
Guess what?
May 16, 2012
Just a Kid From Chicago
#Hawkset you know of your indiscretions all season, so this simply isn't just some unprovoked attack:youngsabo:.

Now, normally I'd advise a team like the Hawks to get their weight up before running around with their chest out like it's a damn Mardi Gras everyday; however, given how this franchise has been historically :flabbynsick:, it's best now to get your weight down at this point.

Y'all REALLY had aspirations of flying into unexplored skies where championship banners reside, which is reserved exclusively for teams & franchises with an actual championship pedigree - not for teams/franchises that receive gimmicky charitable 'awards' like an entire starting 5 winning a individual monthly accolade because said team lacks star power :mjcry:.


Not even remotely close to making it to your destination (get swept brehs), so of course no cigar :flabbynsick:.
Apr 30, 2012
I was gonna make a new thread but I'll just add my guest verse in here -

Hawks are not going to the Finals. :rudy:

Who's gonna stop us? :rudy:

You guys are playing extremely well, but we all know how this story is gonna end.......

Please tell us, how does it end? PLEASE enlighten us on who in the East will beat us. This should be fun :sas1:

Y'all an't going to beat a combination of the Cavs/Bulls/Wizards in the post season. Just isn't happening. You don't have enough star playmakers to overcome those teams. Yall still at least a piece away from being contenders.


5-0 vs those team this season :sas2:

Your story sucks so far breh :sas1:

Yall are playing at the peak of your abilities, it's as simple as that. There isn't much room for improvement as a team, whereas all the other heavyweights in the conference are yet to reach their peaks. I see the path for may be one upset against either of those teams, but not two/three.

:mjlol:This might be worse than your Kyrie Irving opinions. Have several seats breh.

So because were playing at a high level and the other teams aren't, there's no way we can beat any of those teams in a playoff series? :dwillhuh:

We've got an unselfish team, with excellent coaches, superior ball movement and solid pieces all over the floor. We've matched up vs. all those teams EXTREMELY well...your reasoning lacks sound basis, I just don't think you're buying in b/c of Hawks teams of the past, there's no way you can look at this team and see how the East has been this yr and not see us in the ECF

but if we keep beating those teams in the regular season, what's supposed to magically change in the playoffs? :dwillhuh:

i'm more worried about chicago and washington getting out the first round if we're being honest :mjpls:

We see it every season where a team fights above their weight in the regular season and it not translating over to the post-season.

hopefully you'll see the light eventually and convert to coach budhism :blessed:

Our bench don't even get minutes like that. We whooping teams asses because of our system and our defense. That's not changing because we beat you in so many ways. Back to the basket, face up, off screens, back screens, off the dribble. You can't just do one thing and think that's enough to stop our machine.

:dwillhuh:how the fukk you gone tell us about our team

you telling hawks fans who there best player is you need to do ya googles instead of sounding like a dumbass

Just baffles me how people will look to any and every excuse in the book to not accept the Hawks as a contender.

2nd best team in the league but not a contender:russ:shyt crazy

nikkas in here talking about ceilings roofs and shyt

9 out of the last 10 NBA Champions have finished top 3 best records in the league....................:ohh:

Hawks Top 2 records in the league right now:win:

Quit hatin you fukk nikkas:mjlol:

#Hawkset got these nikkas fumbling over themselves out here LMAO. @Gil Scott-Heroin going for WOAT poster of the year already :russ:

so jeff Teague aka playoff first lasto cant improve? dennis.. mike scott.. Payne? Al horford can't get more consistent? bud cant improve as a coach. you fallng on tired dated ass narratives.. please define a star.. what makes john wall a star and not Jeff teague. or nene over 2 time all star ncaa champ horford

So now we've moved on to the "this is the best that y'all can play" excuse.

@mastermind, come get Gil's bytchass out of this thread. He's embarrassing. :scust:

@Gil Scott-Heroin I'm watching this Cavs team look disjointed, unorganized & generally uninterested get blown out by the Kings but yet this Cavs team is gonna give us problems in the playoffs? Ok :mjlol:

@Gil Scott-Heroin Seriously though, what have you seen that makes you so certain that we can't maintain this level of play?

Not one dude on the roster is playing above his talent level, while there's still room for guys like Schroeder to get even better.

Oh so now we gotta wait till the END of the season to judge how good we are based on record. Anything to discredit us huh? :camby:

nikka losing bad :mjlol::mjlol:

Give up @Gil Scott-Heroin

Breh are you watching this Cavs team in action? They just look like a bunch of also rans to me, there's literally nothing they do well on the floor and yet I'm supposed to suspend belief and just assume they'll get it together b/c Bron plays there? They look TERRIBLE, no offensive identity, no defensive intensity, they're a marginal playoff team with their ENTIRE team breh. What exactly am I supposed to be nervous about as the #1 seed breh?

Brehs acting like everyone on this team isn't improving and developing. Brehs act like Dennis ain't 21. Brehs act like Teague isn't much better. Brehs act like we don't have Edy Tavares in the cut. Brehs act lie Al Horford ain't one of the best in the NBA. Brehs acting like Killa Kyle ain't an assassin. Brehs act like Trillsap ain't offensively a beast. Brehs act like DMC ain't a skilled junkyard dog. Brehs act like Coach Bud ain't a hitta

Yall muh'fukkas better pray to Allah that the Hawks make the Finals with all this shyt yall talking. Yall dudes gonna be put on that Screen if the Hawks fail to do so.

niccas just dont want the coil hawkset to set it off come playoff time.

Its hard to read this thread with all this salt on these pages

So reality = salt now?

Yall muh'fukkas better make the Finals, else yall gone get it.

:russ:^^^ this dude don't wanna accept reality yall

This isn't the beginning of the year, the best teams are seperating themselves at this point. You still stuck on the beginning of the year when yall was getting all that hype. Nobody hyped the Hawks, that's why this is so hard to accept.

Because it's easier to move the goalposts & redefine the argument than it is to give us respect. I'm still laughing at anybody thinking the Cavs are a legit contender for anything other than a first round exit

And that @Gil Scott-Heroin dude is funny...he has no problem projecting how the Cavs, Bulls, Wiz will do in the playoffs but when you mention us " it's only been half the season, we need more time". FOH :camby:

spurs did it :umad:and they been playing the same way for decades

and who on this squad is a known choke artist who doesn't show up in the playoffs?

the difference is that our chemistry and teamwork has already been proven, even when bron was healthy they didn't look like they enjoyed playing with each other...they lost a lot of winnable games because they didn't understand each other's roles and didn't want to defer to one another, kyrie and love especially

and bron himself said a few days ago he doesn't ever see this team being completely healthy this season, and if somehow they do manage to become 100% healthy there's still a high possibility that the chemistry simply won't be there for them to compete at a high level

they were still piecing together the puzzle, now they gotta figure out how to work brand new pieces into it...and some of the new pieces are bent and tore up and been dropped in a puddle

The biggest "Star" on the Hawks is our Coach.

Jeff Teague is not a star?

Teague led the Hawks to a 4-0 record last week while going up against CP3, Conley, and John Wall. He also outplayed Kyrie and Lillard the week before.

Won East Player of the week...then followed that up with 17.5 ppg (47.9% FG), 9 apg, 3 rpg, and 2.5 spg this week.

And if you look at ANY advanced metric on PG production, Teague is one of the NBA's best on offense. Home or on the Road. East or West.

But not a Star b/c ESPN said so.

25 page thread after a game in January and you dudes say you aren't feeling threatened?


@O.iatlhawksfan @AVXL @#1 pick @Dominique Wilkins @Stone @Sly Cookin @charmander @Atlrocafella @Dominique Wilkins @steezy @FreshFromATL



Slappin and clowning chumps for fun.
Feb 17, 2014


God forgives, you are forgiven.
Aug 19, 2014
Bay area
I'm literally convinced that @Gil Scott-Heroin and @GoddamnyamanProf are the same person. For gil to be consistently right and the other dude to be consistently wrong is just :mindblown: to me.
It's like gil wanted to just make an alias to always be wrong to escape the pressure and burden of always being right :wow: