
Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I get what you are saying but what sparked this conversation, from my understanding, was a recent race baiting freestyle by YesJulz. So while I do understand you feeling like they're beating a dead horse, they really just discussing a current event.
Fam you can use the whole they discussing a current event angle like every other week on these few topics. Between this colorism, how to improve the race shyt been talked into the ground. fukk these types ever going to do more than yap online about this stuff? I saw a blaxploitation movie that was on a similar vibe from the damn 70’s on some of these monotonous topics fam. I just believe at this point cats would be better off working on the solution than ever talking about this because it’s nothing new to add imo. It’s like some cats low key like being here that’s why they talk about these certain issues so much because if they are here they don’t have as much pressure as actually trying to change things.

Guess Who

May 5, 2012
Figured that. Folks just, well, really some of these modern Black women just need someone to be mad at. Especially if it's a semi-attractive white chick finding a measure of success within Black circles. The irony is beyond YesJulz being a vulture, there's plenty of Black folks who are in the industry that don't appreciate the culture but profit from it as well. There was a time it was cool for dudes rapping to say, "I'm not a rapper", and I ain't talking about Jay. Dudes were really bragging about being gangsters and thugs, and thumbing their nose up at the thought of them being viewed as emcees. We don't call them vultures though despite their lack of contribution to the culture.

On another note, pardon my ignorance as I can't keep up with everything, but the folks that make up round table discussions like The Grapevine, strike me as the type of Black folks who were never really around other Black folks during their formative years. Even if they were I get the feeling just by looking at them and their topics of conversation that they were outcasts and social misfits. Now they want to dictate what goes on in the culture. Reminds me of folks that got bullied in school and later on became heavy handed police officers. These shea butter types, Blavity, The Root, Grapevine, etc., all of these folks strike me as the boys and girls in high school who didn't fit in with everybody else. Now they got jobs as writers and cultural critics and use their media platform in an attempt to dictate the direction of the culture despite having never really been part of it to begin with.
Spot on.


Ni**as Still Weird - Me
Apr 12, 2017
Figured that. Folks just, well, really some of these modern Black women just need someone to be mad at. Especially if it's a semi-attractive white chick finding a measure of success within Black circles. The irony is beyond YesJulz being a vulture, there's plenty of Black folks who are in the industry that don't appreciate the culture but profit from it as well. There was a time it was cool for dudes rapping to say, "I'm not a rapper", and I ain't talking about Jay. Dudes were really bragging about being gangsters and thugs, and thumbing their nose up at the thought of them being viewed as emcees. We don't call them vultures though despite their lack of contribution to the culture.

On another note, pardon my ignorance as I can't keep up with everything, but the folks that make up round table discussions like The Grapevine, strike me as the type of Black folks who were never really around other Black folks during their formative years. Even if they were I get the feeling just by looking at them and their topics of conversation that they were outcasts and social misfits. Now they want to dictate what goes on in the culture. Reminds me of folks that got bullied in school and later on became heavy handed police officers. These shea butter types, Blavity, The Root, Grapevine, etc., all of these folks strike me as the boys and girls in high school who didn't fit in with everybody else. Now they got jobs as writers and cultural critics and use their media platform in an attempt to dictate the direction of the culture despite having never really been part of it to begin with.


Sep 15, 2019
So this girl I met off hinge was talking to me about this show. They were coming to I think Atlanta and Houston before Coronavirus hit everything. I YouTubed it and this is a damn circle jerk of blaming men and co-signing each other. It’s almost as if the root articles became a YouTube podcast this would be it. Most of these women are so misguided it’s alarming.


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
They ain’t seen culture vultures until they been to NOLA. Like, I see people complain about people taking hip hop shyt, but that culture has become so global it’s not hard to tell why some people have taken a liking to it.

plus, most people are consumers anyways, not trend setters or culture bearers/creatives. Most people speaking/complaining only consume, rarely create. In fact, I’d argue that people born into the culture are mad, mostly, because they see someone adopt it and profit in some way.

either money or social

New Orleans culture, however, I feel like people not from here try too hard to assimilate. I also feel like that’s because they have no cultural traditions to hold on to themselves (the people not from New Orleans that come here).

It creates this weird idea that’s really just a commercialize selling point; what New Orleans means to those not from here.

like, you can tell the difference between a native and a non. And I’m usually able to tell by how they hold the culture up. Even culture bearers don’t go as hard because it becomes performance and unauthentic.