Stephen A Smith brought up "Black on Black crime" while speaking on Mike Brown on First Take

LV Koopa

Jester from Hell
Nov 18, 2014
the problem with this "black on black crime" argument is that it's not valid here in the Mike Brown/Wilson situation.

There's a time & place for everything, and the problem w/ SAS is he made a perfectly good statement......then felt the need to blame black on black crime at the end.

It's just not the time & place for that b/c it has nothing to do w/ the situation.

Not only was it inappropriate timing but "black on black crime" is a misleading term. It's that kind of thinking that tricks people into believing that there is a criminal element within black people. There is no talk of white on white crime or asian on asian crime yet they all "exist". Intraracial violence is well over 80% for all because people that live in the same communities and look like each other - well duh. If they want to commit crimes potential victims are right there.

That is why some of us get upset about it. You don't want to solve "black on black crime", you want to address the causes for all crime. Poverty/class and social upbringing are the big factors here.

Also, when yall run around repeating that buzz phrase - this is why non blacks in areas without us get used to the idea of black criminals. Seems absurdly stupid to us, but they really can imagine a world where black people deserve to be shot because we're supposed to be predisposed to crime. So keep running that narrative and falling for the trap, then complain about why they don't "get it".
May 8, 2012
The Ghetto of Oz
secondly, murders in our community, is always met with outrage, but, if a suspect is known, he is pursued, caught and tried by the law. a black man that kills another black man, is not covered and protected by a police force, supported by thousands of people around the country who pays for his defense team, protected by local media who will withhold information to protect him, then ultimately protected by state and federal legislation and national media who will do they spin jobs to make it about everything else except for the actual murder that took place. a black on black crime does not get granted that privilege.

people are outraged that a man literally just got away with murder. right out in the open, not a unsolved murder, but right before our eyes, there is a huge difference and its disingenuous and flat out cowardly to make any comparison

Came in here to post this specifically



May 1, 2012
Cac00ns never cease to amaze me. Whenever a Pig slaughters a Black person for no reason,

and it becomes a headline story, and the media shine their spotlight on it, here the maggots

come bursting thru their New Black Happy Bubble. As if the community don't discuss the

destruction of Black-On-Black crime, on a daily basis. But, these Cac00ns ONLY comes out to deflect the scrutiny of Racist Pig Killers, to show who side they're on:mjpls::scust::pacspit:
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In Beats We Trust
Jul 12, 2013
Religion is dumb b
They won't even label it as a "white on white" situation. They'll label it a "societal" situation to include everyone. But really, how many non-white people are shooting up schools and movie theaters with no purpose, rioting at pumpkin festivals, having increasing suicide rates, or using meth in heavy amounts? :mjpls:

But it isn't a "white on white" situation...

For it to be that the white boys who got picked on in school would have to cancel out every race in their school and only shoot at white people. Which a crazy person ain't gonna do. But in that regard it I wouldn't even call it a white people thing, it's a sheltered thing. When you are sheltered your whole life and THEN become bullied at school you have no idea how to handle it as opposed to a person who grows up in an "un-sheltered" environment to begin with (i.e. poverty/low to middle class life)

But as far as the whole black on black crime comment by SAS:
1) Regardless of whether or not he felt that was the correct thing to bring up or not, you can't really go all pro black on a televised show like that anyhow, that would shut that down so that might be a reason he said that.

2) The black on black crime comment is true in some sense. Black on black crime it does indeed get justice, but should it be stopped at justice? No it should be "satisfied" at prevention. With cop killings of black people, that shyt just immediately jumps to justice and prevention. You ain't never gonna see no people burning cars and shyt for some black on black crime. Justice ain't enough either.

Not that people care about Mike Brown either they just wanted a reason to steal that LED TV they wanted for Christmas :mjlol:


May 23, 2012
But I'm talking about scenarios where the police know who the killer is and they still get off.... Black men don't get to go free through the justice system when they murder another black man. It just don't happen

The protest was against the way the Ferguson police handled the whole situation from the jump. And once again if a black man killed another black man, He wouldn't be found not guilty, he would be in jail and justice would be served. What is there to protest against?

The black on black crime thing is just deflecting... Yes, the black community has issues that need to be addressed. But that has nothing to do with this Mike Brown issue.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't be mad at situations like Mike Brown. It should be just like it is. But there is more anger as soon as its realized the shooter is white and the victim is black. The passion and effort to change is just not the same when its black on black. You know there could be protests like this when its black on black right? The availability of illegal guns and the poor school systems to name a couple things that could be the focus. And understand, a lot of the anger would have to be directed at our very own community.

And lets make moves that are actually going to result in some change. What are we looking for by marching in the streets? What we need is marches on the lawmakers. Two major changes need to be made in regards to the police in our country:
1. All police must wear cameras on their uniforms.
2. Anytime there is an officer involved shooting, an outside agency needs to investigate and prosecute if necessary. Police are a family and asking family members to investigate each other is a joke. And then the local prosecutors and the police are a team. They look out for each other, as we have seen with this Ferguson DA who basically acted as Wilson's defense attorney.

This worked when a white guy was murdered by a cop. Now the cop is still a cop, but the guys father was successful in pushing for a change in Wisconsin law where now an outside agency must investigate police shootings.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Stephen A smith needs to use his own energy and platform to bring people to the forefront that are actually doing things to quell the black on black crime he's so concerned about. He's complaining his way to dollars because white folks love hearing a black man talk down to other blacks in their same small minded simpleton manner.