They're Really About To Make Black People The New Face Of Racism

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Where is the executive order to protect Black people? They are aalllll the way at the bottom in the stats, which is positive in this case!

"In the U.S., African Americans are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white people. For black women, the rate is 1.4 times more likely.

That’s according to a new study conducted by Frank Edwards, of Rutgers University’s School of Criminal Justice, Hedwig Lee, of Washington University in St. Louis’s Department of Sociology, and Michael Esposito, of the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. The researchers used verified data on police killings from 2013 to 2018 compiled by the website Fatal Encounters, created by Nevada-based journalist D. Brian Burghart. Under their models, they found that roughly 1-in-1,000 black boys and men will be killed by police in their lifetime. For white boys and men, the rate is 39 out of 100,000."



~Brentin Mock
AUGUST 6, 2019
Race and Police Shootings: What New Research Says - CityLab

"How do racial biases play into deadly encounters with the police? Researchers wrestle with incomplete data to reach answers.

They are mining the new numbers to address pressing questions, such as whether the police are disproportionately quick to shoot black civilians and those from other minority groups. But methods and interpretations vary greatly. A pair of high-profile papers published in the past few weeks1,2 come to seemingly opposite conclusions about the role of racial biases.

Scientists are now debating which incidents to track — from deadly shootings to all interactions with the public — and which details matter most, such as whether the victim was armed or had had previous contact with the police. They are also looking for the best way to compare activities across jurisdictions and account for misreporting. “It’s really contentious because there’s no clearly right answer,” says Seth Stoughton at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, a former police officer who now studies the regulation of law enforcement.

Although the databases are still imperfect, they make it clear that police officers’ use of lethal force is much more common than previously thought, and that it varies significantly across the country, including the two locations where Brown and Garner lost their lives. St Louis (of which Ferguson is a suburb) has one of the highest rates of police shooting civilians per capita in the United States, whereas New York City consistently has one of the lowest, according to one database. Deciphering what practices and policies drive such differences could identify opportunities to reduce the number of shootings and deaths for both civilians and police officers, scientists say.


In December 2014, spurred by unrest in the wake of Ferguson, then-US president, Barack Obama, created a task force to investigate policing practices. The group issued a report five months later, highlighting a need for “expanded research and data collection” (see The data historically collected by the federal government on fatal shootings were sorely lacking. Almost two years later, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) responded with a pilot project to create an online national database of fatal and non-fatal use of force by law-enforcement officers. The FBI director at the time, James Comey, called the lack of comprehensive national data “unacceptable” and “embarrassing”.

Full data collection started this year. But outsiders had already begun to gather the data in the interests of informing the public. The database considered to be the most complete is maintained by The Washington Post. In 2015, the newspaper began collecting information on fatal shootings from local news reports, public records and social media. Its records indicate that police officers shoot and kill around 1,000 civilians each year — about twice the number previously counted by the FBI.

Recognizing that ‘lethal force’ does not always involve a gun and doesn’t always result in death, two other media organizations expanded on this approach. In 2015 and 2016, UK newspaper The Guardian combined its original reporting with crowdsourced information to record all fatal encounters with the police in the United States, and found around 1,100 civilian deaths per year. Online news site VICE News obtained data on both fatal and non-fatal shootings from the country’s 50 largest local police departments, finding that for every person shot and killed between 2010 and 2016, officers shot at two more people who survived. Extrapolating from that, the actual number of civilians shot by the police each year is likely to be upwards of 3,000.

Recognizing that ‘lethal force’ does not always involve a gun and doesn’t always result in death, two other media organizations expanded on this approach. In 2015 and 2016, UK newspaper The Guardian combined its original reporting with crowdsourced information to record all fatal encounters with the police in the United States, and found around 1,100 civilian deaths per year. Online news site VICE News obtained data on both fatal and non-fatal shootings from the country’s 50 largest local police departments, finding that for every person shot and killed between 2010 and 2016, officers shot at two more people who survived. Extrapolating from that, the actual number of civilians shot by the police each year is likely to be upwards of 3,000."


~Lynne Peeples
What the data say about police shootings

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
they quiet as a mouse tho when cacs do something

and ultimately, these people chose to come to a majority nonasian country. im getting tired of these groups crying. Blame your parents they knew what they signed up for when they came here:russell:

I am sure they will experience some racism as well, they aren't white after all. However, they do want to be tokenized whites.

Do they ask random whites to apologies?

Where the hell is the Reparations for Black people?

The Black experience!

Racial Violence in the United States Since 1660

Antebellum Urban Violence

Christina (Pennsylvania) Riot, 1851
Cincinnati Riots, 1829
Cincinnati Race Riots, 1836
The Pennsylvania Hall Fire, 1838

Civil War, Reconstruction, and Post-Reconstruction Era Violence

Detroit Race Riot, 1863
New York City Draft Riots, 1863
Memphis Riot, 1866
New Orleans Massacre, 1866
Pulaski Race Riot, 1868
Opelousas Massacre, 1868
The Meridian Race Riot, 1871
Chicot County Race War, 1871
The Colfax Massacre, 1873
Clinton (Mississippi) Riot, 1875
Hamburg Massacre, 1876
Carroll County Courthouse Massacre, 1886
Thibodaux Massacre, 1887
New Orleans Dockworkers’ Riot, 1894-1895
Wilmington Race Riot, 1898
Newburg, New York Race Riot, 1899

Race Riots, 1900-1960

Robert Charles Riot (New Orleans), 1900
New York City Race Riot, 1900
Atlanta Race Riot, 1906
Springfield, Illinois Race Riot, 1908
East St. Louis Race Riot, 1917
Chester, Pennsylvania Race Riot, 1917
Houston Mutiny and Race Riot, 1917
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Race Riot, 1918
Charleston (South Carolina) Riot, 1919
Washington, D.C. Riot, 1919
Chicago Race Riot, 1919
Knoxville Race Riot, 1919
Elaine, Arkansas Riot, 1919
Tulsa Race Riot, 1921
Rosewood Massacre, 1923
Harlem Race Riot, 1935
Beaumont Race Riot, 1943
Detroit Race Riot, 1943

Urban Uprisings, 1960-2000

Cambridge, Maryland Riot, 1963
The Harlem Race Riot, 1964
Rochester Rebellion, 1964
Jersey City Uprising, 1964
Paterson, New Jersey Uprising, 1964
Elizabeth, New Jersey Uprising, 1964
Chicago (Dixmoor) Riots, 1964
Philadelphia Race Riot, 1964
Watts Rebellion (Los Angeles), 1965
Cleveland’s Hough Riots, 1966
Chicago, Illinois Uprising, 1966
The Dayton, Ohio Uprising, 1966
Hunter’s Point, San Francisco Uprising, 1966
Newark Race Riot, 1967
Plainfield, New Jersey Riot, 1967
Detroit Race Riot, 1967
Flint, Michigan Riot, 1967
Tuscon Race Riot, 1967
Grand Rapids, Michigan Uprising, 1967
The King Assassination Riots, 1968
Hartford, Connecticut Riot, 1969
Asbury Park Race Riot, 1970
Camden, New Jersey Riots, 1969 and 1971
Miami (Liberty City) Riot, 1980
Crown Heights (Brooklyn) New York Riot, 1991
Rodney King Riot, 1992
West Las Vegas Riot, 1992
St. Petersburg, Florida Riot, 1996

College Campus Violence

University of Georgia Desegregation Riot, 1961
Ole Miss Riot, 1962
Houston (Texas Southern University) Riot, 1967
Orangeburg Massacre, 1968
Jackson State Killings, 1970

Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy

“You start out in 1954 by saying, “N-word, n-word, n-word.” By 1968 you can’t say “n-word”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N-word, n-word.”

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017

It sure is. But why are you telling this on a predominantly Black forum? Are you trying to tell us something new, something we didn't know?

The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment was meant to enforce protection for Black Americans. The irony that it's applied the least to Black Americans.























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Captain L
Dec 7, 2014
I worked at a IT job where the majority is Asians. The younger generation are some of the coolest people you will ever meet. But most of the older generation is rude and nasty as hell here in NYC.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
I worked at a IT job where the majority is Asians. The younger generation are some of the coolest people you will ever meet. But most of the older generation is rude and nasty as hell here in NYC.
I never really had problems with Asian people. I have always been cool with them, even in friendly relationships. So of course not all Asians should be stigmatized. But what is happening here is something that is framed in a very odd way, clearly with an agenda. Within one year Asians have managed to get an executive order, while Black America has been asking for this for the longest (decades) and still are being ignored. I have posted evidence after evidence.

Speaking of IT jobs. The irony is that in L.A. homeless people are predominately Black people, while Asians in Silicon Valley are the head factor. The horrific thing about this story actually goes deeper. Most Blacks in L.A. migrated to LA during the Great Migration, due to domestic terror attacks in the South, where Black wealth was confiscated and distributed by these white domestic terrorists. Moving to L.A. put them in Redlined areas and white flight.

So basically we "allegedly" have some random homeless Black people who "allegedly" randomly have targeted some rich Asians in "robberies", with them calling it racism? The socioeconomic marginalization of Blacks is translated into Asians being under "racist attacks"?

Column: Black people make up 8% of L.A. population and 34% of its homeless. That's unacceptable

Race/Ethnicity of Homeless
Point-in-Time Count, January 2020, 2019, 2018

  • Asians are slightly above 1% (1.2%).
  • Blacks are constantly around 37.8% to 35.7%.
Homeless in Los Angeles County, California


  • African-American families are in poverty, accounting for 20% of all African-American, compared to the Los Angeles County median of $55,750."
  • Median household income is $40,650.
  • The unemployment rate of African-Americans is 3 percentage points above all other workers in Los Angeles County.
  • 344,780 African-Americans in Los Angeles County that hold a job.
  • The economic impact in Los Angeles County of African-American-owned firms in 2012 was $11.8 billion.

  • Asian families are in poverty, accounting for 8.6% of all Asian families in Los Poverty by family type: Angeles County.
  • Median household income is $70,440.
  • The unemployment rate of Asians is 2.1 percentage points below other workers in Los Angeles County.
  • 740,870 Asians in Los Angeles County that hold a job.
  • The economic impact in Los Angeles County of Asian-owned firms in 2012 was $167.2 billion.

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Enough of this victim shyt.. What can we do to fight it? The Coli is a strong forum and with enough voices can combat alot of this shyt..
We need a serious foothole in media

As Tariq said, avoid going to their business etc. stop patronizing their business etc. It's not that complicated. It will benefit them and Black people. They no longer will feel to need to be scared and Black people will keep billions of dollars circulating within the Black community, that otherwise would go into the pockets of Asians. So yeah, problem solved and everybody benefits from that solution.

Here are some more stats. See where Asians are compared to Black people, yet Asians are the "victims" and quickly need an executive order?




UPDATE: Prosecutors charge 3 more officers in George Floyd’s death
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Apr 30, 2012
I told y’all brehs in the bay this shyt was going to happen Asians are going to make life hell for y’all because of a handful of fukk nikkas. But brehs was all in the thread talking shyt so for those of you who was saying Asians ain’t gon do shyt y’all better not be in here outraged.
stop it.

nobody thinking about this because ain't shyt gonna happen.

Oakland pd don't give a shyt neither

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
stop it.

nobody thinking about this because ain't shyt gonna happen.

Oakland pd don't give a shyt neither
"The 5 largest ethnic groups in Oakland, CA are White (Non-Hispanic) (29%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (22.7%), Other (Hispanic) (17.5%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (15.2%), and White (Hispanic) (6.06%). NaNk% of the people in Oakland, CA speak a non-English language, and 87.5% are U.S. citizens."

In 2018 the highest paid race/ethnicity of California workers was Asian. These workers were paid 1.13 times more than White workers, who made the second highest salary of any race/ethnicity in California.

This chart shows the race- and ethnicity-based wage disparities in the 5 most common occupations in California by number of full-time employees.

Oakland, CA | Data USA


Apr 30, 2012
"The 5 largest ethnic groups in Oakland, CA are White (Non-Hispanic) (29%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (22.7%), Other (Hispanic) (17.5%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (15.2%), and White (Hispanic) (6.06%). NaNk% of the people in Oakland, CA speak a non-English language, and 87.5% are U.S. citizens."

In 2018 the highest paid race/ethnicity of California workers was Asian. These workers were paid 1.13 times more than White workers, who made the second highest salary of any race/ethnicity in California.

This chart shows the race- and ethnicity-based wage disparities in the 5 most common occupations in California by number of full-time employees.

Oakland, CA | Data USA
asians been the highest paid and been getting their shyt pushed in for decades out here. it's actually lower than years back.

nobody gives a fukk.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
I never really had problems with Asian people. I have always been cool with them, even in friendly relationships. So of course not all Asians should be stigmatized. But what is happening here is something that is framed in a very odd way, clearly with an agenda. Within one year Asians have managed to get an executive order, while Black America has been asking for this for the longest (decades) and still are being ignored. I have posted evidence after evidence.

Speaking of IT jobs. The irony is that in L.A. homeless people are predominately Black people, while Asians in Silicon Valley are the head factor. The horrific thing about this story actually goes deeper. Most Blacks in L.A. migrated to LA during the Great Migration, due to domestic terror attacks in the South, where Black wealth was confiscated and distributed to these white domestic terrorists. Moving to L.A. put them in Redlined area and white flight.

So basically we have some random homeless Black people who have randomly targeted some rich Asians in robberies, with them calling it racism? The socioeconomic marginalization of Blacks is translated into Asians being under "racist attacks"?

Column: Black people make up 8% of L.A. population and 34% of its homeless. That's unacceptable

Race/Ethnicity of Homeless
Point-in-Time Count, January 2020, 2019, 2018

  • Asians are slightly above 1% (1.2%).
  • Blacks are constantly around 37.8% to 35.7%.
Homeless in Los Angeles County, California


  • African-American families are in poverty, accounting for 20% of all African-American, compared to the Los Angeles County median of $55,750."
  • Median household income is $40,650.
  • The unemployment rate of African-Americans is 3 percentage points above all other workers in Los Angeles County.
  • 344,780 African-Americans in Los Angeles County that hold a job.
  • The economic impact in Los Angeles County of African-American-owned firms in 2012 was $11.8 billion.

  • Asian families are in poverty, accounting for 8.6% of all Asian families in Los Poverty by family type: Angeles County.
  • Median household income is $70,440.
  • The unemployment rate of Asians is 2.1 percentage points below other workers in Los Angeles County.
  • 740,870 Asians in Los Angeles County that hold a job.
  • The economic impact in Los Angeles County of Asian-owned firms in 2012 was $167.2 billion.


Its like in the ATL too how some of these neighborhoods werent always really truly "nice". They're built on and next to poor subdivisions and streets where robberies always been happening. Gentrifiers been encroaching on the hood where shyt always goes down think they not gonna get robbed like everyone else. Cacs leaving their cars open and wanna blame Keisha
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Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
It sure is. But why are you telling this on a predominantly Black forum? Are you trying to tell us something new, something we didn't know?

The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment was meant to enforce protection for Black Americans. The irony that it's applied the least to Black Americans.























I don't think thecoli is predominately black anymore.