What I've learned about women...from women on tumblr (take cues gentlemen)

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
I had to make a thread about this. I've just seen men and women and interactions differently since I've been on tumblr. And it's switched my way of thinking period. And now I'm more successful with women nowadays. So I'll just say it.

Straight up, alot of dudes is losing out here cause they listen to other men's advice about women, often dehumanizing them and turning them into weird sex objects.

You need to be reading what women are saying on social media. The most basic stuff. About men and women.
This is what I've learned:

  • Women do not like men raising their voices (this is a big one...remember this)
  • If you and a woman are chilling and he even tries to suggest something sexual too fast it will make things uncomfortable for both of you
  • Women do not like fuccbois and bytch made men.
  • Men are very visual...they see women in the most base way...just on appearance.
  • Women are not...they like the basic idea of a man and who he is, but also...what he's about.
  • Most of the pics I see of men they like they post are very conservative...either dressed well...if it is on the racy side, it just a shirtless pic.
  • Men on the other hand, be posting all sorts of sexual suggestive and porn.
  • Women don't fukk with porn like that, but I notice more women reblog porn gifs and pics then men on tumblr.
  • Women don't fukk with men that are into porn heavy
  • Most of these "instagram girls" are mostly weedheads and burnouts that just like streetwear and a dude they can call bae...they generic
  • Women like sex just as much as men do, just not as much as men do.
  • Women are more intelllectual then men. Most of the intellectual discussion and SJW I see are from women. Most of the article sharing on my dash is from women.
  • Women just as much want to live as much of an easy lifestyle as men do.
  • Women are the biggest trendhoppers and bandwagon riders, period.
  • Women like men that fukk with fashion and know about models and stuff.
  • Women like reserved men that don't reveal too much about themselves. Women like men that are a mystery. Men like women that aren't a mystery...that put themselves out there way too much.
  • Women do NOT like dikk pics at all. They don't want to see them. They'll even send you pics of cut off dikks in return...I've seen the discussion.
  • Women do not like thirsty dudes and creeps and perverts.
  • Women are more uncomfortable around men and rightfully so and at the core want men to understand this. don't know and really will not entertain them unless they are good looking enough or have a cool and cal personality that breaks the ice and let's their guard down.
  • Most women I see on tumblr, regardless of race, will entertain men of whoever race as long as they look good (to them, alot of people telling on themselves there...)

Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
1.Tumblr is the last place you should look for advice.

2. Women are not truthful but on tumblr they take it the extra mile . Put a 6'2, muscular, good looking dude next to them and all that patriarchy, hyper masculinty, femenist talk is out the window.

You meant well with this thread but you done goofed :francis:
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Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
I had to make this thread cause I was sick and tired of hearing about simps fukking up the game. Men, value yourselves. Women love men that have values. Period. They might not have values themselves, but at the end of the day like everyone else, women like men, women, etc....that LEAD not follow.

Stop leaving thirsty DMs and comments on instagram....they don't pay attention to them
read more and more about things and stuff
Women like to converse and be talkative and get into arguments more than men do.
Talk about politics, art, literature, music, fashion, movies, etc.
Let women make signals first and then follow up on them whenever you think is appropriate.
If a woman is not interested in you, let it go and brush it off. Make it her loss. It's her loss cause she will never find a man as good as you and there is only ONE of you. Value yourselves. Don't let women get the upper hand then you lose.
Stop putting women on a pedestal. Period. They make mistakes and are hypocrites. They want to be engaged on the same level as everyone else.
Don't get played by women.
Stop gassing women up. They have egos like everyone else.
The less you care about a woman, the more interested she will be in you. Then she will want to get your attention.
Don't take drunk chicks home from the bar.
Rejection is fine, every battle can't be won, accept it, and move on to the next. You might find a badder chick you like along the way.

Like honestly I don't even take rejection personally, I know I'm a special dude and a woman will appreciate the fact she was happy to meet someone like me simply because of my personality and positive attitude. And to have someone interesting to. And to be that dude that she wish she got with along the way....that dude in her mind, that's she is gonna try to seek out somebody like chasing that man but never quite get close to that man...ya know what I'm saying?

Straight up...dudes need to peep the game of male models & celebs. And R&B singers. And fashion designers. And club Djs. And club owners. This is ultimately the type of man a woman wants. See what type of men these soccer moms like too. See what type of men women like...and you will realize there is a type. Go for that.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Have your entire perception of women be based on tumblr brehs
No, it's about peeping little bits and pieces of game they drop and applying it to your own life. I do this alot, I come from a family of mostly women so they just tend to gravitate towards me cause I know how to act around them...alot of men don't know how to act around women period.

You know what I'm saying? I'm just using tumblr as a subset of social media to discuss what I've learned across the board so it becomes easier dealing with women and you can actually go out there and succeed and eat up in them streets.

Being in NYC, if you want to play the game, you study how the game is played.
Men need to take cues from women and follow accordingly. But don't cater to them, cater to yourself first and foremost.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Another thing...women like men they can control. This is why simps get used for their resources while bad boys get all the love. They ain't fighting back and the other one offers resistance. Women need to be called out on their bullshyt like men do. Alot of men seem to agree with everything women say, be the one that disrupts that pattern and they'll pay more attention to you. I like to get into arguments about politics and social issues with women honestly. If they agree with something you say it reveals how much they will fukk with you. If you disagree with each other too much...just don't waste your time...you will clash way too much ideal wise and that can become stressful and a headache.


Aug 9, 2013
Friend Zone is actually your best friend, creates comfort for the next point. Less investment, plus showing value makes her chase, be simultaneously arriving and leaving. Enjoy the process! Sex is always on the market, make her work for it. Personal and Social Value!!

Master YOUR version of Game.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Friend Zone is actually your best friend, creates comfort for the next point. Less investment, plus showing value makes her chase, be simultaneously arriving and leaving. Enjoy the process! Sex is always on the market, make her work for it. Personal and Social Value!!

Master YOUR version of Game.
This. It's like a job interview. I like the friend zone sometimes cause it makes me think is it worth it to want to be with her or is it not? Or what do I want from her?

Loop Ba$eCrawler

All Star
Aug 6, 2015
So basically....Women want a man that acts like one of their girlfriends but doesn't talk and only listens to them while looking like a dude out of an MTV show.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
1.Tumblr is the last place you should look for advice.

2. Women are not truthful but on tumblr they take it the extra mile . Put a 6'2, muscular, good looking dude next to them and all that patriarchy, hyper masculinty, femenist talk is out the window.

You meant well with this thread but you done goofed :francis:
the only advice I need from women is

How about you just introduce me to all your sexy friends

Other than that I'm not taking No advice on any chick