Alliance ships and soldiers, sets about defeating the last Imperial hold outs. The Imperials have their final glorious battle over the Outer Rim world of Jakku. A truce is called and a peace treaty is signed, allowing these Imperials to leave the New Republic.

One To Fifteen Years After Endor: It's an era of peace. The Republic is rebuilding, it's democracy at it's purest since the first Republic was founded. Luke Skywalker probably visits the Jedi Temple, but after discovering that Palpatine had corrupted it and used it as his own Imperial Palace, Luke decides to set up his own Jedi Academy elsewhere. Luke begins to train Leia in the ways of the Force but something has come up. Leia is pregnant. Han and Leia have a son. They name him Kylo Ren Solo. He is strong in the Force. Han and Leia agree to let Luke train Kylo as a Jedi. Han and Leia have another child. Kira Rey Solo. She too is allowed to train as a Jedi but unlike the Jedi of the old Republic, these children will not be permanently separated from their families.

Over time, Luke's academy begins to grow. Then, out of nowhere, the Imperials attack the Jedi Academy, led by a powerful Force user (Uber). Calling themselves The First Order, they sweep through the academy, killing but also kidnapping. Kylo Ren is one of those kidnapped. Fearing for their daughter's safety, Han and Leia agree to hide Kira Rey. She is sent to Jakku for what is supposed to be weeks, maybe months but ends up being years. Leia demands that the New Republic retaliate against the First Order for breaking the treaty. The Senate refuses, fearing another war. As quickly as they appeared, the First Order disappears.

Fifteen To Thirty Years After Endor: Han and Luke search far and wide for Kylo but there's no sign of him. Kylo is raised by Uber and trained in the ways of the Dark Side, possibly with other kids kidnapped from the academy. Kira Rey grows up with only the vaguest of memories of her parents, whereas Kylo does remember. He also remembers that he is a Skywalker and a direct descendent of Darth Vader. Kylo becomes obsessed with his grandfather and begins hunting down relics left behind by the Sith Lord. Under the leadership of Uber, the First Order begins to grow in strength, readying itself to face the New Republic once again.

Meanwhile Leia, angered at the loss of her children and the Republic's refusal to act, breaks away from the Republic with loyal supporters. Expecting the First Order to return, she begins building an army of her own, dubbed the Resistance. The loss of their children and Leia's relentless pursuit of the First Order drives Han and Leia apart. Luke, having failed to find Kylo, starts to realise that in time, the lost children will come to him. It's the will of the Force. He hides away, awaiting their return.

One Year To Just Before The Force Awakens: Kylo Ren has grown strong and Uber has decided it is time for his apprentice to lead the First Order against the scourge of the New Republic. Finn, a stormtrooper raised by and indoctrinated into the First Order, rises through the ranks to become a member of Kylo's elite squad. What Finn doesn't know is that like Kylo, he too was taken from the Jedi Academy (while it's all wild speculation, this part in particular is really wild speculation. If Finn is strong in the Force and has some kind of connection to the lightsaber, what if he too was at the Jedi Academy? What if he was kidnapped by the First Order along with Kylo Ren? Just a thought). On Jakku, Kira Rey, unaware of her heritage, leads the life of a scavenger. Following new sightings of the First Order in the Outer Rim, Leia orders the creation of a new weapon to combat enemy Star Destroyers and other such ships. Poe Dameron, a hot shot pilot and one of Leia's most trusted agents, is given a secret mission to fly to Jakku to retrieve an object of great interest. Kylo Ren is also on his way to Jakku with his elite Stormtroopers, including Finn.

The Force Awakens...

That's my suggested timeline for the events leading up to Episode VII. A few things of note. I've separated the New Republic from the Resistance. The Republic exists but doesn't want another war and thus refuses to strike against the First Order. Leia, having lost Kylo, creates the Resistance to fight the First Order, effectively becoming an enemy of the Republic in doing so.

We know of an attack on Luke's Jedi Academy and it may be reasonable to assume that if Kylo is a Solo/Organa/Skywalker, that he may have been kidnapped by Uber during the attack. But why would the First Order even risk attacking Luke Skywalker in the first place? Because Luke has something they want - Force sensitive children. What if the attack on the academy was actually a raid? Could Finn have also been a child at the academy? Could he have been taken too? After all, up until the First Order, as far as we know, Luke is the only one who might even be looking for potential Force users. Why bother searching the galaxy when the First Order can just raid the academy and take their pick? Especially when there's the opportunity to find one, maybe even two young descendants of the Skywalker bloodline.


