These 5 books recommended by Nigerian billionaire Tony Elumelu


Dec 26, 2016
These 5 books are highly recommended by Nigerian billionaire Tony Elumelu
Last Tuesday at 3:04 PM
These 5 books are highly recommended by Nigerian billionaire Tony Elumelu - Pulse Nigeria
These 5 books are highly recommended by Nigerian billionaire Tony Elumelu - Pulse Nigeria


Tony Elumelu

The annual event, also known as World Book and Copyright Day, is organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The purpose of today is to promote reading. In honour of this annual event, Business Insider SSA by Pulse has compiled five books that have been recommended by Tony Elumelu.

According to the Nigerian billionaire and chairman of Heirs Holdings, these books have had a huge impact on his business and life.

Here they are:

  • "Outliers: The Story Of Success" by Malcolm Gladwell - For Elumelu, "The book lays emphasis on hard work and excellence- two of my most treasured values." It tells the stories of extraordinary people.
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  • "The Creation of Wealth: The Tatas From 19th to 21st Century" by R.M. Lala - "This book helped fuel my desire to build economic prosperity whilst creating the social wealth that accrues to the larger society in the long term," he said.
  • "Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence" by Ben Carson – According to Elumelu, who is one of Nigeria's most influential philanthropists, "Dr Carson's story affirms my belief that no challenge is insurmountable once one has the right attitude."
  • "Kane & Abel" by Jeffrey Archer- In his words, "This is the book that, very early on, opened my eyes to the value of creating a stellar legacy that shines long after one is no longer around."
  • "Shall We Tell The President" by Jeffrey Archer- This is the sequel to Kane & Abel.