The Hidden History Museum Presented By Tariq Nasheed

old boy

Oct 25, 2017
oh word? i'm donating son, this is a great idea. tariq got my money. white folks are always in control of these black history museums so they leave out anything that shows black people fighting the tyranny so we don't get any ideas or inspiration. and definitely omitting any white fukkery that exposes fukkery of today. fukk white controlled black "history." just like that fukk ass 1619 project ole boy keeps promoting up on here, yeah i said it. fukk that bullshyt & mothafukk critical race theory b. anyway tariq gotta have this up in there:

- february 24th, 1966 martin luther king jr & coretta learning compensatory justice instead of integrationism from the honorable elijah muhammad at his crib in chicago

- the entire story of denmark vescey

- the gabriel prosser story without white bad faith narratives

- breakdown of the niagra movement before military intelligence agent joel spingarn co-opted & neutralized it into the white controlled NAACP we know today

- gotta show seneca village before the cacs stole it via imminent domain and made it into central park. my moms was wildin when i told her

- whole exhibit dedicated to j edgar hoover & COINTELPRO

- breakdown daniel patrick moynihan's evil doings & really focus on how he helped adolf r. biden with the anti drug abuse act of 1986 & 1994 crime bill

- the importance of biddy mason & what she did for los angeles

- non foundational black americans like schomburg & brother stokley significance to american black power

- gotta break down haiti 1804 to the last organic compound. haitians? lol they built different b. jean jacques dessolines all day. he sonned napoleon slime c'mon

- hip hop history NOT being started by busta rhymes & kid frost lol. tell the real story of the foundational american invention with a whole wing & facts

- george washington carver being way more than peanuts. he invented plants & mass production, tell his genius
Oct 22, 2017
oh word? i'm donating son, this is a great idea. tariq got my money. white folks are always in control of these black history museums so they leave out anything that shows black people fighting the tyranny so we don't get any ideas or inspiration. and definitely omitting any white fukkery that exposes fukkery of today. fukk white controlled black "history." just like that fukk ass 1619 project ole boy keeps promoting up on here, yeah i said it. fukk that bullshyt & mothafukk critical race theory b. anyway tariq gotta have this up in there:

- february 24th, 1966 martin luther king jr & coretta learning compensatory justice instead of integrationism from the honorable elijah muhammad at his crib in chicago

- the entire story of denmark vescey

- the gabriel prosser story without white bad faith narratives

- breakdown of the niagra movement before military intelligence agent joel spingarn co-opted & neutralized it into the white controlled NAACP we know today

- gotta show seneca village before the cacs stole it via imminent domain and made it into central park. my moms was wildin when i told her

- whole exhibit dedicated to j edgar hoover & COINTELPRO

- breakdown daniel patrick moynihan's evil doings & really focus on how he helped adolf r. biden with the anti drug abuse act of 1986 & 1994 crime bill

- the importance of biddy mason & what she did for los angeles

- non foundational black americans like schomburg & brother stokley significance to american black power

- gotta break down haiti 1804 to the last organic compound. haitians? lol they built different b. jean jacques dessolines all day. he sonned napoleon slime c'mon

- hip hop history NOT being started by busta rhymes & kid frost lol. tell the real story of the foundational american invention with a whole wing & facts

- george washington carver being way more than peanuts. he invented plants & mass production, tell his genius
Why do you saw “motherfukk critical race theory”?
