The Official Anabolic Thread


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Low Testosterone Treatment:
There is no cure for low testosterone; once your levels become low they will forever remain naturally low; however there is remedy. While we cannot cure the problem we can treat the symptoms and although we do so by supplementing with the same hormone you now produce in lower levels for all intense purposes this synthetic treatment is just as good. The reactions your body undergoes through its own natural production will be identical when a synthetic version is applied; your body will not know the difference, it simply has a desire and need for testosterone.

Once you begin therapy you will rapidly notice improvements but as there is no permanent cure continuous therapy is of the utmost importance. Once you begin therapy if you decide to discontinue your low testosterone levels will return very quickly. Granted, this is for some a little annoying but ask yourself one question, would you rather undergo therapy that is very simple or suffer from low testosterone?

To increase your testosterone levels you have several options and each one holds its own specific place in the order but some will prove to be more effective and efficient than others. By-in-large the form of testosterone treatment you undergo can be a very individualistic type of thing; what is best for you may not be best for another, however, this will not change the facts associated with each form of treatment. The most common forms of treatment include:

  • Injectable Testosterone
  • AndroGel
  • AndroDerm
Injectable Testosterone:
This will prove to be the most effective and efficient type of therapy we can use. For most, a single injection of testosterone once every 10 to 14 days will correct the problem and will generally be well-tolerated by most who use it. Some individuals will need more frequent injections but this will largely be dictated by the type of testosterone you use. Some men will find the idea of injections to be bothersome but we can assure you it is a painless process and if you’re looking for an absolute remedy this is and will always be your best option.

AndroGel is a transdermal testosterone cream. This is simply a cream or lotion type substance applied directly to the skin that absorbs into the body. A much higher dose of AndroGel will need to be used in comparison to the injectable form due to topical absorption having a far less efficiency rating. Further, unlike the injectable form you will need to perform treatment every single day; failure to miss a day of treatment will not be the end of the world but for the best results every day is optimal. If you miss multiple days you will find your low testosterone to return very rapidly.

Everything that was said of AndroGel can be said of AndroDerm. As a transdermal medication the only difference is in its form; while AndroGel is just that, a gel, AndroDerm is a patch we apply directly to the skin for a 24 hour period of time. Once the 24 hour mark has passed we simply apply a new patch.

Important Note:
With both transdermal medications there is the possibility of skin irritation at the applied area in the form of burns or rashes. If these symptom exists in you injectable testosterone may be your only option, however you will find skin irritation is not a problem when testosterone is administered by intra-muscular injection.

Receiving Treatment:
If you believe you suffer from low testosterone you will need to schedule a visit to your local physician or hormone replacement clinic. If you have a hormone replacement clinic in your area this will many times be your best option as this is what they specialize in. Once you schedule your appointment a simple blood work test will be performed. By sampling our blood we can determine how much active testosterone we have in the body, determine where our levels are and how much therapy we need to increase them to a more stable and normal level.

While treatment will increase your levels there is an interesting fact we cannot ignore. Low testosterone is not easily defined; there is no set standard, no accepted level. Granted, certain readings will be deemed low by all physicians and generally there is a more or less accepted low reading(s) but where they should end up is often highly debated. Due in-part to a lack of education regarding anabolic steroid hormones in general is largely responsible for these discrepancies among many physicians; again, this will make a hormone replacement clinic a far superior choice in most cases.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Arimidex (Anastrozole)

Anastrozole is an extremely powerful anti-estrogen officially belonging to the Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) family. Developed in the early 1990’s by Zenaca Pharmaceuticals and released in 1995 under the trade name Arimidex, this is perhaps the most commonly used AI and one of the most common anti-estrogens on the market. Arimidex has proven to be very effective in breast cancer treatment, even more so than traditional Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate), and is a favorite anti-estrogen among many anabolic steroid users. Countless anabolic steroid users rely on Arimidex for on cycle estrogenic protection. Many anabolic steroids have the ability to aromatase and lead to excess estrogen, which in turn can lead to some of the most commonly associated side effects of anabolic steroid use.

