Theresa May calls June 8th Election (RESULT: Tories fail to win majority; Coalition formed with DUP)

JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
Mind directing us toward this information good sir?

I don't have materials on hand (posting from my phone), but he's referring to how the Scots-Irish were the main population involved in settler colonialism in Ireland. That group later immigrated to the colonies/the U.S. and were, again, a main population involved in ethnic cleansing/genocide of Native nations and in slavery and racism against Afrikans. Those cacs have a particularly ugly history :hhh:


Jan 20, 2015
Mind directing us toward this information good sir?

I'm on holiday just now so I can't give you a lot of detail with the shyte connection I have here, but Irish Scots where some of the first colonial plants in ireland, particularly the north. And they where particularly brutal towards Africans when they settled in America.

Basically a lot of what they done to Africans and native Americans they did in Ireland first, and continue to do so.

For instance the orange order (a Protestant group who hate Catholics) has a close association with the KKK over in America


Nasty group of people, even among WASPs. :hhh:


All Star
Jul 31, 2013
@Fenian what do you make of the Queen delaying?

Could she say "no" to May?

It's not the Queen delaying, is it? I think it's the Tories delaying because they can't agree what to put in the speech yet. Tories are basically falling apart in front of us - they do a great job of hiding their in-fighting, so it must be absolutely savage behind the scenes. The Remainers are bullishly shouting for the softest of softest Brexits, some even saying Brexit work needs to go cross-party... anyone with half a brain in the party (exhaustive list: John Major, Kenneth Clarke) are saying a DUP deal might be a risk to Irish peace and some of them are even starting to talk about "cooling off" on austerity. There's not even a veil of shared ideology anymore... they've been bared for all to see. They have literally no idea what they're going to do or how they're going to do it this Parliament and they can't lodge a Queen's speech until they've got something for her to say. Honestly, I bet Tess just wanted to give the Maj a piece of paper saying "This government will strive to provide Strong and Stable leadership in the interests of the country for as long as they can" and fukk back off to Buck House.

The wheels are falling off in such satisfying fashion. We've always known the Tories are a civil war waiting to happen... that's almost what's made it so frustrating with the media focus on Labour's internal issues. The Tories have been fighting each other on Europe ever since Thatcher took us into the Single Market - they made themselves completely unelectable between 1995-2009... then they managed to sweep it all under the carpet by getting into power by blaming Labour for the global economic crisis, freeing them up to go ultra-ideological on their austerity programme and promising a referendum after shipping their Eurosceptics off to UKIP so they could back Remain in peace.... then they flubbed the fukking referendum campaign, tanked the recovery and we're basically back in 1995 again - we have a patsy Tory PM surrounded by a bunch of discredited jokers and a resurgent Labour Party ready to absolutely annihilate them next time around.

She'd be on borrowed time, but she doesn't believe in borrowing.:ohhh: