Toxi Lahren to Beyonce: Your Husband was a drug dealer for 14 years he sold crack cocaine.


Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Oct 13, 2014

Hold up, Hold up, HOLD UP :whoa:

She's saying Jay sold CRACK? :leon:

Jay-Z? :why:

The rapper? :jbhmm:

The 'In My Lifetime' nikka? :dahell:

The skinny nikka on the boat? :patrice:


Why are we only just hearing about this NOW? :mindblown:


This changes EVERYTHING.:lupe:

Thanks for the late breaking news, White Lady! :whew:

I've got some soul searching to do, brehs :mjcry:

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Dec 8, 2013
I mean hell, he was raised in the projects. Roaches and rats. Smokers out back, selling their momma's sofa.

did you even live in a project building in brooklyn?? rats? foh
maybe they got rats in the bronx, but not brooklyn's projects.
and roaches only came if your dirty ass tenant next door brought them in. plastic bags and cardboard boxes used to bring them shyts in. :scusthov:and they would find a crakk and multiply


All Star
Jun 16, 2014
Courtney of Hiphollywood Tomi has done an interview to explain her viral rant.

Exclusive: Tomi Lahren Talks Forgiving Jay Z, The Beyhive And Being A Beyonce Stan
Earlier today, I penned an editorial piece slamming conservative TV host Tomi Lahren for her critique of Beyonce’s halftime performance. Immediately following that post, our staff reached out to Lahren and invited her to have a deeper conversations with us regarding Beyonce’s controversial performance, the Black Lives Matter movement and opinion of Jay Z.

Below is the uncensored exchange:

1. Were you a Beyonce fan prior to the halftime show?
I am still a Beyonce fan. She has the right to free speech and expression. I do, as well. If I take issue with her message I will use my platform to explain why.

2. What initially went through your mind when you saw the Super Bowl halftime performance?
Disappointment. I was disappointed to see an event-which should bring people together-turn into a race-baiting spectacle. I was disappointed to see a celebrated icon use her platform to perpetuate a narrative of victimhood. MLK was a fearless leader. He advocated change through peace and education. The Black Panthers did not. Why salute that?

3. Do you feel celebrities should refrain from using fame to bring awareness to things they feel are issues?
Celebrities are free to use their fame in whichever way they choose. There are more productive ways to advance a message than giving the entertainment equivalent of a middle finger to half the audience.

4. Were you ready for the Beyhive backlash?
My message was not hateful or racist. It was articulate and positive. That being said, I am always ready for the backlash. The truth will always anger someone. I don’t aim to inflame people. I simply deliver my “Final Thoughts” and invite people to respectfully disagree.

5. During the rant, you brought up Jay Z’s past … since you are big on faith, what is your stance on forgiveness?
The reference to Jay-Z’s past has nothing to do with judgement. Rather, it’s pointing out a contradiction in Beyonce’s message. She wants to protect Black communities and bring light to police brutality. That is perfectly fine. However, to say the handful of times police have used deadly force is the only problem plaguing Black communities is false. The cycle of gang violence, drug use and abuse plays a large role. Her husband had a hand in that. These celebrities can’t pick and choose which societal problems fit their agenda. Don’t exploit a problem when you once were part of the problem.

6. What’s your take on Black Lives matter?
All lives matter. There [is] no rational, reasonable White person who believes Black lives matter less. The racial conversation needs to be had but instead of playing the victim, be a leader. Why advance a militant effort to demonize and label all white people ‘racist?’ The calls to violence on law enforcement and the outright harassment displayed by segments of this group does nothing to advance equality or togetherness. Neither does burning down a CVS, roasting pigs or looting drug stores.

7. Are you at all empathetic to the Black Lives Matter message?
I am empathetic to the initial motivation behind the movement. It has twisted into a malicious effort to silence and shame those who speak against the group’s tactics. If you want to bring the nation together, don’t use your voices to terrorize others. I am not a slave owner. My ancestors were not slave owners. I don’t know anyone who ever condoned or celebrated slavery. I do not support the KKK. I do not know anyone affiliated with the KKK or any other white supremacist organization. Don’t reduce my message to that. It’s unfair and untrue.

8. Did producers prompt you to make the now viral comments about Beyonce?
I write every word that comes out of my mouth. My “Final Thoughts” are my own.

9. Did you feel pressured to release a statement?
I talk for a living. I am happy to explain myself. The “BeyHive” don’t scare me. They don’t intimidate me. I stand behind my message.