Arimidex Functions & Traits:
The functions and traits of Arimidex although powerful are extremely simple. As an AI Arimidex functions by blocking the aromatase enzyme, which is in turn responsible for the production of estrogen. By inhibiting the aromatase process, Arimidex will lower the body’s serum estrogen levels; in fact, a total suppression of estrogen by 80% has been well noted with this AI. This will prove very beneficial to numerous breast cancer patients and extremely valuable to many anabolic steroid users.

Test 600x
Arimidex also has the ability to stimulate the release of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), two hormones essential to natural testosterone production. This has led some physicians to use the AI in low testosterone treatment plans in place of testosterone, but it’s generally not the best choice. Arimidex in a low testosterone plan is generally better served in conjunction with testosterone therapy. We will look more into this when we discuss the effects of Arimidex later on.

Effects of Arimidex:
As an anti-estrogen, Arimidex is valuable to the breast cancer patient as many forms of breast cancer feed off of the estrogen hormone. While perhaps an oversimplification, by administering Arimidex the effect starves the cancer. For decades Nolvadex was used for this purpose. Nolvadex has the ability to bind to the estrogen receptors, which in turn prevents estrogen from binding. However, AI’s like Arimidex actively inhibit the production of estrogen and reduce the actual amount of circulating hormone. In short, there is no estrogen available to cause damage to the breast cancer patient. In recent years, Arimidex has become the leading anti-estrogen in the treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, especially among post-menopausal women. Once the cancer has subsided, it is not uncommon for Nolvadex to be introduced in order to keep the cancer at bay.

For the anabolic steroid user, the effects of Arimidex are greatly appreciated in its ability to protect against estrogenic related side effects. Many anabolic steroids have the ability to promote estrogenic side effects due to the testosterone hormone’s interaction with the aromatase enzyme. As aromatization occurs, estrogen levels rise and this can lead to gynecomastia and excess water retention. When excess water retention becomes severe, this can also promote high blood pressure. Not all anabolic steroids aromatize, and as such, not all can lead to estrogenic related effects. However, many common steroids do carry the ability to promote estrogenic activity including Dianabol, all forms of Nandrolone and Boldenone to a degree and of course, all forms of testosterone heavily.

By including Arimidex in an anabolic steroid cycle that contains aromatizing steroids, the individual can protect against gynecomastia and water retention. This will also protect against high blood pressure. Some steroids can still cause high blood pressure without water retention, but heavy excess water retention is the number one culprit of high blood pressure among anabolic steroid users. Without question, AI’s like Arimidex are the most effective anti-estrogens for combating estrogenic related side effects. SERM’s like Nolvadex can also be useful and while not as effective should be the first choice when possible. Arimidex has the ability to negatively affect cholesterol as we will see in the side effects section. However, we will also find cholesterol issues can be avoided.

As a testosterone stimulating compound, Arimidex can be appealing for low testosterone treatment plans and for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) for anabolic steroid users. In the case of low testosterone treatment, it’s often not enough. However, it can still be beneficial in conjunction with exogenous testosterone therapy in protecting against estrogenic side effects. As for PCT use, some will attempt it and it can have a positive effect, but it is generally not recommended. The main purpose of a PCT plan is to stimulate natural testosterone production in order to protect lean muscle tissue, keep body fat under control and promote a better state of health. However, the overall purpose is normalization, which cannot be reached when using Arimidex post cycle due to the tremendous estrogen reduction. Although high levels of estrogen can be problematic, some is necessary to proper bodily function, especially regarding the immune system and cardiovascular health. For the anabolic steroid user, AI’s should be saved for on cycle use with SERM’s being used for PCT


Jul 1, 2012
Arimidex (Anastrozole)

Anastrozole is an extremely powerful anti-estrogen officially belonging to the Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) family. Developed in the early 1990’s by Zenaca Pharmaceuticals and released in 1995 under the trade name Arimidex, this is perhaps the most commonly used AI and one of the most common anti-estrogens on the market. Arimidex has proven to be very effective in breast cancer treatment, even more so than traditional Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate), and is a favorite anti-estrogen among many anabolic steroid users. Countless anabolic steroid users rely on Arimidex for on cycle estrogenic protection. Many anabolic steroids have the ability to aromatase and lead to excess estrogen, which in turn can lead to some of the most commonly associated side effects of anabolic steroid use.

