The Fake Jews are at it Again: Israel Orders (Real Israelis) All African Immigrants to Leave Now!


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
Israel orders African migrants to leave

Where the black israelites at:scust:

Image copyrightAFP
Image captionThe migrants claim they are seeking asylum from persecution, although Israel views them as economic migrants

The Israeli government has issued a notice for thousands of African migrants to leave the country or face imprisonment.

The migrants will be given up to $3,500 (£2,600) for leaving within the next 90 days.

They will be given the option of going to their home country or third countries.

If they do not leave, the Israeli authorities have threatened that they will start jailing them from April.

The UN refugee agency said the controversial plan violated international and Israeli laws.

The Israeli government says their return will be humane and "voluntary".

The order exempts children, elderly people, and victims of slavery and human trafficking.

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionPeople from Eritrea and Sudan make up a significant number of migrants in Israel
A spokesperson for Israel's Population and Immigration Authority told the BBC there were currently 38,000 "infiltrators" in Israel, of whom just 1,420 were being held in detention facilities.

Israel uses the term "infiltrators" to describe people who did not enter the country through an official border crossing.

Many of the migrants - who are mostly from Eritrea and Sudan - say they came to Israel to seek asylum after fleeing persecution and conflict, but the authorities regard them as economic migrants.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that an unchecked influx of African migrants could threaten Israel's Jewish character.

Three days after Israel's top court ruled that African asylum seekers can be deported to Rwanda and Uganda, but only can be held in detention for sixty days, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited south Tel Aviv neighborhoods and the area around the central bus station, where many asylum seekers live.

Police closed off streets in the area ahead of the visit – the first such tour by Netanyahu in years.

"We will return south Tel Aviv to the citizens of Israel, they are not refugees, but infiltrators looking for work," he said. He added: "If needed, we will legislate an amendment to the law or change the agreements with the African countries, or both."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visiting south Tel Aviv on August 31, 2017. Moti Milrod
On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled that that unlimited detention of asylum seekers may not be used in order to force deportation. An asylum seeker's consent to leave due to the fear of incarceration “is not true consent and therefore it cannot be used for deportation to a third country,” the ruling states. The court also ruled that a person who refuses to leave voluntarily for a third country can be held for two months at most.

Speaking with residents, the prime minister also promised that the government would step up enforcement against asylum seekers 'in the face of those who employ them, in the face of the lawless infiltrators."

According to data from the Interior Ministry's Population and Immigration Authority, there are about 38,000 African asylum seekers in Israel including about 27,500 from Eritrea, 7,900 from Sudan and 2,600 from other African countries.

The flow of African migrants into Israel has been halted entirely, with only one person getting caught attempting to cross the Israel-Egypt border. In addition, in the first six months of 2017, about 2,100 of the asylum seekers have left Israel.
read more: Netanyahu on African 'infiltrators': We will return south Tel Aviv to Israelis
read more: Netanyahu on African 'infiltrators': We will return south Tel Aviv to Israelis


Melanated God
May 1, 2012
as much as jews promote IR dating and all inclusivity to us, why dont they like it in their stolen homeland?

Joo’s control the media and promote all kinds of toxic shyt (homosexuality, IR, dating,etc) to everyone else but they don’t want that shyt for themselves.

When I use to bartend at a catering hall in my early 20’s we did a lot of orthodox weddings.

The son was clearly gay but he had to get married to have access to his trust fund.

His boyfriend was at the wedding and they were crying in the lobby afterwards.

His mother came down and went on a rant about how she told him she didn’t want any “fakkit madness” at the wedding.

They just as exclusionary as everyone else but they pretend they’re some extra liberal group of people :mjlol::camby:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Israel is the only Jewish nation-state, and ifthey want to keep it that way, then they can't afford to promote inclusivity.

First, what makes a Jew? International law does not give any right to a Jewish state either, especially one that came from annexing land from innocent people. Second, since Israel colonizes the region, what moral right do Israelis claim to deport Africans? No moral right. Israelis have become the Nazis they escaped from. Third, deporting asylum seekers because Israel wants to maintain a "Jewish country" is illegal by international law. Israel has already violated Israel law by sterilizing or attempting to sterilize Ethiopian women in Israel. Israel has turned into an oppressor of Brown and Black people everywhere. A place that goes forth with the inhumane policies that other terrible regimes have only dreamt of achieving. It was South Africa whom wanted to sterilize Africans before Israel did it. Indeed, Israeli politicians and militarymen worked with and armed the apartheid Nazi South African regime:

"Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi wrote in 1988 that the alliance between South Africa and Israel was one of the most underreported news stories of the past four decades and that Israel played a crucial role in the survival of the apartheid regime.[3]:"

"In 1987, Israel found itself the only developed nation in the world that still maintained strong, even strategic relations with South Africa, as the apartheid regime was entering its final throes."

"...several secret military treaties with South Africa remained in force, continuing joint research in missile development and nuclear technology"

Chris McGreal has written that "Israel provided expertise and technology that was central to South Africa's development of its nuclear bombs".[23] In 2000, Dieter Gerhardt, Soviet spy and former commander in the South African Navy, stated that Israel agreed in 1974 to arm eight Jericho II missiles with "special warheads" for South Africa.[56]

So now we see that Israelis are the ones responsible for the blood and suffering of millions of Africans. White South African technology, used to oppress blacks, was engineered by Israelis, who believe in genocide. Israel should get no benefit of the doubt here. Israelis' crimes extend beyond Palestine, and had Israeli leader and military commanders' plans come to fruition, Blacks would be like Native Americans in South Africa and Angola (which South Africa invaded but thanks to Cuba was defeated).
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"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013

@Koios What does the above have to do with maintaining a Jewish state? This man wants Africans out because of racism not religion. It doesn't matter to him the slightest if a black man is Jewish. This is a nation properly administrating its borders? This cac that looks, says and believes no different to Nazi Germany.