Essential The Official Football (Soccer) Thread - Manchester United Save Football - FA Cup Winners 2023/24


The Coli Royal Rumble Champion 2019
Jan 4, 2015

An extensive list of things that annoy Roy Keane:

Blue (NOT the boyband)
“I don’t like fukking’ blue. City were blue. Rangers were blue. My biggest rivals were blue. Is that childish? I couldn’t feel it – the chemistry.”

Budweiser adverts (and Robbie Savage)
“It went to his voicemail: ‘Hi, it’s Robbie – whazzup!’ like the Budweiser ad. I never called him back. I thought: ‘I can’t be fukking signing that.'”

Writing a column for The Sun
“I did it for a while – for The Sun. Again, I was being told, ‘It’s easy money’. I gave it a go, but I ran out of steam. I hated it. Every Friday or Saturday, I’d be down the phone to a journalist giving my verdict on everything. There has to be a point when you honestly say ‘I’ve no opinion on that.'”

“What really worried me was that none of the players – not one – said: ‘Get that shyt off.’ They were going out to play a match, men versus men, testosterone levels were high. You’ve got to hit people at pace. fukking’ ‘Dancing Queen.’ It worried me. I didn’t have as many leaders as I thought.”

Talking to people
“The idea of travelling to the matches and meeting people for a cup of tea at half-time. Let me tell you that doesn’t rock my boat. Sometimes when you go to these grounds you can’t even get a decent cup of tea and make a lot of small talk with people you don’t want to have small talk with. You bump into lots of idiots on your travels so don’t be kidded that it’s all glamorous.”

Working as a pundit
“It’s an easy gig. I don’t like easy gigs. When I heard: ‘I liked your commentary last night’. I knew I was only talking bullshyt like the rest of them. Hopefully my bullshyt was a bit better. I wanted to do something that excited me. TV work didn’t excite me.”

The Class of 92 concept
“The Class of ’92 – all good players but their role at the club has been exaggerated. The Class of ’92 seems to have grown its own legs. It has become a brand. It’s as if they were a team away from a team and they are not shy of plugging in to it.”

American owners
“It’s particularly the Americans. They seem to love a coach who’s got the whistle around his neck, a clipboard and a tan, and really white teeth. That gives you a chance.”

Brothers embracing each other
“The boy, Pogba, he’s a bit of a free spirit, a bit of a character. But I think it was a little bit over the top tonight – before the game and at half-time. They’ve spoke more tonight than I have to any of my brothers in the last five years. All this stuff before and after the game. It’s a lot of nonsense – but that’s the modern player, I’m afraid.”

Manchester United’s home fans
“Our fans away from home are as good as any, but some of them come here and you have to wonder do they understand the game of football? I don’t think some of the people who come to Old Trafford can spell football, never mind understand it.”

Mick McCarthy
“Who the fukk do you think you are, having meetings about me? Mick, you’re a liar…you’re a fukking wanker. I didn’t rate you as a player, I don’t rate you as a manager, and I don’t rate you as a person. You’re a fukking wanker and you can stick your World Cup up your arse. The only reason I have any dealings with you is that somehow you are the manager of my country! You can stick it up your bollix.”

Alf-Inge Haaland
“I’d waited long enough. I fukking hit him hard. The ball was there, I think. Take that you c*nt. And don’t ever stand over me sneering about fake injuries. Even in the dressing room afterwards, I had no remorse. My attitude was, fukk him. What goes around comes around. He got his just rewards. He fukked me over and my attitude is an eye for an eye.”

Rio Ferdinand
“Just because you are paid £120,000 a week and play well for 20 minutes against Tottenham, you think you are a superstar.”

Players he doesn’t rate having heart attacks

“On a night we got beaten in the cup by Luton, the staff came in and said, ‘Clive Clarke has had a heart attack at Leicester’.”I said, ‘Is he OK? I’m shocked they found one, you could never tell by the way he plays’.”

Television pundits
“Will those on telly yesterday be remembered for what they’ve achieved? None whatsoever. I wouldn’t trust them to walk my dog. There are ex-players and ex-referees being given air-time who I wouldn’t listen to in a pub.”

Players who enjoy an equal relationship with their partner
“If they don’t want to come because their wife wants to go shopping in London, it’s a sad state of affairs. To me, that player is weak because his wife runs his life.”

Pablo Counago
“Pablo Couñago was a player I didn’t particularly like or get on with. No club was interested in taking him – and I was happy to tell him that. I just found him dead lazy. He went: ‘How are we going to win anything with you as manager?’ I nearly physically attacked him – but I didn’t.”

Paul Scholes, humble hero
“Paul Scholes was a top, top player. But I still don’t fall for the boy-next-door image, or that he’s dead humble. He has more of an edge to him. Everyone thinks he lives in a council flat.”

“Before the game there was all this stuff about anti-bullying and anti-racism. It would be a good idea to start wearing wristbands for anti-diving.”

Dwight Yorke, a clown
“Yorkie has officially retired about 5 times… The man’s a clown… People are going on about the game and agents and directors of football and managers losing their jobs, but we should be worried about people like him… Clowns. That’s the last time I’m going to say clown.”

An extensive list of things that annoy Roy Keane - Football365

This one got me weak, doe

Is he OK? I’m shocked they found one, you could never tell by the way he plays’.



Nov 19, 2016
Naija / DMV
European Football is back! :blessed:

What a line up this weekend:

Liverpool v Man U
Juve v Lazio
Roma v Napoli
Bilbao v Sevilla
Atletico v Barcelona
Dortmund v RB Leipzig
Inter v AC Milan

The one thing I love about European football is the variety. Across the big 6 leagues there's always bound to be a few big matchups every weekend. Throw in Champs League and it's just :blessed:.

O Jogo Bonito brehs, :mjcry:


Dec 24, 2014
[...] A year ago everybody was still at war but last November a peace deal was signed with the government and the western hemisphere’s longest-running conflict was brought to an end. For the left-wing Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia guerrilla group, or Farc, the Marxist struggle has since taken a new direction and football is playing a leading role.

“Football has always been very popular within the Farc and so we decided to start our own professional team,” Jeison Yepes says. “Everybody’s excited, we’re all talking about it.”

Yepes is the president of the Farc’s sports committee at the Mesetas camp, one of 26 temporary installations set up under the watch of the United Nations to facilitate the reintegration back into civilian life of more than 7,000 Farc members. [...]

Weekend tournaments hosted throughout Colombia at different Farc camps have helped get former guerrilla fighters involved in sport and tap into a burning enthusiasm for football. These events are also serving to identify potential players.

“There are 16 teams playing in this tournament and so the idea is to start looking at talented players with a view to selecting one or two for regional trials,” Yepes says. “The very best from every region will go on to form the team.” [...]

“The Farc have several teams competing here at La Elvira but we also have sides from local Afro-Colombian communities, indigenous teams and mixed sides made up of the Farc and civilians,” says a former combatant Julian Caballero, who was once on the books of the top-flight Colombian team Deportivo Cali. “Some of the players on my team travel eight hours every weekend to be here.”

As part of the government’s commitment to helping the reintegration process, representatives from Colombia’s sports body, Coldeportes, are running sports and physical education programmes in the camps. “We have 61 people working across the whole country,” says the project coordinator, Gisela Gómez. “Our objective is to get people involved in as many types of recreation as possible, but clearly it’s football they love the most.” [...]

The camp’s commander, who uses the alias Walter Mendoza, is a wizened fighter with 37 years’ service in the Farc. He was once a prized target for the government but this year he was named the Farc’s head of sport. He immediately put football at the top of his list of priorities.

“Believe me, there is a lot of talent in the Farc, not just for football but also in the arts, volleyball, other sports, music and culture,” he says. “Clearly, though, football is what gets everyone excited and so that’s why we are exploring the idea of putting together a professional team to compete in the second division.”

Like many Farc members, Mendoza supports Atlético Nacional, the Copa Libertadores champions and arguably Colombia’s most popular team. He lists the former Nacional striker Faustino Asprilla as “a long-time personal friend” and claims Tino, alongside other former Colombian stars, is helping collaborate with the project.

Furthermore, Walter reveals a youth coach who spent more than 10 years working at a leading Colombian side in the morning and as an undercover Farc militia member in his spare time, has been a key contact in knocking on doors and building allies.

But neither can claim to be the brainchild behind the idea. That credit falls to Felix Mora. Smartly dressed and with the learned mannerisms of a man well versed in politics, Mora knows how to get things done. A human rights lawyer and avid fan of Bogotá’s biggest football team, Millonarios, five years ago he began exploring a way of bridging both passions.

“Let me be clear, this is not a Farc team,” Mora says, his finger flicking the side of his pint glass. “This team, La Paz FC, will include ex-Farc fighters and anyone considered a victim of the conflict. They will be on the same team fighting for a common goal.” [...]

In April, Mora travelled to La Elvira to meet Mendoza and thrash out a deal. “That was tough, having to go out there into the sticks and be forthright with a top Farc commander that this had to be a joint project involving anyone who has been touched by this war, as a way of uniting Colombians.” [...]

Mora’s project quickly ran into trouble. Besides the logistical nightmare of selecting a team from the best players from the Farc and more than 8,000,000 registered war victims located in some of the most inhospitable corners of Colombia, resistance from powerful sectors of society began to derail ambitions; most strikingly from the country’s main football body, the División Mayor del Fútbol Profesional Colombiano.

Colombia has 36 professional teams split into two divisions, with each club affiliated to Dimayor. In order to enter the Colombian league, La Paz FC have two options: to buy out one of the existing teams or to persuade Dimayor to expand the league by modifying its statutes.

If the first option is problematic because of the huge sums of money needed to obtain a team’s licence (estimated to be at least £5m), not to mention finding a club interested in selling, the second idea is even more riddled with knots. [...]

“I completely reject the idea,” says the former player and ultra right-wing Boyacá Chicó FC owner, Eduardo Pimentel. “Colombian football should not be getting down on its knees in front of the Farc.”

Dimayor has officially taken a more conciliatory stance, arguing discussion must first open with the government in order to analyse the scope of the post-conflict agenda in helping incorporate guerrillas back into civilian life. Privately, though, the controversial proposal has failed to win support.

“This is something that has never happened before,” said a former Dimayor representative. “Honestly, I think it would be very difficult.”

Over the past few weeks Mora has busily sought to engage the press and spark debate about the project. Giving interviews to Colombia’s main newspapers and appearing on radio, Mora has ensured La Paz FC is very much in the public eye.

So much so that even the former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe stormed into the debate with a typically heated response. “It would be an embarrassment,” the hard-right politician said. “After all Colombia’s efforts to rid drug trafficking from football, the Farc are now going to have their own team. It’s nonsense.”

Uribe’s comment that La Paz FC are a uniquely Farc team has become a common theme. While undermining Mora’s attempts to build a team including all actors of the conflict, this focus has also antagonised the Farc, who feel Mora is speaking on their behalf without authorisation. A rupture was imminent.

Following weeks of silence, just a few days ago the Farc appointed Edgar Cortes, a former director at the nine-times Colombian champions Santa Fe, as the group’s spokesperson for sport. He wasted no time in dissolving what had always been a fizzling partnership.

“We have decided to rule out the possibility of working with this team La Paz FC. It’s a project that didn’t take into account what we wanted,” Cortes says. “We will instead be focusing on developing our own football project.”

Provisionally labelled Fútbol Paz Farc, the former guerrilla organisation’s new plan is to set up coaching schools in rural areas long abandoned by the state. While the goal of competing professionally in the Colombian league remains, Cortes argues the Farc must first show they can perform at regional level.

“Our main priority is to work with the most vulnerable people in Colombia in zones that were heavily affected by the conflict. The Farc will be the axis of this project but it will be a pluralistic initiative open to everyone in the country.”

Cortes, a burly figure with snow-white hair, has tapped into his contacts and secured precious support from football authorities. During a recent meeting held with Dimayor’s president, Jorge Perdomo, the football body agreed to help the Farc in areas of coaching and logistics.

“Our focus will now be on developing young players and the under-20s,” Mendoza says. “But this support also gives us a real chance of one day having a professional team.”

Having adopted a more sensible time frame, Cortes’s strategy will be to focus on the Farc’s traditional strongholds in the countryside, while hoping for a gradual softening of attitudes to the former-state enemy within football’s hierarchy.

For Mora and La Paz FC, he maintains that the door remains open to the Farc but admits their withdrawal has been a blow. Nevertheless, he will press ahead.

“This is a long and complicated process,” he says. “But our idea is supported by the government and this is recognised in the country’s peace agreement. That’s important.”

Whether two post-conflict teams can survive and be welcomed in a still deeply polarised country remains to be seen. But with another fledgling idea also registered with Dimayor aimed at bringing professional football to Tumaco, one of the worst-hit areas of the country during the conflict, there is clearly an appetite to use football to unite battle-scarred communities. [...]

Colombia’s Farc guerillas turn to football as route back into society


Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo
Eventually Liverpool has to get a goal. It'll be devastating for them if they leave today with a scoreless draw with how much they've dominated the possession and the flow of the game.


Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo
I understand you don't want to give away penalties in a game like this, but Liverpool should have gotten that penalty. Coutinho clearly got fouled in the box.

Once again Man U catches a break.


Dec 9, 2014
I understand you don't want to give away penalties in a game like this, but Liverpool should have gotten that penalty. Coutinho clearly got fouled in the box.

Once again Man U catches a break.
He fell over too easily, this game has been underwhelming as expected