Arimidex Functions & Traits:
The functions and traits of Arimidex although powerful are extremely simple. As an AI Arimidex functions by blocking the aromatase enzyme, which is in turn responsible for the production of estrogen. By inhibiting the aromatase process, Arimidex will lower the body’s serum estrogen levels; in fact, a total suppression of estrogen by 80% has been well noted with this AI. This will prove very beneficial to numerous breast cancer patients and extremely valuable to many anabolic steroid users.

Test 600x
Arimidex also has the ability to stimulate the release of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), two hormones essential to natural testosterone production. This has led some physicians to use the AI in low testosterone treatment plans in place of testosterone, but it’s generally not the best choice. Arimidex in a low testosterone plan is generally better served in conjunction with testosterone therapy. We will look more into this when we discuss the effects of Arimidex later on.

Effects of Arimidex:
As an anti-estrogen, Arimidex is valuable to the breast cancer patient as many forms of breast cancer feed off of the estrogen hormone. While perhaps an oversimplification, by administering Arimidex the effect starves the cancer. For decades Nolvadex was used for this purpose. Nolvadex has the ability to bind to the estrogen receptors, which in turn prevents estrogen from binding. However, AI’s like Arimidex actively inhibit the production of estrogen and reduce the actual amount of circulating hormone. In short, there is no estrogen available to cause damage to the breast cancer patient. In recent years, Arimidex has become the leading anti-estrogen in the treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, especially among post-menopausal women. Once the cancer has subsided, it is not uncommon for Nolvadex to be introduced in order to keep the cancer at bay.

For the anabolic steroid user, the effects of Arimidex are greatly appreciated in its ability to protect against estrogenic related side effects. Many anabolic steroids have the ability to promote estrogenic side effects due to the testosterone hormone’s interaction with the aromatase enzyme. As aromatization occurs, estrogen levels rise and this can lead to gynecomastia and excess water retention. When excess water retention becomes severe, this can also promote high blood pressure. Not all anabolic steroids aromatize, and as such, not all can lead to estrogenic related effects. However, many common steroids do carry the ability to promote estrogenic activity including Dianabol, all forms of Nandrolone and Boldenone to a degree and of course, all forms of testosterone heavily.

By including Arimidex in an anabolic steroid cycle that contains aromatizing steroids, the individual can protect against gynecomastia and water retention. This will also protect against high blood pressure. Some steroids can still cause high blood pressure without water retention, but heavy excess water retention is the number one culprit of high blood pressure among anabolic steroid users. Without question, AI’s like Arimidex are the most effective anti-estrogens for combating estrogenic related side effects. SERM’s like Nolvadex can also be useful and while not as effective should be the first choice when possible. Arimidex has the ability to negatively affect cholesterol as we will see in the side effects section. However, we will also find cholesterol issues can be avoided.

As a testosterone stimulating compound, Arimidex can be appealing for low testosterone treatment plans and for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) for anabolic steroid users. In the case of low testosterone treatment, it’s often not enough. However, it can still be beneficial in conjunction with exogenous testosterone therapy in protecting against estrogenic side effects. As for PCT use, some will attempt it and it can have a positive effect, but it is generally not recommended. The main purpose of a PCT plan is to stimulate natural testosterone production in order to protect lean muscle tissue, keep body fat under control and promote a better state of health. However, the overall purpose is normalization, which cannot be reached when using Arimidex post cycle due to the tremendous estrogen reduction. Although high levels of estrogen can be problematic, some is necessary to proper bodily function, especially regarding the immune system and cardiovascular health. For the anabolic steroid user, AI’s should be saved for on cycle use with SERM’s being used for PCT

Post cycle therapy regimen is enough reason for me not to mess with anabolics. It seems like once you mess with anabolics, you have to take them for life.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Post cycle therapy regimen is enough reason for me not to mess with anabolics. It seems like once you mess with anabolics, you have to take them for life.
Not true, but to each it's own


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
What are the odds of not having to use test to maintain levels after a cycle? I don’t know much about the subject I admit.
You mean to keep your size and strength? Well strength is going to drop a little, not a whole lot, but size? That's why you have your PCT, your support supplements like multivitamins, Creatine, BCAA, Mass and Strength Building Supplements, Eat Big and Clean, and lift heavy. There's time I been on a cycle gain 20 Pounds and lose only 5 pounds, that's 15 pounds of Muscle, Mass I kept that's a great cycle


Jul 1, 2012
You mean to keep your size and strength? Well strength is going to drop a little, not a whole lot, but size? That's why you have your PCT, your support supplements like multivitamins, Creatine, BCAA, Mass and Strength Building Supplements, Eat Big and Clean, and lift heavy. There's time I been on a cycle gain 20 Pounds and lose only 5 pounds, that's 15 pounds of Muscle, Mass I kept that's a great cycle
Not even size and strength.

After a cycle and pct, is it possible to go back to normal test level? Or will test drop off a cliff after pct and no ensuing cycle?


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Not even size and strength.

After a cycle and pct, is it possible to go back to normal test level? Or will test drop off a cliff after pct and no ensuing cycle?

Yes it can and it does for many go back to normal test level


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Side Effects of Arimidex:
Arimidex carries with it several possible side effects. Many of the side effects of Arimidex will be response related. Response side effects are common with all medications; some of us can take Aspirin while others can’t. The side effects of Arimidex will also vary depending on anabolic steroid use in a few specific areas. Those who are using Arimidex without anabolic steroids often report weakness and fatigue; in fact, this may be the most common side effect of Arimidex. Most anabolic steroid users will not have this issue with low dose Arimidex use. However, we can make an exception when it is used in hard cutting or competition cycles when calories are very low and training often extremely intense. Other possible side effects of Arimidex use include:

  • Headache
  • Hot Flashes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Joint Pain
  • Depression (rare)
  • Nausea and or Vomiting (rare)
Arimidex studies have also shown that the AI may have the ability to decrease bone mineral content, which in turn could make the individual more susceptible to osteoporosis. This shouldn’t be a big issue for anabolic steroid users as many anabolic steroids have the ability to promote bone mineral content. As for the primary six possible side effects of Arimidex listed above, while possible most adults should be able to use the AI without any related issues, but keep in mind such issues are possible. We all respond to varying medications differently, we even respond to varying foods differently, which can make total response on an individual basis impossible to fully predict.

The final issue revolving around the side effects of Arimidex surrounds cholesterol. Arimidex does have the ability to negatively effect cholesterol levels, but alone it doesn’t appear to be significant in most cases. However, when conjoined with anabolic steroid use, specifically an aromatizing steroid like testosterone it appears to be significant. For example, studies have shown that a moderate dose of Testosterone Enanthate for 12 weeks does not appear to have a strong affect on cholesterol. However, when this same dose is coupled with an AI like Arimidex it can suppress HDL cholesterol by as much as 25%. In this case, we’re actually talking about therapeutic level doses as well as performance. True performance doses of testosterone will have a stronger impact on HDL cholesterol, and again around a 20%+ decrease in HDL when conjoined with an AI.

