This White Woman Gave Birth To Three Black Babies And Her White Husband Encouraged It.

King of Creampies

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Feb 18, 2017
Wild Hunt

So, this happened: Aaron Halbert and his wife Rachel self-described White Evangelicals who live in Mississippi gave birth to Black Triplets and her husband Aaron encouraged it.

Aaron was a child of evangelical missionaries in Honduras, who was very aware of racial diversity because he was the blue-eyed White kid, who stuck out like a sore thumb, but all the while said he felt deeply connected to the people there, even though he looked very different. Meanwhile Rachel grew up in the delta of Mississippi and Aaron says “It wasn’t until she took a few trips to Haiti that the veil of racial prejudice was lifted from her eyes.”

When they were still dating, a common bond that drew them together was the fact that he and Rachel both wanted to adopt. So they did, they adopted a 3-year-old Black boy and a 2-year-old biracial girl from their home state of Mississippi. They adopted Black kids because they said that Black kids don’t get adopted at the rate that White Kids do. I understand that. This next thing, I don’t understand. So the couple said they wanted their adopted kids to relate to any kids they birthed, so they went to National Embryo Donation Center, a Christian embryo bank and created 3 Black triplets from in-vitro fertilization.

So now this White couple has 5 Black children.

Aaron said “Grasping diversity will make the world stronger as we marvel at God’s creative genius on display through His people’s varying pigments, personalities and proficiencies. Our differences are cause for celebration, not scorn.”

Aaron who wrote about this in the Washington Post also said things like:

“There is something beautiful and enriching being the only white face sitting and chatting with some of my African-American friends as my son gets his hair cut on a Saturday morning.”


“I felt sheer delight during this pregnancy watching my son and daughter, with his dark brown skin and her with the ringlet hair and slightly tan skin, kiss my white wife’s growing belly.”

So, am I the only person who is disturbed by this?

When did it become okay for White couples to start giving birth to Black babies because they feel like it? This is my opinion– but everything about this story screams these people are off their rocker lol. If a Black woman and her Black husband went to an embryo bank and got in-vitro fertilization from a White man and had triplets, wouldn’t that be strange to you?

I understand that they wanted to adopt Black kids because they don’t get adopted as often as Whites BUT actually birthing Black babies is going overboard.

Aaron’s exact words were: “We wanted additional siblings to feel connected to our first two children racially, and asked the team at the NEDC if we could be matched with African-American embryos. They agreed with our thoughts about our kids matching each other racially and were supportive of the decision to select African American embryos.”

But the fact that they are adopted by White parents, makes them feel connected?

What I am getting at is, regardless if they gave birth to Black babies, White babies or Purple babies, at the end of the day their adopted kids are going to feel some type of way because these triplets are the mother-Rachel’s birth children, and they are not. Even though they are all Black, you better believe there will still be sibling rivalry, the birthed kids versus the adopted kids.

Does anyone else feel like this good “White Evangelical” couple could have ulterior motives?

Having Black babies is not a fad or something you can just do because you want to give back and help Black people.

If you are a White couple and want to help Black people, give birth to White kids and raise them with morals and to not be racist or prejudice. Teach your White children real American history which includes Black history and to love, appreciate and value ALL people. Thats what we need more of. We don’t need White couples having Black babies, lets save that for Black couples.

Source: and

This White Woman Gave Birth To Three Black Babies And Her White Husband Encouraged It – Naturally Moi

What do you all think? Very interesting.....:francis:
May 22, 2015
They probably just wanted to be known as the first couple to do this. Didnt they have to pay for an embryo so why not put those funds towards another adoption instead? The main reason to get pregnant is to pass on DNA.