Trump polling at only 1 Percent with black voters. Makes you wonder about the coli

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
So this is why you make the statements you posts. Something a trump supporter would say


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock

:mjlol: Another Nikka who ate too many lead paint chips at the daycare center...

the Republican Party = private corporation..anything bush and cheney sent them or received is THEIR CHOICE to share or delete..

The Secretary of State= Cabinet position..any communication MUST be archived BY LAW and shared with the FBI,or any Govt Dept or official,Press,and anyone who files an appropriate FOI

They are NOT the same thing

former White House press secretary, Dana Perino, explained to Carlson what was really going on in 2007 and how it is different from the current situation Clinton is in.

"I appreciate the opportunity to clarify this," Perino said. "Some have suggested what Hillary Clinton is accused of doing, was the same as what the Democrats accused some people in the White House of doing back in 2007."

Perino explained that Bush administration had two email accounts, one for official government business and another for Republican National Committee business. She said that what is happening now to Clinton is completely different from 2007.

"She is the head of a government department, she's a cabinet secretary and under the Obama administration guidelines and the State Department guidelines of 1995, 2009, and 2013, say any government business has to be done on an official government account," Perino said. "To me that's very black and white."

"I think Dana is mostly right there, that there is difference here in that Secretary Clinton is not accused of mixing private and official email," Henry added. "She basically only used private email, and never used State Department email."
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Aug 14, 2012
Black folk are drowning and you're telling them to reject the hand reaching out to lift them up because it's got dirt on it. I have yet to hear how amnesty for illegal immigrants is a pro-black policy. I have yet to hear how TPP is a pro-black deal. I have yet to hear how incentivizing the industries that disproportionately employ black people to pick up shop and move to Vietnam or Mexico so they can legally pay starvation wages is a policy that helps black people. All I'm hearing from y'all is "...ok but Trump is a racist :skip:"

:russ::russ::russ: "the hand reaching out to lift them". How many times has Trump came out to black communities, outreach programs, etc to directly engage with blacks about economic disparity and economic issues. Polls show nikkaz ain't feelin him and he refuses to acknowledge that he has a problem engaging them and appealing to them. He refuses to say I need to do a better job to communicate my message with blacks. The problem is in his face and yours and instead of trying to fix the problem you turn around and make Trump the victim. There's a communication problem among blacks and Trumps. But among whites (largely old white uneducated bigoted people) and Trump it appears a message resonates among THEM. That's not Black voters fault.

See, you'd rather be stabbed in the back with a smile than helped up with a frown. Until now, Republicans and Democrats were putting these policies in place side by side so black folk were damned if they do damned if they don't, but now when someone proposes a radical change to the economic status quo that has fukked black people over, you reject it because the messenger was too coarse. You've been on the plantation so long that anyone from outside massa's house must be an enemy. Stockholm syndrome ass nikkas. Democrats tell you to pay no mind to the policies, look at the way he talks or who is retweeting him.
"Nevermind those unemployment numbers, you know his daddy was in the Klan, right? :sas2:"

No the truth is those that think Trump's economic plan helping blacks are misguided. I get it. You watched a couple low budget YouTube documentaries about Hispanics taking jobs from blacks or how manufacturing jobs would be here if we just snatched them away from China but I'm a realist and I know you don't know much about economics. But the truth is the problem with blacks, jobs, and economic dispartiy has been an ongoing problem for decades. Even when America was so-called "great".

It's okay you don't know better but you try and that's important :obama:
"Nevermind the disappearance of the black middle class, you know these neo-nazis like him, right? :sas1:"

But realize you're supporting the status quo candidate. She's literally running on being a continuation of the existing order. It's a special kind of irony to see the community most abused by the system and with the least to lose from change be the ones to propel the status quo candidate to victory.

Yeah...Trump wasn't going to fix black issues anyway and Hillary may/may not but there's a bigger picture to her presidency. Trump will make things worse. He's not capable of leading and getting things done because he has NPD and he's divisive....does that work better other than saying he's racist for you? :sas2:


Leader of #CACset
Jan 10, 2015
:russ::russ::russ: "the hand reaching out to lift them". How many times has Trump came out to black communities, outreach programs, etc to directly engage with blacks about economic disparity and economic issues. Polls show nikkaz ain't feelin him and he refuses to acknowledge that he has a problem engaging them and appealing to them. He refuses to say I need to do a better job to communicate my message with blacks. The problem is in his face and yours and instead of trying to fix the problem you turn around and make Trump the victim. There's a communication problem among blacks and Trumps. But among whites (largely old white uneducated bigoted people) and Trump it appears a message resonates among THEM. That's not Black voters fault.

No the truth is those that think Trump's economic plan helping blacks are misguided. I get it. You watched a couple low budget YouTube documentaries about Hispanics taking jobs from blacks or how manufacturing jobs would be here if we just snatched them away from China but I'm a realist and I know you don't know much about economics. But the truth is the problem with blacks, jobs, and economic dispartiy has been an ongoing problem for decades. Even when America was so-called "great".

It's okay you don't know better but you try and that's important :obama:

Yeah...Trump wasn't going to fix black issues anyway and Hillary may/may not but there's a bigger picture to her presidency. Trump will make things worse. He's not capable of leading and getting things done because he has NPD and he's divisive....does that work better other than saying he's racist for you? :sas2:

It baffles me how Trump voters fail to grasp basic economics. Protectionism doesnt work for anyone.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
:russ::russ::russ: "the hand reaching out to lift them". How many times has Trump came out to black communities, outreach programs, etc to directly engage with blacks about economic disparity and economic issues. Polls show nikkaz ain't feelin him and he refuses to acknowledge that he has a problem engaging them and appealing to them. He refuses to say I need to do a better job to communicate my message with blacks. The problem is in his face and yours and instead of trying to fix the problem you turn around and make Trump the victim. There's a communication problem among blacks and Trumps. But among whites (largely old white uneducated bigoted people) and Trump it appears a message resonates among THEM. That's not Black voters fault.
Bill and Barack stayed in the black community, and look how much good that did us. When will nikkas stop just being awestruck and amazed that these people deign to come down and kiss you on the cheek. Hold politicians accountable for the policies they put in place and the results of said policies. Don't just cream your pants because they look at you like some teenybopper. The fact that Bill Clinton was even allowed to speak at the DNC just shows the total lack of respect for the black community that the Democratic Party has.

But yes, Trump does have to do a better job at messaging. You can tell he's trying it with the explicit calls for investment in urban communities, his comments highlighting African-American child poverty rates, his specific appeals to the African-American unemployment rate. But let's be honest, nikkas wouldn't vote for Trump even if he promised reparations. The Democratic stranglehold on the black vote is root deep. And I'm not even placing the blame on the black community. American society has abused and abandoned the black community for centuries, black people are the victims here. I blame the Democratic and Republican establishment who sold the black community out, and I blame the black overseers who keep the community in line.

No the truth is those that think Trump's economic plan helping blacks are misguided. I get it. You watched a couple low budget YouTube documentaries about Hispanics taking jobs from blacks or how manufacturing jobs would be here if we just snatched them away from China but I'm a realist and I know you don't know much about economics. But the truth is the problem with blacks, jobs, and economic dispartiy has been an ongoing problem for decades. Even when America was so-called "great".

It's okay you don't know better but you try and that's important :obama:
You didn't rebut anything in my post. You just said "I'm a realist, yeah black people are fukked." which is, at it's root, Hillary's argument, which is why they shift the narrative from policy and material reality to Donald Trump's tweets.

Yes or no, are black people disproportionately unemployed and underemployed under the current economic order?
Yes or no, did black people suffer disproportionately from the economic open border policies that incentivized manufacturing to leave this country?
Yes or no, did black people suffer disproportionately in the financial crisis brought about by the deregulation of wall street?
Yes or no, are black people not disproportionately represented in the economic sectors that illegal immigrants tend to work in?
Yes or no, are black people not disproportionately residing in cities and communities that have been harmed the most from this outflow of capital?

Of course this has been going on for decades, the rape of the black community has been a bi-partisan gangbang. So why in god's name would you support the status quo candidate consolidating establishment support from both of the perpetrating parties while promising to continue the current order? This is more serious than a fukking tweet.

Yeah...Trump wasn't going to fix black issues anyway and Hillary may/may not but there's a bigger picture to her presidency. Trump will make things worse. He's not capable of leading and getting things done because he has NPD and he's divisive....does that work better other than saying he's racist for you? :sas2:
See, this is at least a better argument than "he's a racist :skip:" because it acknowledges legitimate issues when it comes to governing effectively. But I still think when looking at the bigger picture, Trump is the better candidate. Hillary will most assuredly make things worse because she knows how the annals of power work in Washington. She had a front row seat to seeing Obama's congressional gridlock, and she's not going to sit there and waste her 4 years in office like Obama did for so many years. She will capitulate off the rip. She'll compromise with establishment congressional Republicans like the first Clinton administration did. That's her political DNA. The reason the establishment Republicans are fleeing the Trump ship like the rats they are and joining in with Hillary is because they know they have a likelier ally in her than in the obstinate Trump, whose blowing up their party. And she's courting them too. They know she's more likely to back TPP, they know she shares their foreign policy worldview, they know she's willing to compromise on all the issues currently separating them. A Hillary presidency will come closer to the orthodox Republican agenda than a Trump administration would.

Deutsche Bank

Some Of My Partners Dope Fiends Ha
Nov 15, 2015
Hookers & Blow
Let all that success trickle down :blessed:
Trickle down would've worked had we not enacted trade deals that shipped jobs overseas. The liquidity would have been kept in America. And if the tax cuts were instead tax credits, the plan would incentivize domestic economic investment.

This is a big hint to how your Democratic overlords not only don't give a rat's ass about you, but they also think that you are stupid. The Democratic candidate for president talks about helping the middle class, but has a trade and immigration platform that will accelerate outsourcing.

And she's the wife of the guy who signed NAFTA, rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act and repealed Glass Steagall to jerk the middle class out of their largest assets. Which then caused a bubble that, SURPRISE, cost millions more jobs roflcopter.

But of course, Democrats who are responsible for the largest increase in government along with the highest tax revenue in history during which we have had negative GDP growth when you account for population increases should be given stewardship again. Especially when they run on a platform to expand the exact same policies.

Like how Maduro is doing now with the "Jesus Christ of economics" *chuckle*


Jun 22, 2014
Trickle down would've worked had we not enacted trade deals that shipped jobs overseas. The liquidity would have been kept in America. And if the tax cuts were instead tax credits, the plan would incentivize domestic economic investment.

This is a big hint to how your Democratic overlords not only don't give a rat's ass about you, but they also think that you are stupid. The Democratic candidate for president talks about helping the middle class, but has a trade and immigration platform that will accelerate outsourcing.

And she's the wife of the guy who signed NAFTA, rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act and repealed Glass Steagall to jerk the middle class out of their largest assets. Which then caused a bubble that, SURPRISE, cost millions more jobs roflcopter.

But of course, Democrats who are responsible for the largest increase in government along with the highest tax revenue in history during which we have had negative GDP growth when you account for population increases should be given stewardship again. Especially when they run on a platform to expand the exact same policies.

Like how Maduro is doing now with the "Jesus Christ of economics" *chuckle*
And the Soviet Union would have worked if Lenin hadn't gotten sick and Trotsky had been given the power to expel Stalin. :jawalrus:

Deutsche Bank

Some Of My Partners Dope Fiends Ha
Nov 15, 2015
Hookers & Blow
It baffles me how Trump voters fail to grasp basic economics. Protectionism doesnt work for anyone.
Let's do some basic math here, Roy.

You are an employment agency with a 300 person caseload. Sixty cases are blacks, fifty five cases are Hispanics.

The blacks have an unemployment rate of 8.8%, the Hispanics are at 6.6%. If the government grants amnesty to illegal immigrants, giving them the ability to come to your agency, and also makes a trade deal to ship jobs to Asia, do you think this will have a negative or positive effect on black unemployment at your agency?

See, you guys say a lotta shyt that sounds good in the liberal feedback loop, but the facts on the ground don't match up.

You can't sit here and say "protectionism doesn't work for anyone" when globalist policies are erasing the middle class and concentrating wealth at the top. That means you're just repeating assertions made by Democratic politicians and pretending like the shyt makes sense.

This is how we ended up with Obama. Cause dumb Democratic voters couldn't grasp that the economy crashed based on Democratic policies that came home to roost during a Republican administration. I've even heard liberals say that the Bush tax cuts caused the collapse lol.


Deutsche Bank

Some Of My Partners Dope Fiends Ha
Nov 15, 2015
Hookers & Blow
And the Soviet Union would have worked if Lenin hadn't gotten sick and Trotsky had been given the power to expel Stalin. :jawalrus:
See, this is what I'm talking about. What I said just flew over your head.

Outsourcing jobs is not a conservative policy. It is a neoliberal policy. This is why RINOS have turned on Trump, it has nothing to do with temperament. It's about boosting profits through disastrous trade deals.

