The NCAA Says Student-Athletes Shouldn’t Be Paid Because the 13th Amendment Allows SLAVERY...

Crude Abolitionist

End Slavery
Feb 16, 2017

IN THE UNITED STATES, college athletes — particularly those who compete at some of the largest football and basketball programs — generate not millions but billions of dollars for universities, brands, and television networks. In 2015, the top programs made a combined $9.1 billion. The NCAA, for its part, just signed an $8.8 billion dollar deal with CBS to air March Madness, the college basketball championship tournament.

College sports is a business – a very lucrative business.

That very obvious dynamic undergirds a lawsuit filed by former NCAA athlete Lawrence “Poppy” Livers asserting that scholarship students who play sports are employees and deserve pay. The Livers case argues that student-athletes who get scholarships should at least be paid as work-study students for the time they put in.

What the NCAA did in response to the lawsuit is as vile as anything going on in sports right now. I had to see it for myself before I believed it. At the root of its legal argument, the NCAA is relying on one particular case for why NCAA athletes should not be paid. That case is Vanskike v. Peters.

Only there’s an important detail: Daniel Vanskike was a prisoner at Stateville Correctional Center in Joliet, Illinois, and Howard Peters was the Director of the state Department of Corrections. In 1992, Vanskike and his attorneys argued that as a prisoner he should be paid a federal minimum wage for his work. The court, in its decision, cited the 13th Amendment and rejected the claim.

The 13th Amendment is commonly hailed as the law that finally ended slavery in America. But the amendment has an important carve-out: it kept involuntary service legal for those who have been convicted of a crime. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction,” the amendment says. It’s that phrase — “except as a punishment for crime” — which allows American prisons to force their inmates to do whatever work they want or need them to do.

The use of the case stems from several other law cases alleging unpaid labor; two of them are previous lawsuits against the NCAA in which the case was cited as precedent, and the NCAA won.

The NCAA Says Student-Athletes Shouldn’t Be Paid Because the 13th Amendment Allows Unpaid Prison Labor

They used a prison (slavery) case to support NOT paying these athletes...

And people clown on Lavar Ball for trying to break this one system of slavery...

Slavery in Amerikkka was never abolished.

The racist in power know that.

When are we going to know it also and act accordingly?

Stop supporting the NCAA full stop.

Divest from slavery.

Become an abolitionist.

It's free. Like you want to be...

Crude Abolitionist

End Slavery
Feb 16, 2017
why am i even surprised those cacs would say some shyt like this

No clue.

Amerikkka is not a civilization.

Amerikkka never got past barbarism/feudalism.

They not able to progress.

So this is it yall...

What more evidence do we need. These people not going to change....

So whats the move?


Slavery, Police, Government run by racist.

All has to be destroyed by the righteous people.



She luv it over here like Gold Watch.
Feb 14, 2017
And nikkas still aren't gonna take heed when the POSSIBILITY of a pro contract is dangling just out of reach over their heads. These cacs can say anything and nikkas'll stay in line because having dignity would be a death knoll to their bottom line.


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
It started out as just athletics, like it is in Div III schools. You get to play sports at a higher level, and go to school.
Then, they created Div II and Div I as a way to help students out with athletic scholarships.
Then, networks started getting big money for covering Div I sports and sports conferences wanted to get in on the cash.
It's a business between schools and athletic conferences trying to make money off of networks and using the students as free entertainers. It's crazy how much money schools pay to these conferences when they want to switch. You want to enter the ACC? Better have millions of dollars.
They could just end all scholarship programs, because that's how they really draw in student-athletes. If you cut that out, then it would be all like Div III schools.
You would need to set up development leagues in football and basketball, similar to how baseball has single A, AA, AAA for guys to work their way up to MLB, or junior A, AA, AAA hockey leagues for guys to work their way up to NHL. Then, in those lower football and basketball leagues, you have money to pay them to play.