Jul 6, 2014

submitted 7 hours ago by TeddyBdaGOAT

Like many of you I scoffed at this notion but am amazed how fast this is gaining traction all over, so I decided to compile the evidence.

  1. There has been a HUGE emphasis on eyes and sight in promotional dialogue and character posters.

  2. Kylo Ren is shown in the trailers with his back to the camera or turning around suddenly A LOT. Even the very first look we got of him in the teaser suggested he was reacting to something behind him. The next look we got he's turning suddenly and extending his hand at something behind him. Finally, in the international trailer, he again turns around and places his blade at Rey's throat. Why is he turning around so much?

  3. If Ren were blind, many of his lines take on different meanings:
"I will show them the darkness."

"I'm immune to the light"

Making Ren blind would be a great thematic twist and give him a unique property as a Star Wars villain.

What do you think?
Discussion of an alleged spoiler: is Kylo Ren blind? • /r/StarWarsLeaks



All Star
Jun 7, 2012
Probably the biggest spoilers yet, from the soundtrack. So don't read if you don't want to know something more final than the MSW leaks. Looks like the MSW stuff is somewhat accurate, but not totally. This was briefly up on Amazon in a couple of countries and taken down immediately

  1. Main Title and the Attack on the Jakku Village
    • The title crawl covers a bulk of the exposition. Poe meets Tekka on Jakku, who reveals that he has purchased the Millennium Falcon for the purposes of finding its old pilot. Tekka gives him the lightsaber, and BB-8 takes the lightsaber and scurries off. The village is destroyed by Phasma and Kylo, Poe is apprehended for questioning, and Finn starts questioning the First Order himself.
  2. The Scavenger
    • The story cuts to Rey's scavenging exploits on the following day. We basically see how lonely her life is and so on. There's probably a little action scene here where we find out that Rey is a girl after she's been covered up in desert wear.
  3. I Can Fly Anything
    • Kylo's shuttle reaches the Star Destroyer, where he interrogates Poe, and later communes with Snoke (along with possibly Hux and Captain Phasma). Finn witnesses this and defects, staging a breakout with Poe using a special TIE fighter to save the both of them. Hux orders the Star Destroyer to fire upon the TIE, causing it to crash-land. Poe and Finn are separated as the latter ditches his Stormtrooper armor.
  4. Rey Meets BB-8
    • BB-8 meets Rey, and they go on to a marketplace to meet Unkar Plutt. She witnesses a ship leaving the planet at this point.
  5. Follow Me
    • Finn meets Rey and BB-8, and for whatever reason they all team up. Phasma orders the TIE squadron to apprehend or kill the deserter, leading to an assault on the marketplace.
  6. Rey’s Theme
    • Rey takes control of the Millennium Falcon - originally intended for Poe to pilot - while Finn activates the guns of the ship. They fly through the ship graveyard to evade the TIEs and hit lightspeed. Afterward, Rey and Finn properly introduce themselves to one another.
  7. The Falcon
    • The crew find the Millennium Falcon set on autopilot to specific co-ordinates installed by Tekka, leading to a freighter. Han and Chewie are glad to be reunited with their ship, but they are not so happy to find Poe and Rey. BB-8 transmits data to Poe and the Resistance.
  8. That Girl with the Staff
    • The story cuts between the Resistance and the First Order. Poe somehow leaves Jakku and contacts Leia (who is on Hosnian Prime) about the people who ended up taking BB-8 and sets co-ordinates to find them. Phasma learns of Rey's presence and calls upon a spy network to deal with her. Kylo discusses pressing matters with Snoke.
  9. The Rathtars
    • The shenanigans on the freighter occur. Chewie is slightly wounded on his arm, but he manages to blow something up long enough to cover their escape. Han, Chewie, Finn, Rey, and BB-8 bond over the experience. The title refers to the alien cargo that Han and Chewie were shipping.
  10. Finn’s Confession
    • Finn reveals his checkered past. When Rey asks Han about the past, he reveals that he's had his own demons to contend with. BB-8 reveals that he has the lightsaber to Han, and he helps Finn and Rey learn about the Force. They then set coordinates to Takodana so Han can reunite with Maz, who knows more about the object.
  11. Maz’s Counsel
    • Han gives Rey a blaster as the team goes to Maz's castle. When Rey gets bullied by a local alien, Chewie pulls his arm out of his socket. Having attracted enough attention to themselves, Maz calls Han by name and they discuss pressing matters. The flashback ensues when Maz utilizes psychometry on the lightsaber. Rey learns that she is Force-sensitive, and while Maz tries to convince Rey to learn the ways of the Jedi, she is distraught, so she leaves the castle to get some fresh air and reflect. BB-8 keeps an eye on her, though Finn keeps the lightsaber.
  12. The Starkiller
    • Things cut back to the First Order. Hux tests Starkiller Base's weapon successfully on an unpopulated area to avoid drawing the attention of the New Republic or the Resistance. Kylo observes the weapons test from his Star Destroyer declares that he will resolve some unfinished business. A First Order spy in Maz's place has sold her out and the First Order is at their doorstep.
  13. Kylo Ren Arrives at the Battle
    • Rey discovers, to her horror, that the First Order has arrived, and the assault on the castle begins. Finn finds that using a lightsaber is second nature to him as he makes good use of Anakin's old weapon, and Han, Chewie, and Maz (along with others) do their best to repel the First Order. However, they are overwhelmed when Phasma and Kylo approach and make short work of their enemies. Phasma's forces surround the survivors and they are rounded up to be arrested.
  14. The Abduction
    • Rey fights off a few Stormtroopers on her own, but she finds herself unable to do anything against Kylo. Kylo kidnaps her once she is at his mercy, and takes her aboard his shuttle along with BB-8. Luckily for Han, Chewie, Finn, and Maz, the cavalry arrives when Poe and a squad of X-wings demolish the First Order forces on Takodana, though Phasma and Kylo escape.
  15. Han and Leia
    • The Resistance leads the stragglers back to a hidden base on D'Qar, although this also alerts the First Order to their presence. Upon landing, Han and Leia embrace and Finn is bewildered to learn of Poe's survival. Maz hands Leia the lightsaber and gives her an update on the current situation. C-3PO is also present. Leia uses the lightsaber to contact Luke by means of her own Force abilities, and she tells him to contact Rey.
  16. March of the Resistance
    • The Resistance forces begin to plan and mobilize for battle as plans are laid out for the beginning of a new war. Finn, Han, and Chewie are given a short amount of time to enact a rescue mission to save Rey before the assault begins. Han and Leia have a meaningful discussion before the mission is enacted.
  17. Snoke
    • The Supreme Leader of the First Order addresses his army stationed on Starkiller Base, which is fired once again. Kylo Ren tries to tempt Rey with the Dark Side, but he fails. Luke uses telepathy to speak with Rey while she is confinement, leading her to reach out with the Force and begin her escape.
  18. On the Inside
    • The Millennium Falcon crash-lands on Starkiller Base. Finn, Han, and Chewie have about half a day to rescue Rey. While they carry out the rescue operation, Rey organizes her own escape and reclaims BB-8. Unbeknownst to them all, Kylo knows about the Millennium Falcon's landing and he visits its interior personally, taking his mask off.
  19. Torn Apart
    • Everyone is reunited, but they all run into Kylo, who blocks their escape. Han confronts Kylo about what happened between his son, Leia, and Snoke, and while Kylo expresses some regret, he attacks Han in a fit of rage. Han manages to hold off Kylo long enough for the others to escape to the Millennium Falcon. The others prepare the ship, but they aren't able to get it ready in time for Kylo to arrive.
  20. The Ways of the Force
    • Kylo, full of anger, attacks. Finn takes up the lightsaber and attempts to hold him off, but he is wounded in the battle. Rey then takes up his weapon and fights Kylo, but she is similarly defeated by him. Kylo approaches them both as she tries to keep Finn safe, but Luke, enraged at what Kylo has done to Han, unleashes the Force upon him from a faraway planet, repelling him from the battlefield. The Millennium Falcon makes its escape and reunites with the Resistance shortly before the assault begins.
  21. Scherzo for X-Wings
    • The Battle Of Starkiller Base. Much of the Resistance forces are defeated in the battle, but Starkiller Base is obliterated and the New Republic is made aware of its presence, meaning that the government will no longer be able to stand idly by as the First Order continues its assault. While the Resistance is in tatters, the survivors will soon be supported by the New Republic's forces, which will lead the battle against the First Order.
  22. Farewell and the Trip
    • The Resistance makes plans to abandon the base on D'Qar. Luke has sent R2-D2 to the base in order to reveal his presence on Devaron, but he requests that Rey travels there in order to keep the attention of the First Order away. Maz agrees to train Finn in order to rebuild the Jedi Order in earnest. Chewie and R2-D2 accompany Rey to Devaron, but not before giving a fond farewell to Rey's newfound allies.
  23. The Jedi Steps and Finale
    • Rey lands on Devaron, meeting with Luke Skywalker in person as they begin her Jedi training in earnest. Credits roll.

- So Rey doesn't save Finn, Luke saves them all
- Luke talking to Rey like Obi Wan to Luke.
- Leia using the force
- Finn gonna be a Jedi