What is the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?

The Wolf Among You

Sep 19, 2015
This happened when I was 16.
I'm in class and we're taking a test when I get a text from my friend Greg, the text says "My nikka, go to the bathroom and tell me that shyt ain't wild.".
Now I'm curious, so I ask the teacher to use the bathroom, as I'm walking down the hall I send Greg a text back asking "What happened?", no reply. I'm super curious now, my imagination is running wild. I get to the bathroom and I stand there for a few seconds thinking about what's behind this door, I walk forward, grab the door handle and pull, immediately I'm hit with the smell of pure, disgusting and unadulterated shyt:scust:. I walk in and I'm met with a 5'0" - 5'2" skinny ass Indian kid in his underwear smearing shyt on the wall to the back, his sweater, shirt and pants are neatly folded sitting in a sink and this kid is just painting this wall with shyt. I turn around and walk out letting the door close on its own(So I know he heard it) as I'm walking back to class 2 things dawn on me: 1. fukk Greg, for calling me out of class for this bullshyt and 2. I now know the kid that's been smearing shyt in the bathroom, the school has been on the lookout for this kid for about 2 months now, I never said anything about it and according to Greg I was the only one he told(:duck:) kid was caught 2-3 weeks later.

For my TLDR brehs: Walked in on the school's serial shyt smearer, smearing shyt on the bathroom wall.

So brehs and brehettes, what is the weirdest thing you've caught someone doing?
Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
I caught my best friend's girl getting tagged under the bleachers by 2 mexican cacs.

She was "pro-black"... and a "virgin"....

I told my breh and he didn't believe me.

Silver lining... my friend went on to fukking her sister who was into white dudes and she was better looking. Plus she worshipped him being a Black man.

The irony.