What does it mean to be a BRAVE and Black Man.....?

Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
Wherever we all may have grown up or come of age, there has always been a semblance of a pattern or path to success.... albeit as a Black man in America... It is never written as a step by step booklet for you to get... It is witnessing uncles or fathers or grandfathers navigate and deflect opposition such as Jim Crow/white supremacy... shyt.. even crab ass negroes...
At the end of the day we revere the stoic heroism, the resilience, the stick to-it ed'ness that comes along with fighting your way ahead in a society that propagates your systemic and permanent subversion.

With all of the things going on in the world, that may somehow affect our lives directly or indirectly.... How do YOU maintain your steadfastness in maintaining your integrity...? Knowing the fact that the status quo is beating on you; with calling you "coward" or "un-invested" when it comes to things that they (they meaning whites or even black women) deem within your purview...Such as feminism or gay rights or the republican debates.... What version of "Brave" works in 2015?

Links of interest:

THE LIBERATED MIND: The Emasculation and Feminization of the Black Man

The Problem of the Inflated Black Male Ego - SBM

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