Due to the potential cholesterol issues brought on by Arimidex use by the anabolic steroid user, a healthy and cholesterol friendly lifestyle is extremely important. A healthy lifestyle should first and foremost surround your diet. Diets should be low and very limited in saturated fats and simple sugars. They should also be rich in omega fatty acids. Daily fish oil supplementation is advised. It’s also worthwhile to consider the use of a cholesterol antioxidant supplement. And as a final note, if cardiovascular health is to be protected the individual should always incorporate plenty of cardiovascular training into his routine. Daily cardiovascular activity is recommended.

Due to the possible cholesterol issues, moderate anabolic steroid cycles may be best served with SERM’s in order to protect against estrogenic related side effects. SERM’s will not negatively affect cholesterol; in fact, SERM’s like Nolvadex have been shown to promote healthy cholesterol levels due to their ability to act as estrogen in the liver. However, for many a SERM won’t be enough and AI’s will be necessary. If an AI is necessary, the individual should limit his use and only use as much as is actually needed. Some have suggested that a 10mg per day dosing of Nolvadex along with your Arimidex use may actually aid in cholesterol management.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Arimidex Administration:
In the treatment of breast cancer, Arimidex is almost always dosed at 1mg per day until the cancer subsides. Use may continue for a time at this stage and will often be switched to Nolvadex in a preventative measure once the cancer is in remission.

For the anabolic steroid user, Arimidex doses can vary with 0.5-1mg every other day being the most common. Very few should ever need more than 1mg every other day and many will be more than fine with half that amount. In therapeutic plans such as low testosterone treatment even less may be needed. We can, however, make an exception in Arimidex doses for competitive bodybuilders. Competitive bodybuilders may find a full 1mg every day the last 10-14 days leading up to competition to be useful. This will greatly aid in hardening, but it will be draining to say the least. Of course, at this stage of a competition diet most have very little energy to begin with anyway.

Availability of Arimidex:
Arimidex is widely available on the prescription and black markets. In the U.S. it is not classified as a controlled substance, but you will need a prescription to legally obtain it. As for black market purchases, nearly all anabolic steroid suppliers carry Arimidex or another brand of Anastrozole. In recent years, the ability to buy Anastrozole from research chemical labs (RCL’s) has become very popular. RCL’s manufacture various non-controlled substances in their liquid state, often highly concentrated and are able to sell them legally for research purposes only. This is obviously a loophole in the law many anabolic steroid users take advantage of. Regardless of how you obtain it, you will find Arimidex is easier to obtain than many anabolic steroids.


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
I was Mass Monster at 289 in January got on Test Sus and Tren Cycle currently down to 235

Started Test Cyp, NPP and Deca cycle this week I currently run 1/2 dosage slow but steady gainz


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012

Anabolic DN​

Anabolic DN is an underused product, for one reason or another. Anabolic DN is currently produced by SYD Group who had some very inconsistent lab reports posted on the net, with regards to their product line. It was also produced previously by Jurox, under the name Dynabol. It's also under used, I think, because it's an obscure buy for most people outside of Australia, where those aforementioned companies reside.

Let's have a look at Nandrolone, then we'll discuss the addition of the Cypionate ester in opposition to the much more commonly used Decanoate ester (the ester used with Deca-Durabolin). First of all, Nandrolone doesn't produce many estrogenic or androgenic side effects. This is because it has a very low rate of aromatization (conversion to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme); roughly equal to 20% the rate of Testosterone. Nandrolone is a very nice anabolic, in my estimation (even though I don't use it anymore), and a 100mg/E2W (every 2 weeks) injection of it has been shown to provide a "significant increase in weight" (3). I'd never recommend that low a dose for an athlete, but it's evidence of Deca's strong anabolic properties. All of the Nandrolones are very nice anabolics, causing high-quality (albeit slow) gains in muscle. This could be due to Anabolic DN's moderately strong binding to the Androgen Receptor (stronger than testosterone, actually), or possibly its many positive non-Androgen-Receptor mediated effects. One such non-receptor mediated effect is nitrogen retention, which is a major factor in muscle growth. Even with low-doses of Nandrolone (65 mg/week), Nandrolone produces significant nitrogen retention (5).
View TEST-600X™ Product Nandrolone is also well known to improve collagen synthesis (1), and increases bone mineral content (2). For these purposes, studies on Nandrolone use very low doses and were generally far too low to promote muscle growth.