10. Will you buy Beyonce’s album when it comes out?
Again, I have no ill-will towards Beyonce. She expressed herself. I responded.


Apr 30, 2012
did you even live in a project building in brooklyn?? rats? foh
maybe they got rats in the bronx, but not brooklyn's projects.
and roaches only came if your dirty ass tenant next door brought them in. plastic bags and cardboard boxes used to bring them shyts in. :scusthov:and they would find a crakk and multiply



All Star
Oct 16, 2012
Does she realize she said, " overthrow of white domination"? That right there cancels out everything else she had to say. She admitted right there that white supremacy rules and has ruled in this country from day one.

How does she know how long Jay sold drugs for?

She asked, "Why be a cultural leader, when you can play the victim?", that's what her and Jay are trying to do, be cultural leaders for the VICTIMS that are young black kids being killed by cops left and right and it's being glossed over, we've actually become desensitized to it so much that we expect it at this point. I'm white, and what I see is a country full of a majority of entitled white people who need a HUGE wake up call, and people of all races need wake up calls about many other issues, but when it comes to police brutality and inequality in terms of the justice system, white people need the biggest wake up call.

As for income inequality we all need to work together because poor and middle class people of all races are being left behind by the super wealthy, but as far as the previous issues I listed white America needs to wake the fukk up and stop acting like it's all in black people's imaginations, this shyt is real and something needs to change. Even if slavery and racism weren't a part of our history, just what's happened recently is alarming enough, but that's not the case and slavery did happen and racism is ingrained in the founding of America, which is a white supremacist country, it's made progress but anyone trying to deny that is lying to themselves.

Our justice system needs a complete overhaul, and the oppression of us all needs to stop, but the oppression of blacks and other minorities first and foremost needs to be addressed. And I'm not saying this out of white guilt, or pandering, this is objective thinking and real frustration and anger. And this situation is pissing me off even more, Beyonce was the fukking Queen in this country, she makes 1 political statement and white America is ready to turn on her that quick. It's a fukking joke, and it's the media pushing this agenda and doing everything they can to promote a race war.
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May 1, 2014
They love pussifying MLK :mjlol:

yea... none of em bring up MLK's real endgame, black economic empowerment...

thats why he was killed... and two black c00ns set him up in memphis at the hotel...

most of us dont realize how hated he was when he was alive... and it wasnt just the dominant society either

there was a lot of YOUNG BLACK folks back then that didnt fukk wit him like that...

more than yall realize.. and these are now the elders..



Dec 8, 2013
joke about living in and around the projects all you want. bed stuy had crakk spots and crime but nothing compared to coney island in the 80's.
we had crakk spots and pimps all over the place. the shyt i saw growing up :banderas:
that selling the sofa joke is real

yea... none of em bring up MLK's real endgame, black economic empowerment...

thats why he was killed... and two black c00ns set him up in memphis at the hotel...

most of us dont realize how hated he was when he was alive... and it aint just the dominant society either

there was a lot of YOUNG BLACK folks back then that didnt fukk wit him...

more than yall realize.. and these are now the elders..

they didn't like MLK because he had a criminal record. and that to them is an oxy moron. how can you be pro peace and good will if you have a criminal record?
very foolish judgement towards him, even from people who set him up to be snuffed out.
and it was done in a way that would send a message like they tried to do with malcolm x


Southern California/Vegas
May 1, 2012
The Coli's 420th member
It's weird and it may not be like that in Cali but a lot of white folks in NC buy into that bullshyt propaganda all the way.

Oh it's just as bad here. Except most of this state was actually Mexico until we stole it, so there is that ironic aspect. Then if you consider a lot of businesses wouldn't be profitable in this state if it wasn't for cheap labor that comes from south of the border it's comical.

Never expect the average white American to be all that smart or ever put themselves in other people's shoes.


reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
Oct 15, 2012
I mean hell, he was raised in the projects. Roaches and rats. Smokers out back, selling their momma's sofa.

did you even live in a project building in brooklyn?? rats? foh
maybe they got rats in the bronx, but not brooklyn's projects.
and roaches only came if your dirty ass tenant next door brought them in. plastic bags and cardboard boxes used to bring them shyts in. :scusthov:and they would find a crakk and multiply

The irony of being from BK and not immediately recognizing H.O.V.A. lyrics being used as satire is just :dwillhuh: :mjlol: :snoop:

