Wage Theft on the Rise in the U.S.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
The majority of Mexicans in this country are citizens because their parents or grandparents came here illegally so it's one in the same. I'm not saying Mexicans don't have the right to work. All I'm saying is they are willing to work for so little it's driving down wages. I thought this was common knowledge.
I can't/wont argue on them driving down wages on low end jobs. Supply and demand is taking care of that, but again so long as we place at least, if not more, blame on the companies and BUYERS who benefit from these low paid workers. Every time you shop at walmart or eat a burger you're only helping to perpetuate the system. There's plent of blame to go around. Let's stick to facts on who is legal and why they are legal. EVERYONE in america minus the very small native american population is "American" because their grandparents. There is a HUGE, i'm not sure on the percentage, but it's rather large, number of hispanics who can trace their heritage back to before a good chunk of immigrants entered from Europe via Elis island in NY. Not that it matters when you or even how you became an american...but since you made the point and I highly doubt you have any "facts" to back up that claim of "majority of Mexicans in this country are citizens because their parents..."

What does the population count have to do with anything? Yeah they were born here but most of their parents came illegally. But again the problem isn't them working it's that they are nit asking for a wage that matches their productivity which is driving wages and benefits down and putting Americans out of work.
Yes and no. The problem is they are willing to work for low wages, the problem is also companies not paying minimum wage or in some cases as per the OP, they are simply stealing money from workers, hispanics and otherwise by not paying OT or having people work but off the clock. Again there's plenty of room to spread blame around, why some choose to focus on what 3.6% of the population is beyond me.

Seriously though you get that right? You're saying 3.6% of the population is responsible for the reduction of wages AND wage theft? That's where the majority of the focus needs to be?
and this attitude pretty much sums up my point:smugbiden:
It's one of the drawbacks of a free market/capitalistic society. People will pay only what they have to pay. It's the responsibility of the people to ensure this doesn't happen AND YES by people i mean the illegals, that whopping 3.6%, who don't say shyt...but again it's also the consumers fault and the businesses fault for continuing to support and take advantage of this section of the population.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
lol ok you do realize i'm an american and the largest minority population of LEGAL citizens is also "my people". You're getting mad at citizens. :manny: whatever makes you feel better about your own mediocrity.
There is a huge problem in Canada with People from Asia doing the same thing as Mexicans in the states. They do more for less so now employers at these labour jobs hire mostly people from Philippines, Bangladesh and Mainland China etc... These people are taking the abuse dished out by cacs and living like second class citizens here willingly.

It has nothing to do with being Mexican but the overall desperate positions most immigrants are in allows for them to be abused and in turn cuts down on employers feeling the need to pay livable wages. A better way of life was the dream... Sadly the dream is not achieved by breaking your back for minimum wage.

There was an oil company that just got shut down from hiring temp immigrants out here because they are abusing that hiring program and not hiring skilled qualified Canadians while they work these temps to death.

Once these Mexicans are second and third generations it will affect them just like the other citizens that they can't get good paying jobs while desperate people from anywhere continue to take the lowest pay and horrible work conditions. That's a means to an end it isn't life in the long run.


Cali born Cali bred
Jun 8, 2012
So. Cal
One out of every 10 immigrants in California's workforce are in the United States illegally, a new report reveals, and in Los Angeles, a full 1.1 million immigrants out of the 4.4 million immigrants in the city are not in the country legally.

Researchers at the University of Southern California, conducting the study in conjunction with the California Immigrant Policy center, however, also found that the illegal workforce contributes $130 billion annually to the state's gross domestic product. In Los Angeles alone, illegals contribute $57 billion to the GDP.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/US/California-illegal-immigrants-illegal-immigrants-and-workforce-illegals-and-agriculture/2014/09/04/id/592556/#ixzz3CMMG4iGc
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Billions of dollars are being taking from Americans every year. Anyway you look at it illegall immigration is destroying the work force.


May 19, 2012
Well you said illegals are taking jobs, then said "my people", illegals aren't my people so yeah it sorta does. if we're discussing illegals then a distinction between legal (american) and illegal then it most certainly does matter. Now if you want to adjust your argument from
- Illegals are the problem, to,
- hispanics are the problem let me know as i have responses for both sets of arguments.

So here are the numbers, Keep in mind they are estimates so take it for what it's worth.
Estimated population of US in 2013, 316 million
Hispanic population 54 million or 17.10%
Next largest group is A.A. at 41.7 Million or 13.20%
Estimated illegal population in the US 11.5 million or 3.64%
I'll assume for the sake of your argument that the 11.5 is inclusive in the 54 million.
So quick math basically you end up with 54 million minus 11.5 million to get you to 42.5 million LEGAL 100% home grown US citizens who are also hispanic. 42.5 million equates to roughly 13.46 % which is greater than the 13.20% african american population.
:manny: but whatever numbers are just numbers.

Well since we're speaking for large groups of people as if there's no nuance let me have a go at it, but kepe in mind i'll speak from experience in dealing, living, and working with illegals.
They are being taken advantage of here and they know it. The thing is this.
Given the alternative, which is live and attempt to work in Mexico, getting taken advantage of here is not nearly as bad as living there for a large number of people. It doesn't mean they don't know they're are injustices her in the US, it's more that many would rather keep it moving and not rock the boat.

While I most def agree illegal Mexican immigrants are the new Jews in terms of scapegoating, let's not sit here and pretend there are only 12 million illegals in the US :dead: SoCal alone probably has more than a few million:


^^^1 in 10 breh, California and Texas alone might have more than 12 million illegals, and that's not including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, I could go on and on. But back on topic, work is work, I understand they're not legal, but if you agreed to $5 or $6 or $8 or whatever it was, be a decent human being and pay those people. The most f*cked up part is that these contractors got paid and still didn't pay the workers, at least if the contractors didn't get paid I would understand, I mean, you didn't do jack sh*t but collect a headhunter fee, why begrudge Jose $8 just because he's not legal?


Mar 2, 2013
Where many murders occur


Cali born Cali bred
Jun 8, 2012
So. Cal
Illegal white immigration destroyed America. If you complain about anyone being here, complain about cacs, they're the illegals.
:upsetfavre: really breh? did the pilgrims brake the Native Americans immigration laws? lets be real here and keep it on current events. the genocide of Natives is terrible but has nothing to do with this thread


Jun 8, 2012
yeah i hear a lot of this from friends and family. Talking about, "they made me clock out but kept me working". I tell them to report but they fear being fired...which is a reasonable fear I suppose. I tell them they can do it anonymously but nope, still afraid.
they can sick the dogs on them and it wont cost them a dime. and if they get fired. they will get paid even more money. as long as they have proof of being made to clock out. put up their camera phone and have a sign at their desk that says filming in here. lol. but seriously if more then a couple of people say the same thing odds are the company will lose the case. and not only have to pay what they owed, but also pay damages. especially if they fire them(wrongful termination)