In another study of HIV+ men (4) we can see that Nandrolone (200mgs on week 1, 400 on week 2 and 600mgs for weeks 3-12) actually caused NO negative side effects in total or LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, or insulin sensitivity. In addition, there was a reduction of HDL cholesterol (8-10 points) in both groups. Also, in these studies with HIV+ subjects, Anabolic DN, Nandrolone improved immune function (5).

 Judging from members' feedback, as well as my own personal experience, long-estered Nandrolones are known for producing quality weight gains, but have to be used for 12 weeks at a minimum. This shouldn't cause any problems, since they are very mild drugs in terms of side-effects, and I don't think they would cause many adverse effects over this period of time. Nandrolone Cypionate has a very long active life, of roughly 8 days or so, slightly less than the far more common Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca). This would mean we want to shoot Anabolic DN 1-2 times a week, along with our other compounds because we'd probably be running Testosterone Cypionate with it.

Many members of also complain of water-retention with this the use of longer-estered Nandrolones, and again, I'm inclined to agree. Letrozole seems to be a preferred choice to combat this and it's been my favorite for this use, on cycles of 12-16 weeks. This water retention would seem to make something like Anabolic DN more suitable for bulking rather than cutting, although it can be successfully used for either with a proper diet and use of ancillary compounds.

So where are we? How would I use Anabolic DN personally? Well, I'd be comfortable recommending Anabolic DN for either a bulking or cutting cycle, and I think its real utility would be that you can use it along with Testosterone Cypionate and inject them on the same day because they'd have the same active life.

Nandrolone shown without Cypionate ester​

  • (Nandrolone Base + Cypionate Ester)
  • [19-nor-androst-4-en-3-one-17beta-ol]
  • Formula (base): C18 H26 O2
  • Formula (ester): C8 H14 O2
  • Molecular Weight(base): 274.4022
  • Molecular Weight (ester): 132.1184
  • Melting Point (base): 122-124C
  • Melting Point (ester): 98 - 104 C
  • Manufacturer: SYD Group
  • Effective Dose (Men): 200-600mgs/week (2mg/lb of Bodyweight)
  • Effective Dose (Women): 50-100mgs/week
  • Active life: 8 days
  • Detection Time: Up to 18 months
  • Anabolic/Androgenic ratio: 125:37


1. Metabolism. 1990 Nov;39(11):1167-9.
2. Effects of nandrolone decanoate on bone mineral content. R, Righi GA, Turchetti V, Vattimo A
3. AIDS. 1996 Jun;10(7):745-52.
4. Sattler et al J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 283: e1214-22
5. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol. 1999 Feb 1;20(2):137-46.).

Mr Olympia

Never 2nd Place, Always Number 1
Mar 11, 2022
No Place Special
I was Mass Monster at 289 in January got on Test Sus and Tren Cycle currently down to 235

Started Test Cyp, NPP and Deca cycle this week I currently run 1/2 dosage slow but steady gainz
Forgive me for asking breh but why Deca and NPP? U frontloading ya Deca blast with the npp or just like the blend? I know some brehs run Tren ace and enan together for a cycle:ehh:


Warrior Lifestyle
Dec 28, 2012
Forgive me for asking breh but why Deca and NPP? U frontloading ya Deca blast with the npp or just like the blend? I know some brehs run Tren ace and enan together for a cycle:ehh:
Front loading it takes 10 days for the NPP to kick in and it takes Deca 4 weeks or more to kick in so after 6 weeks stop taking NPP and that Deca should be kicking in :banderas: