Tariq is Debating Jared Taylor Live


Apr 15, 2015
Just because white supremacy doesn't exists doesn't mean black people can't find ways to prosper.

Everyone seems to be dealing with absolutes.

There is no white privilege and black people are making excuses


white supremacy exists and black people are helpless.

The reality is that white supremacy does exist in the fact that it gives white people certain privileges in muliple facets of life. There is so much history involving the US government screwing over black communities. At the same time, that doesn't mean that black people can't still make it in this country. If white supremacy is a man made system, then it can't be a perfect system. You can still make it as a black man, you just typically have to work from a starting point with less advantages and work harder.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
My nikka you’re basing white peoples power on “Luck” :laff:
You clearly do not study history or how the Europeans were getting bytched by everyone in the old world(including Africans) until they discovered the Americas. The discovery of the Americas was their saving grace. They could ignore the Ottoman, Arab and Asian dominance and also found an alternative region for gold, silver and other resources. ESPECIALLY GOLD which was controlled 2/3s by AFRICANS.

"Mali was the source of almost half the Old World's gold exported from mines in Bambuk, Boure and Galam."
(--Stride, G.T & C. Ifeka. Peoples and Empires ofWest Africa: West Africa in History 1000-1800". Nelson, 1971)

"The rising European demand for gold, added to the perennial market in the Islamic states, stimulated more gold production in the Sudan, to the enormous fiscal advantage of Mali. In the latest medieval period overall, West Africa may have been producing almost two-thirds of the world's gold supply."
-- Ross E. Dunn. 1987. The adventures of Ibn Battuta, a Muslim traveler of the fourteenth century

Stick to Hip Hop discussion. You way over your head with this one little man. Like I said they LUCKED OUT.

Do you realize that it was fukking sugar in the new world that made Europe so damn rich!? The same new world sugar that financed their industrial revolution?

The trade in sugar was important to Britain’s development as a trading nation and as an empire. Throughout the eighteenth century, sugar from the colonies was England’s most important import. It was the driving force in a network of trade that spanned the Atlantic, touching three continents. Historians debate whether and how much the capital accumulation made possible by the sugar industry was instrumental in financing the industrial revolution. However, expanded networks of trade, such as those in which sugar was a force, certainly played a role in stimulating industrialization.
Sugar in the Atlantic World | Introduction

Sorry if I am not going along with your dumbass logic of white supremacy being some all powerful all knowing entity. YES, they got lucky. Along with dumbass West African leaders selling their OWN people(human capital) for shyt like alcohol and muskets and because of that the West had FREE repeat FREE fukkING LABOR to develop their countries on a large scale.

But the American financial and shipping industries were also dependent on slave-produced cotton. So was the British textile industry. Cotton was not shipped directly to Europe from the South. Rather, it was shipped to New York and then transshipped to England and other centers of cotton manufacturing in the United States and Europe.

As the cotton plantation economy expanded throughout the southern region, banks and financial houses in New York supplied the loan capital and/or investment capital to purchase land and slaves.

Recruited as an inexpensive source of labor, enslaved Africans in the United States also became important economic and political capital in the American political economy. Enslaved Africans were legally a form of property—a commodity. Individually and collectively, they were frequently used as collateral in all kinds of business transactions. They were also traded for other kinds of goods and services.
How Slavery Helped Build a World Economy

And I’m still waiting for you to point out when I’ve described white supremacy as cartoonish?
I already did. You and Tariq believe white supremacy is all knowing and all powerful. Basically omnipotent.

How come whites have been able to rule, mistreat us, enslave us, oppress us, force us into horrible living conditions, horrible education systems, Jim Crow, Black codes and can literally kill us on camera?

How about you read my damn posts. Or the very least read some books. If you read my damn posts I said many times that white supremacy is REAL but its more of an economic structure. How does this post even address what I've stated about the origins of white supremacy? No shyt... AAs are a disenfranchised group. I already mentioned this via white supremacy being a economic system. It HAS to have a permanent lower class.
May 26, 2012
What's wrong with this place? "My answer will determine..." Lawd ha mercy. Acting like god hath spoken..

IF they BECOME the world's no.1 superpower then WS will at that point no longer be 'all powerful'. So your statement lacks for something in terms of internal consistency.

CASE1: if they can become #1 then WS will not have prevented them.
CASE2: If they cannot become no.1 then crashing the economy will not change that.

(Perhaps you forgot to add a conditional :? 'Could' maybe...)

More generally..

It's the same with any 'nuclear' option (defn.). Both sides lose. America cannot go to war with China without crashing the world economy and its own even moreso. America cannot nuke China without MAD (Mutual assured destruction - Wikipedia). etc. That is what happens when two near equals square up, both lose something. America needs a healthy Chinese economy to avoid a terminal decline and economic depression. If America attacked China its reign as the dominant economy would end yet somehow you see this as domination by the USA but the reverse with China you interpret as the arbiter of being dominated.


I like the way you approach things. Here’s more hypothetical questions

If China (a damn near subsidized western exporter) is locked out of western and western dominated markets today, can they continue to become a superpower that rises and supplants the West?

If the West (a major import economy)no longer has access to cheap Chinese labor, can they continue to maintain their current world domination position?


Nov 12, 2014
Even if China does overthrow White Supremacy. They will just replace White people as being the dominant society. So instead we would have Asian supremacy or at least something similar to that

Possibly. The Chinese seem to have a better approach than them (at the moment). Probably because the Chinese need Africa and state co-operation is the best way forward for now. On an inter-personal level they are both as bad as each other.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
I’m not following the logic.

Are you saying that because the West hasn’t bombed North Korea, North Korea isn’t being dominated by the West?

Do you think China will go to war over the South China Sea?

If so

Do you think China is strong enough to survive without its western export economy?
My post is easy is easy to follow. North Korea has been building its nuclear program and can now confidently wipe the West Coast off the map. All those gay ass sanctions haven't stopped them and the USA is yet to invade them thanks to China. As for the bolded I can ask YOU why the USA hasn't booted them out of the South China Sea since everyone states the USA has the superior military. But yet China is adding more navel bases and more artificial islands in that territory. This is ALL DEFIANCE. I see no "dominating."

And I can also say the USA can barely survive without China's trade. Which is why they are getting all shook about China opening markets in Africa to flood their cheap goods besides the USA.


Richest shooter
Jun 2, 2013
That’s an easy yes


So if it was up to you today. You would lock all white supremacists up forever for the wrongfully mistreatment of black people. All white supremacists and anybody who benefitted from supremacy knowing that the system is injust.

And then you would make all black people wealthy, supreme, super smart, and have all the power for as many years as we have been wrongfully mistreated.

That's dope I rock with you then.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Why can’t black people be as lucky as them

They’ve been “lucky” for a few thousand years :francis:
Uh... Yea maybe because Black people did not have a head start in the discovery of the new world and developing their economies based on free labor thanks to the naiveness of early West African leaders? People of European descent only been building on that head start to make sure no one catches up especially Black people.

So once again they were LUCKY with the discovery of the Americas.

Shoog Shatmi

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Serious question.

What is the point of talking up "white supremacy"?

I mean, I get it, whites have a lot of power in this world. Shouldn't we be more interested in increasing our own power rather than festishizing another group's? What's the point? To ask them for mercy?

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
You clearly do not study history or how the Europeans were getting bytched by everyone in the old world(including Africans) until they discovered the Americas. The discovery of the Americas was their saving grace. They could ignore the Ottoman, Arab and Asian dominance and also found an alternative region for gold, silver and other resources. ESPECIALLY GOLD which was controlled 2/3s by AFRICANS.

(--Stride, G.T & C. Ifeka. Peoples and Empires ofWest Africa: West Africa in History 1000-1800". Nelson, 1971)

-- Ross E. Dunn. 1987. The adventures of Ibn Battuta, a Muslim traveler of the fourteenth century

Stick to Hip Hop discussion. You way over your head with this one little man. Like I said they LUCKED OUT.

Do you realize that it was fukking sugar in the new world that made Europe so damn rich!? The same new world sugar that financed their industrial revolution?

Sugar in the Atlantic World | Introduction

Sorry if I am not going along with your dumbass logic of white supremacy being some all powerful all knowing entity. YES, they got lucky. Along with dumbass West African leaders selling their OWN people(human capital) for shyt like alcohol and muskets and because of that the West had FREE repeat FREE fukkING LABOR to develop their countries on a large scale.

How Slavery Helped Build a World Economy

I already did. You and Tariq believe white supremacy is all knowing and all powerful. Basically omnipotent.

How about you read my damn posts. Or the very least read some books. If you read my damn posts I said many times that white supremacy is REAL but its more of an economic structure. How does this post even address what I've stated about the origins of white supremacy? No shyt... AAs are a disenfranchised group. I already mentioned this via white supremacy being a economic system. It HAS to have a permanent lower class.

You brought up some bullshyt about luck :dead:

I see that I’ve got you frustrated and angry at this point :heh: I have you takin in circles and you’re intellectually defeated at this point.


You brought up sugar, who picked the sugar for free? :heh:

Sugar, tobacco and cotton definitely made billions of dollars for whites and who picked it for free?

You don’t even realize how much you’re actually proving my point the more you post :dead:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Uh... Yea maybe because Black people did not have a head start in the discovery of the new world and developing their economies based on free labor thanks to the naiveness of early West African leaders? People of European descent only been building on that head start to make sure no one catches up especially Black people.

So once again they were LUCKY with the discover of the Americas.

Ok they were lucky. End of story

They made a half court shot blind folded and that explains it all :dead:

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
I forgot that you're a Cali poster and most of you guys are airheads.
You brought up some bullshyt about luck :dead:
I explained how they got lucky. All you are doing is cornball trolling. I told you that you're not built for this discussion. Next?

I see that I’ve got you frustrated and angry at this point :heh: I have you takin in circles and you’re intellectually defeated at this point.
Think trolling and posting smilies is winning arguments brehs while choosing or ignoring what someone says brehs.


You brought up sugar, who picked the sugar for free? :heh:

Sugar, tobacco and cotton definitely made billions of dollars for whites and who picked it for free?
SLAVES!????? :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

Sugar, tobacco and cotton making billions for Euros based on free labor was entirely my main point! I was trying to tell your slow self that Europeans got lucky based on that part. They lucky off the backs of free labor(African slaves) and the discovery of the new world along with the resources that came with it(sugar, tobacco, cotton, silver, etc). Do you have reading disabilities breh?

You don’t even realize how much you’re actually proving my point the more you post :dead:
You asked me how to explain how Europeans got lucky. I did and now you are saying "you're proving my point" without even elaborating. Always something someone says when they are losing the argument.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Ok they were lucky. End of story

They made a half court shot blind folded and that explains it all :dead:
Yea lets act like Christopher Columbus ALWAYS knew about the New World and the resources of it and did NOT ACCIDENTALLY stumble upon it. Go back to discussing Football and Hip Hop. You're better at that.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I forgot that you're a Cali poster and most of you guys are airheads.

I explained how they got lucky. All you are doing is cornball trolling. I told you that you're not built for this discussion. Next?

Think trolling and posting smilies is winning arguments brehs while choosing or ignoring what someone says brehs.


SLAVES!????? :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

Sugar, tobacco and cotton making billions for Euros based on free labor was entirely my main point! I was trying to tell your slow self that Europeans got lucky based on that part. They lucky off the backs of free labor(African slaves) and the discovery of the new world along with the resources that came with it(sugar, tobacco, cotton, silver, etc). Do you have reading disabilities breh?

You asked me how to explain how Europeans got lucky. I did and now you are saying "you're proving my point" without even elaborating. Always something someone says when they are losing the argument.


I get it now. They just got lucky



Nov 12, 2014
I like the way you approach things. Here’s more hypothetical questions

If China (a damn near subsidized western exporter) is locked out of western and western dominated markets today, can they continue to become a superpower that rises and supplants the West?

If the West (a major import economy)no longer has access to cheap Chinese labor, can they continue to maintain their current world domination position?

Q1. Their rate of growth would be slowed so probably not in our lifetimes. But eventually yes.
Q2. 'West' is a bit tougher. In general I would say yes for now. The USA could not which would eventually undermine the others.

In general the West could hobble Asia now at great cost to their own economies but the time for doing that is short.
China is building up its internal market. China is the biggest market for Phones, Cars etc manufactured in the west.
As the western markets are mature they are relying on newly wealthy Asia and soon to be richer Africa (they hope) for new markets.
China is also building up external markets in Africa which is the fastest growing region.

In summary:
Western general (not elite) hegemony is drawing to a close. You can feel and see it in your every day lives and in the moribund economic figures.
It's part of a structural decline.
China is already too big to fail.
