There aren't even 400,000 black families worth $1 mil, why do we think we just need to work harder?


Feb 2, 2016
You can't save the majority because the majority thinks everything is okay. Matter of fact, most don't even understand the difference between WEALTH and INCOME. It's crazy and i don't even waste time trying to explain it, at our age (i'm 27) you should know the difference. You should know finance and the meaning of certain terms.

Black men who don't want to be average really don't owe anything to the brothers who want to be. You don't have time to explain this stuff to them. They want to be nothing more than average. They are satisfied with an average job and being an average joe. Being average is "black excellence" to them.

That is why if you mention black wealth dropping, average nikkas always say, "WHAT YOU MEAN? I GOTS ME A JOB" Your job is INCOME, not WEALTH. If you unexpectedly lost your job today, how long would you be able to survive without it? How long would you be able to pay your bills and feed yourself? That's the difference between wealth and a job/income.

My crew/circle/group whatever you want to call it is small, on purpose. Because i'm not average and don't wanna be. And I don't fukk with average/mediocre black people, who are satisfied with a little job and apartment.

Average nikkas always claim they're "doing good" but they have an average job working for cacs, no assets, etc. How is some mediocre job that you could lose at any moment "doing good"? I have a different definition of doing good than most of these nikkas. "Doing good" is about ownership. Businesses, real estate, stocks and bonds. Not a little job and some trinkets.

:russell:........whole post reads as some need to feel more important then you are. A job is a job nikka. Some are more ambitious then others...others have more going on for themselves than others. None the less you looking down on blacks like you got the golden ticket in life comes off as some self indulged bullshyt....everyone is ALWAYS working for someone else one way or another. Jobs/careers are always one left turn away from going from good to shyt...wealth is only afforded to the top 1% of the entire country. Plenty are rich..But not many are wealthy so to shyt on blacks for not aspiring to be when 99% of Americans are in the same boat doesn't make sense either. Your whole post is convoluted garbage.