Supreme Court Rejected To Take Up Cases Seeking To Curb "Qualified Immunity" Defense For Cops

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Supreme Court Rejected To Take Up Cases Seeking To Curb Qualified Immunity Defense For Cops. A Legal Doctrine That Shields Police And Other government Officials From Lawsuits For Violating Civil Rights

Supreme Court Will Not Reexamine Doctrine That Shields Police In Misconduct Suits

June 15, 2020

Amid the tumult over police brutality allegations across the country, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to reexamine the much-criticized, modern-day legal doctrine created by judges that has shielded police and other government officials from lawsuits over their conduct.

In an unsigned order, the court declined to hear cases seeking reexamination of the doctrine of "qualified immunity." Justice Clarence Thomas dissented, saying the "qualified immunity doctrine appears to stray from the statutory text."

It takes the votes of four justices to grant review of a case.

Link :NPR Choice page

Rhanda Dormeus sharing the pain of not being seen as she tells how a judge overturned the jury’s verdict in the civil trial of officer who killed her daughter Korryn Gaines citing qualified immunity & telling the jury they got it wrong. Reform is needed #SayHerName @AAPolicyForum

I'm still cross-checking the petitions with SCOTUSblog, but it looks the court turned away all of its pending petitions on qualified immunity. A striking move while the doctrine is under more criticism than ever before.

Also notable: Sonia Sotomayor, a past critic of the court's approach to QI, didn't join Thomas's dissent or write her own.

I don’t see how any politician can say (with a straight face) that they support QUALIFIED IMMUNITY. Why should taxes payers pay for a lawsuit against a cop COVICTED of a crime against the citizens?

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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Supreme Court turns down cases on 'qualified immunity' for police

The legal doctrine immunizing many law enforcement excesses from suits is facing fresh criticism amid anti-racism protests.


Police officers push back on people gathered outside the White House to protest George Floyd's death in May. | M. Scott Mahaskey/POLITICO


The Supreme Court passed up at least seven cases Monday that would have allowed it to reconsider aspects of a legal doctrine that torpedoes many lawsuits in which citizens allege abuse by the police.

The theory of "qualified immunity" has come under increasing criticism by voices on the left and the right in recent months, but those calls proved insufficient to interest the justices in any of the cases turned down Monday.

wrote as he dissented from the court's refusal to hear Baxter's case.

Some liberals have also been sharply critical of the doctrine, including Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who skewered it in a 2015 opinion.

However, the court seems to have had trouble finding the appropriate vehicle to address the issue. At least three qualified immunity cases were also turned down by the justices last month. It takes four justices to grant review in a case.

The doctrine not only benefits police but other government employees, like hospital workers, firefighters and paramedics. It has no direct application to criminal prosecutions for police misconduct such as unjustified shootings, which tend to be even harder to win than civil suits.

The American Civil Liberties Union, which represented Baxter at the Supreme Court, expressed regret that the justices declined to take the case.

"“The Supreme Court’s deeply disappointing decision today to punt on the critical issue of official immunity, in this time of national reckoning over police violence, places the ball squarely in Congress’s court," ACLU legal director David Cole said in a statement.

"We have seen the deadly consequences play out on the streets, and Black Americans have largely paid the price. Recent events demonstrate the urgent need for Congress to stand up for the rule of law and abolish qualified immunity — for anyone acting under color of law — to close the loophole allowing government officials to escape accountability for violating constitutional rights," he added.

Link:Supreme Court turns down cases on 'qualified immunity' for police
Oct 22, 2017

So, reading this news and seeing this image, I'm left questioning why people seek justice from the avenues of injustice through which our people remain oppressed. Look at that picture, at the unrestrained hate these "public servants" are filled with as they "police" protests to hold them accountable to the people they swore an oath to protect. I'm not surprised by this news, anything less than their refusal to over "qualified immunity" being more of a shock. Look at that picture and tell me what you see. The enemy. Stop pleading for mercy from an institution that clearly exists to ignore your pleas. If an officer beats you in a protest, strike him back. If you have a gun, shoot to kill. It is that simple. You are engaged in a war with an enemy empowered by institutions whose sole purpose is to ensure they can oppress you. Fight back. Otherwise, you're a coward and don't want actual change.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
So to recap, the Supreme Court has ruled you CANNOT go after gays and illegals.

But the SAME Supreme Court has said police STILL have "qualified immunity" which is the RIGHT to ASSAULT Black people (no, I am NOT kidding).

So their strategy is totally out in the open

I bring up the 4th circuit appeals decision because yesterday the Supreme Court REFUSED to hear any of the cases regarding qualified immunity.
But your white media didn't mention THAT. Too busy celebrating what amounts to another judicial victory lap for LGBTs and illegals.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
This should be stickied.
You would think with all the threads about protest against US sanctioned killings by the Police state ..."POLICY/legislations" would be the most important part of the conversation but i guess not

Seem to me most black people on coli care about Big Corporation BLM ads look like or what Karen said or what non-black person march in the BLM march... None of those nikkas care about tangibles