Think I'm Gonna Sign That Contract With G-d/G0d


May 10, 2015
Advice @Preacher no troll.

The steps to finding God are often riddled with downfalls and hardships. Unfortunately, people only choose God when their lives have hit rock bottom, never when they're on the up and up or doing well. Whatever the case, there's no wrong reason for coming to God.

I think the choice you've made is a wise and tough one because of your doubt but God wants to show you. Moses doubted as well and he led the Hebrews out of slavery. Abraham doubted and God chose him to birth an entire people (possibly you, me and all black people are descended from Abraham). Believe it or not, even Jesus had His concerns before being killed. So, its fine to have your concerns going in but if you're going to fully "sign a contract" with God, you have to do it 100%. Those I deal with daily and those I see on here never give a 100% effort with God so that's why they get half results or no results at all then they proceed to complain, ridicule and doubt God when they are not putting in the work in the 1st place.

You have to read the Bible. Study it. How can you understand a God you know nothing about? His work, his history? Pray/communicate with Him. How can you understand a God you never talk to? You can't have a relationship without communication. Fasting is vital. The Bible says certain things only come through prayer and fasting.

Understand the purpose of fasting. It's to "kill the flesh" and strengthen the spirit; getting close to God. Its like exercise. Most people choose to exercise the flesh i.e sex, drinking, drugs - these things please the flesh but harm the spirit. You can't exercise carnal desires and expect much from God. Exercise your spiritual muscle by reading, praying & fasting; blessing others, taking care of your body and mind. Lastly, you must live a holy lifestyle.

I'm pleased to read that you've taken this step however, I would caution you at your willing separation from black churches. I understand the stigma and reputation attached to many but there are true remnants in our community that teach the gospel the right way. Keep searching for that church because nobody can help you in this walk like a black church family because only back people can understand black people. Remember that this movement, the Christian movement, started with black people - the Hebrews - so don't be so quick to isolate yourself from those who have the TRUE knowledge. Congrats man.

If you want to hit my inbox with any more personal question/comments, don't hesitate. I've had A LOT of convos with brehs and brehettes on here and I believe I've helped many of them.


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
The steps to finding God are often riddled with downfalls and hardships. Unfortunately, people only choose God when their lives have hit rock bottom, never when they're on the up and up or doing well. Whatever the case, there's no wrong reason for coming to God.

I think the choice you've made is a wise and tough one because of your doubt but God wants to show you. Moses doubted as well and he led the Hebrews out of slavery. Abraham doubted and God chose him to birth an entire people (possibly you, me and all black people are descended from Abraham). Believe it or not, even Jesus had His concerns before being killed. So, its fine to have your concerns going in but if you're going to fully "sign a contract" with God, you have to do it 100%. Those I deal with daily and those I see on here never give a 100% effort with God so that's why they get half results or no results at all then they proceed to complain, ridicule and doubt God when they are not putting in the work in the 1st place.

You have to read the Bible. Study it. How can you understand a God you know nothing about? His work, his history? Pray/communicate with Him. How can you understand a God you never talk to? You can't have a relationship without communication. Fasting is vital. The Bible says certain things only come through prayer and fasting.

Understand the purpose of fasting. It's to "kill the flesh" and strengthen the spirit; getting close to God. Its like exercise. Most people choose to exercise the flesh i.e sex, drinking, drugs - these things please the flesh but harm the spirit. You can't exercise carnal desires and expect much from God. Exercise your spiritual muscle by reading, praying & fasting; blessing others, taking care of your body and mind. Lastly, you must live a holy lifestyle.

I'm pleased to read that you've taken this step however, I would caution you at your willing separation from black churches. I understand the stigma and reputation attached to many but there are true remnants in our community that teach the gospel the right way. Keep searching for that church because nobody can help you in this walk like a black church family because only back people can understand black people. Remember that this movement, the Christian movement, started with black people - the Hebrews - so don't be so quick to isolate yourself from those who have the TRUE knowledge. Congrats man.

If you want to hit my inbox with any more personal question/comments, don't hesitate. I've had A LOT of convos with brehs and brehettes on here and I believe I've helped many of them.
Thanks. I agree with your point. However, for the longest I've been stuck between Christianity Orthodox and Judaism. I personally love the Jewish customs and praying to G-d. While I believe Jesus was a great teacher similar to Buddha the dying on the cross thing is iffy. Still, I'm going to try to meet with some clerics. Because if I sign the contract I want to do it right.