Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
will make this a visit, I need to work more with writing


American Daydream Machine
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.

Some of my older work.

I walked, along the riverbanks. I watched the silver sky illuminate its path, or was that the path that illuminated the sky. I was looking for something, waiting, but for what I knew not. However I knew I must wait, there was something here that required patience. I sat down on the muddy bank and looked at the river, after a while a young woman came with a small gleaming jar a little ways down from me. She regarded me with curious eyes, eyes that knew things that I did not. I lie down on the bank and closed my eyes. The voice said 'wait by the river’. I awoke to the sound of approaching footsteps. I sat up and our eyes met.

"Why are you waiting by the river?" She asked.

"I'm not sure, something told me to wait here, but for what I don't know."
She looked around her and then asked "Would you like some water?" I looked at the river and then back at her. "Sure why not, I'm sure what I’m waiting for will show up." she put down her ornate jar and sat beside me. From a leather bag she pulled out two cups. She poured me a drink and then poured one for herself. As I put the cup to my lips our eyes again met and when I drank I knew what she knew. I saw lifetimes, I had lived and she was in all of them. Friend, Confidante, Partner, Teacher, Lover. At that moment the oddest sensation came over me. "Would I be wrong to kiss you?" I asked. This was not my normal way of doing this, I was never forward. And she replied. "No you wouldn't, you'd be perfectly right." When our lips met I had known intimacy water shared with fish or birds shared with the sky, or flowers shared with the sun. When we stopped I asked her. "Would you mind staying with me for a while until I find what I’m looking for?" She patted my hand and smiled. "Sure, I could use the company." I smiled at her and looked back at the river. "Thank you." she patted my hand again and said “No thank you." The night came cold and deep and l looked at her and asked "Would you like me to keep you warm?" She inched closer to me and said "Let's keep each other warm." I smiled and she smiled back, we slept there that night on the bank. A sleep so peaceful so serene so familiar, that I was sure I had done it many times before and hoped to do it many times again. When the day broke I sat up and stared at the silvery sky, I looked down at my companion and felt something so profound it nearly brought me to tears. Then out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of it. Gleaming in the river, floating slowly down ward. Kissing her on the forehead, I leaped head first into the water; this was it I was sure. I grabbed it and found it to be a crown, it was battered and tarnished in some places but it was still a crown, as I began my trek back to the shore I was pulled under, the river had become violent and turbulent I couldn't get to shore, not back to her, until I felt a hand grab mine. I looked up and she said "Come on pull." I struggled against the current and then heaved myself out. The crown and I sprawled on the floor, she helped me up and said "You made it, I knew you would." I gave her a puzzled look as she walked over to the crown and dusted it off. "I have been waiting for this for a long time." She placed it on top of my head. "What do you mean?" I asked as she picked up her jar, reversed it and placed it on top of her head. I had not noticed it before but it appeared to be a crown of sorts like mine. "Come I’ll will explain everything to you once we get home." She laced her fingers in mine and led me to a far structure jutting out of the earth like an odd triangle. "Home?" I looked at her and said she returned my gaze then nodded "Home."


All Star
Aug 31, 2013
South London

Some of my older work.

I walked, along the riverbanks. I watched the silver sky illuminate its path, or was that the path that illuminated the sky. I was looking for something, waiting, but for what I knew not. However I knew I must wait, there was something here that required patience. I sat down on the muddy bank and looked at the river, after a while a young woman came with a small gleaming jar a little ways down from me. She regarded me with curious eyes, eyes that knew things that I did not. I lie down on the bank and closed my eyes. The voice said 'wait by the river’. I awoke to the sound of approaching footsteps. I sat up and our eyes met.

"Why are you waiting by the river?" She asked.

"I'm not sure, something told me to wait here, but for what I don't know."
She looked around her and then asked "Would you like some water?" I looked at the river and then back at her. "Sure why not, I'm sure what I’m waiting for will show up." she put down her ornate jar and sat beside me. From a leather bag she pulled out two cups. She poured me a drink and then poured one for herself. As I put the cup to my lips our eyes again met and when I drank I knew what she knew. I saw lifetimes, I had lived and she was in all of them. Friend, Confidante, Partner, Teacher, Lover. At that moment the oddest sensation came over me. "Would I be wrong to kiss you?" I asked. This was not my normal way of doing this, I was never forward. And she replied. "No you wouldn't, you'd be perfectly right." When our lips met I had known intimacy water shared with fish or birds shared with the sky, or flowers shared with the sun. When we stopped I asked her. "Would you mind staying with me for a while until I find what I’m looking for?" She patted my hand and smiled. "Sure, I could use the company." I smiled at her and looked back at the river. "Thank you." she patted my hand again and said “No thank you." The night came cold and deep and l looked at her and asked "Would you like me to keep you warm?" She inched closer to me and said "Let's keep each other warm." I smiled and she smiled back, we slept there that night on the bank. A sleep so peaceful so serene so familiar, that I was sure I had done it many times before and hoped to do it many times again. When the day broke I sat up and stared at the silvery sky, I looked down at my companion and felt something so profound it nearly brought me to tears. Then out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of it. Gleaming in the river, floating slowly down ward. Kissing her on the forehead, I leaped head first into the water; this was it I was sure. I grabbed it and found it to be a crown, it was battered and tarnished in some places but it was still a crown, as I began my trek back to the shore I was pulled under, the river had become violent and turbulent I couldn't get to shore, not back to her, until I felt a hand grab mine. I looked up and she said "Come on pull." I struggled against the current and then heaved myself out. The crown and I sprawled on the floor, she helped me up and said "You made it, I knew you would." I gave her a puzzled look as she walked over to the crown and dusted it off. "I have been waiting for this for a long time." She placed it on top of my head. "What do you mean?" I asked as she picked up her jar, reversed it and placed it on top of her head. I had not noticed it before but it appeared to be a crown of sorts like mine. "Come I’ll will explain everything to you once we get home." She laced her fingers in mine and led me to a far structure jutting out of the earth like an odd triangle. "Home?" I looked at her and said she returned my gaze then nodded "Home."

Yo this one is dope man, chose to put this up instead in the short story section here: Short Stories

i'll probably put both up tbh if that's cool with you?

and i put up a reference to your site in the recomms section my dude, apologies on the bland look of the site currently working on that. Salute.


American Daydream Machine
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Yo this one is dope man, chose to put this up instead in the short story section here: Short Stories

i'll probably put both up tbh if that's cool with you?

and i put up a reference to your site in the recomms section my dude, apologies on the bland look of the site currently working on that. Salute.
Sure no prob.


American Daydream Machine
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Yo this one is dope man, chose to put this up instead in the short story section here: Short Stories

i'll probably put both up tbh if that's cool with you?

and i put up a reference to your site in the recomms section my dude, apologies on the bland look of the site currently working on that. Salute.
Oh the title is a king fit for a queen.


American Daydream Machine
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Cool i'll edit that, the others have titles too?

Yeah how do we get it out to the coli brehs though lol
The first one was called Quantum Prose.

TBH. King fit for a queen might be one of my least favorite short stories. It reminds me of when I was a simp who believed in true love.:snoop:

We could have @KidStranglehold fuse the two threads.


American Daydream Machine
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
It took a village
By Nelo Maxwell

He had stood on the great hill overlooking the Valley and saw the line of fire approaching. For months the rumors a secret invasion force had spread throughout the village as its leader he was sure to heed any talk of possible threat to his home. There were people who said, this force was organized by people who had once been members of the village, who went to live in the capital and realized that conquering a small hamlet with rich mining resources would gain them favor with the officials there. He knew never to compromise, his ancestors worked this land to long and too hard, under the sun and under the clouds, for it to be given up. His advisers had told him that the village would stand tall and brave this threat, but lately they showed signs of lax, of complacency, bred from his sole tireless effort. Although there were still a few who did what they could,'' his war chieftain Great Thought's heart seemed to have left the fold for one reason or another and now all campaigns and strategies were though up by him. They called him the Black Sea for a reason, he was a well spring of knowledge, and did that give them the peace of mind to let him handle everything? His First Maiden, 'Small Heart' was under his tutelage for quite some time, but she had found love one sun season and was caught in its grips. He could not fault her; one’s own life is in fact theirs to live. His sister stood by him when she could, The Maiden of Flowers, Rose Daughter. She was a maiden still pursuing the path of her side of the family, they didn't agree on everything she and Black Sea, but they did believe that the survival of the Village, its history and legacy was paramount for building a better tomorrow. Even as the capital threatened their way of life, to burn down their great culture center and ruin the minds of their young with a notion that they are nothing more than what the foreign nations say they are. It had been very hard since their Island was taken over by invaders. That was centuries ago, they stole most of the resources the island nation had and corrupted its people with an idea of inferiority and that the only thing they should be doing is supporting their oppressors propaganda. It sickened Black Sea and he called out to the most high for answers, but knew they were already there within him, left there through divine birth right. "Are you OK?"he turned to see his wife 'True Speech’, she loved her husband and did the best to understand or console his moods; sometimes it was like she took the masculine presence in the relationships. But she understood, his shoulders held a great load and she loved him for it. "I'm fine; I'm just going to the mountain." "If you must." She walked over and kissed him and squeezed his hand. "Be careful." She turned and walked down the hill as the Fire approached closer and closer. She turned toward the Village. "What shall I tell them?" She asked him as he climbed the mountain. He turned back to her and smiled. "Tell them when I come back down, we shall be ready." He took the mountain, fast stopping at a small hut on an outcropping. Here his confidante resided, she was actually his first protégé, A spiritual consort of a kind even though their relationship would never be a physical one. The 'Lady of the Hood' waited for him, in front of her house. She was wrapped in her traditional black robe and hooded. Years before he became leader she was banished from the village for falling in love with another maiden. When he became the chief, he asked her back, however she enjoyed the solitude now. "Hello great king." She embraced him not quite like a lover, but still close. "Have you prepared it?" he asked
"For you my lord." She directed him inside. When he walked in the sweet smell of jasmine hung in the air. "Let us begin, time is short." He sat down in front of her as she retrieved a jar and dipped her hands in it as he removed his earth tone shirt. She began rubbing the oil in the Jar on his back. As soon as the first explosion came. They were at war, when she was finished she kissed him on both cheeks and hugged him again. As he walked to the door 'True Speech' appeared. "My King come, it is time."

The couple walked down the mountain, going to face an uncertain destiny; if what Lady Hood had done was successful they would be invincible. But there was always doubt, division, fear Laziness. Lady Hood stood watching her friend, and praying for his safe return.

"For you my lord." She directed him inside. When he walked in the sweet smell of jasmine hung in the air. "Let us begin, time is short." He sat down in front of her as she retrieved a jar and dipped her hands in it as he removed his earth tone shirt. She began rubbing the oil in the Jar on his back. As soon as the first explosion came. They were at war, when she was finished she kissed him on both cheeks and hugged him again. As he walked to the door 'True Speech' appeared. "My King come, it is time."

The couple walked down the mountain, going to face an uncertain destiny, If what Lady Hood had done was successful they would be invincible. But there was always doubt, division, fear Laziness. Lady Hood stood watching her friend, and praying for his safe return .
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May 3, 2012
I just got a cheap chromebook and I need a writing app. Preferably free, and one that's not always online. +Rep and daps for good suggestions. Thanks.