It's conservative policy to lower taxes to increase domestic investment. This is the reason for the chasm in the GOP, but it's obfuscated by a complicit hyperventilating media using "bully with a bad temperament" as a smokescreen.

But it's always been like this. shyt, Americans still believe in crazed lone gunmen instead of hitters and patsies hired by central bankers *guffaw*


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
Trickle down would've worked had we not enacted trade deals that shipped jobs overseas. The liquidity would have been kept in America. And if the tax cuts were instead tax credits, the plan would incentivize domestic economic investment.

This is a big hint to how your Democratic overlords not only don't give a rat's ass about you, but they also think that you are stupid. The Democratic candidate for president talks about helping the middle class, but has a trade and immigration platform that will accelerate outsourcing.

And she's the wife of the guy who signed NAFTA, rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act and repealed Glass Steagall to jerk the middle class out of their largest assets. Which then caused a bubble that, SURPRISE, cost millions more jobs roflcopter.

But of course, Democrats who are responsible for the largest increase in government along with the highest tax revenue in history during which we have had negative GDP growth when you account for population increases should be given stewardship again. Especially when they run on a platform to expand the exact same policies.

Like how Maduro is doing now with the "Jesus Christ of economics" *chuckle*

:sas2:Nikkas dont see the danger that the liberal elite are rapidly importing a new better behaved underclass and they about to be the underclass of that underclass...
:to: Once they dont need those votes no more its gonna get real ugly

:ohlawd: Hopefully me and mine will be far away watching the shytshow unravel


Leader of #CACset
Jan 10, 2015
Let's do some basic math here, Roy.

You are an employment agency with a 300 person caseload. Sixty cases are blacks, fifty five cases are Hispanics.

The blacks have an unemployment rate of 8.8%, the Hispanics are at 6.6%. If the government grants amnesty to illegal immigrants, giving them the ability to come to your agency, and also makes a trade deal to ship jobs to Asia, do you think this will have a negative or positive effect on black unemployment at your agency?

See, you guys say a lotta shyt that sounds good in the liberal feedback loop, but the facts on the ground don't match up.

You can't sit here and say "protectionism doesn't work for anyone" when globalist policies are erasing the middle class and concentrating wealth at the top. That means you're just repeating assertions made by Democratic politicians and pretending like the shyt makes sense.

This is how we ended up with Obama. Cause dumb Democratic voters couldn't grasp that the economy crashed based on Democratic policies that came home to roost during a Republican administration. I've even heard liberals say that the Bush tax cuts caused the collapse lol.

Free trade isn't an essentially Democratic policy. In fact, it is a core tenet of modern conservatism and economic libertarianism. So I'm not sure why you're putting all the blame on Democrats, although many of them are "complicit", so to speak, in globalization.

Free trade, while it has left many working class people behind (including black folks), has by in large made goods cheaper for the American consumer. Of course free trade has its issues, which I think everyone is in agreement with. But the issue now is how we are going to resolve these problems. Protectionism like Trump is proposing has been repeatedly been proven to be a foolhardy, reactionary, and self-defeating strategy. Globalization is already in effect. Many jobs that have left are not coming back. Every job brought back by protectionism has an enormous cost on the American consumer and costs jobs in other places. Protectionism would make goods more expensive, bring back very few jobs that would likely be filled up by middle aged white men, and cost service jobs filled by minorities, thus making life for black people and middle to lower income people as a whole harder without fixing any of the worst aspects of globalization in a meaningful way.

Personally, I'm im favor of 1. Increased job and training programs to assist those left behind by globalization and 2. Reparations for black people. I think these two things would better solve economic woes than stupid-ass tariffs and trying to reverse something that's unreversable. The floodgates are open.

Deutsche Bank

Some Of My Partners Dope Fiends Ha
Nov 15, 2015
Hookers & Blow
:sas2:Nikkas dont see the danger that the liberal elite are rapidly importing a new better behaved underclass and they about to be the underclass of that underclass...
:to: Once they dont need those votes no more its gonna get real ugly

:ohlawd: Hopefully me and mine will be far away watching the shytshow unravel
Man, I used to be just like these kids. Granted I was a homicidal maniac felon, but I was a liberal. Me and my pop used to sit up and watch Crossfire, Lou Dobbs, and Chris Matthews together. I watched Countdown and Rachel Maddow heavy in '08. I attended an Obama rally.

Eventually you look around you and realize shyt is a scam.
Look at how Social Security is insolvent. Cause they robbed the SS fund. Now they wanna tax employers an extra 2% to create another fund rofl.