What Putin told the UN: the US and allies are to blame in Mideast


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Putin and Xi rock da house: Escobar

And now, live from New York, it’s Putin The Great.

Last week on Asia Times we saw how if there’s going to be some solution to the Syrian tragedy, it’s all Putin’s fault. (Not) reacting to it, the Obama administration remained mired in its proverbial bewilderment – or perplexity.

Finally, the White House was forced to announce that the coin finally dropped on Obama, and he will talk to Putin on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

Right on cue, a senior adviser to Bashar al-Assad started spinning that the US and Russia had reached a “tacit agreement” on ending the mess in Syria.

Quick recap. Putin started it all by refusing “Assad must go” as a prerequisite for peace negotiations. Then he turbo-charged the military build up in Latakia; proverbially, once again, neither the Pentagon nor the White House ever saw it coming.

So this is what Putin accomplished even before Obama saw the light and decided to talk:

1) Forget about a Libya-remixed NATO war on Syria. 2) Forget about a Sultan Erdogan-driven no-fly zone over areas controlled by Damascus. 3) Out with the old world order. This is how the emerging new world order should work, and Russia is also driving it.

Putin’s speech on Monday at the UN General Assembly will be about “the joint struggle against terrorism” (as branded by TASS). One should expect abundant apoplexy, much more than perplexity, all across the Washington/New York axis.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, last Sunday on Russian TV, already clarified the themes at the heart of the speech; the unipolar world order, and the absolute necessity of the “joint struggle against terrorism,” which” must be waged without double standards.”

Lavrov was very sharp when referring to” unilateral coercive measures” — and not only as far as Russia is concerned. In his own words:

“Nowadays, you know, our Western partners, primarily, under the influence, perhaps, of American mentality, are losing in general the culture of a dialogue and the culture of achieving diplomatic solutions. The Iranian nuclear program was a bright – and even very bright – exception. In most other cases – in conflicts that continue to flare up in the Middle East, in North Africa – they try to resort to measures of military intervention, as was the case in Iraq and Libya, in violation of UN Security Council decisions, or to resort to sanctions.”

Expect Putin to talk about all of it in detail. But the showstopper will be, predictably, Putin on Syria. In Lavrov’s words:

“We have declared that we will be helping the Syrian leaders, as we help the Iraqi leaders, or the leaders of other countries who are facing the threat of terrorism. And our military-technical cooperation pursues exactly these objectives. Of course, the supplies of arms [by Russia], they have been going on, they are going on [now] and they will continue. Their [supplies] are inevitably accompanied by our specialists that help put the according equipment up, help to train Syrian [military] personnel to handle these weapons and there are absolutely no mysteries and no secrets [in all of this].”

And yes, Putin will call the usual suspects — from Turkey to the GCC petrodollar gang — to help Assad “without indoctrinations or double standards” in the fight against ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. And he will demonstrate how the refugee crisis was not created by Assad, but by the fake “Caliphate.” As far as these refugees from the Sykes-Picot-smashed Middle East are concerned, it’s up to the EU to deal with them. In Lavrov’s words:

“Russia has been fulfilling all her obligations under the international conventions. All those who fall under the category of refugees, we take in, and we will take into the Russian Federation, sometimes even going beyond the criteria that is applied. I refer to the refugees from Ukraine, there are about one million [in Russia]. We sympathize with our European neighbors with regard to the problem that they have been facing, and I believe that they will solve it [on their own].”

Last but not least, Putin will make it very clear Russia never again will be fooled into signing dodgy documents such as UNSC Resolution 1973, which legitimized R2P in 2011 via that legendary “no-fly” zone over Libya, with the corollary of NATO bombing the country into a wasteland run by militias. No wonder deranged R2P groupie Samantha Power wants to kick Russia out of the Security Council. Who needs a shoe-banging Khrushchev? Black (Apoplexy) Monday will definitely be a riot.

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
Meanwhile Russia has never done this, right? :mjlol:

So gullible in here when it comes to being antiwestern @¢apitali$t Migraine
Yeah, the same way we look out for number one, cats gotta remember other countries look out for number one as well. Another thing that my hippity hop loving Berkeley Dyke Minded rap brothers forget on here, is to look at both countries and decide who u would rather see with their dikk out drunk at the company christmas party.

Murica is fukked up, but it's fukked up in the way that the Patriots locker room is fukked up. We as WR's might be telling Tom Brady to shut the fukk up n draw the play with ur ball deflatin ass, but we ain't bout to go on Jim Rome and have that pow wow. To the rest of the league, we the goddamn champions, and nobody, but nobody is gonna fukk with us. We'll rig the whole goddamn league, commissioner's office, Players Association, staff record label n motherfukking crews to maintain that. Cuz what's the alternative, u want the wack ass Texans as the dynasty champion boss hogs?

That's what Russia is, the wack ass Texans, gettin up talk sum bullshyt at the UN tryna hold mfers accountable. Russia can't even keep they own shyt straight. These a$$holes still whackin out political opposition in the streets like it's the 1930's, nikka u can't do that shyt no more. Mfers got the Instagrahams and the Twitters, nikka, WE CAN SEE U. U can't rule the populace with an iron fist anymore; u gotta use a handjob with scented lotion.

Mfers got too much freedom of speech and assembly here. nikkas is so used to shyt being fair that they gettin on soapboxes wantin to help nukularly-armed psychos like the Russians have a fair shot at the head seat at the roundtable. Mfer, u open that door for DJ Vlad, u gotta live with him bringin all his Chinese and Iranian friends with him to the house party. This ain't a soccer game at a fat camp, everyone DOES NOT get a trophy. U lil nikkas are only able to have a bleeding heart cuz Vlad, Xi, n Rouhani ain't been able to bust a cap in it. Yet.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Yeah, the same way we look out for number one, cats gotta remember other countries look out for number one as well. Another thing that my hippity hop loving Berkeley Dyke Minded rap brothers forget on here, is to look at both countries and decide who u would rather see with their dikk out drunk at the company christmas party.

Murica is fukked up, but it's fukked up in the way that the Patriots locker room is fukked up. We as WR's might be telling Tom Brady to shut the fukk up n draw the play with ur ball deflatin ass, but we ain't bout to go on Jim Rome and have that pow wow. To the rest of the league, we the goddamn champions, and nobody, but nobody is gonna fukk with us. We'll rig the whole goddamn league, commissioner's office, Players Association, staff record label n motherfukking crews to maintain that. Cuz what's the alternative, u want the wack ass Texans as the dynasty champion boss hogs?

That's what Russia is, the wack ass Texans, gettin up talk sum bullshyt at the UN tryna hold mfers accountable. Russia can't even keep they own shyt straight. These a$$holes still whackin out political opposition in the streets like it's the 1930's, nikka u can't do that shyt no more. Mfers got the Instagrahams and the Twitters, nikka, WE CAN SEE U. U can't rule the populace with an iron fist anymore; u gotta use a handjob with scented lotion.

Mfers got too much freedom of speech and assembly here. nikkas is so used to shyt being fair that they gettin on soapboxes wantin to help nukularly-armed psychos like the Russians have a fair shot at the head seat at the roundtable. Mfer, u open that door for DJ Vlad, u gotta live with him bringin all his Chinese and Iranian friends with him to the house party. This ain't a soccer game at a fat camp, everyone DOES NOT get a trophy. U lil nikkas are only able to have a bleeding heart cuz Vlad, Xi, n Rouhani ain't been able to bust a cap in it. Yet.

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
Fools think Obama backed down? Lmao, Putin holding back his troops cuz he knows we play chicken with a goddamn GTA Invincibility cheat code on our cars. We done radicalized Chechen rebels n changed they names n made them ISIS superstars in Syria. We ain't bullshyttin.

Here's the secret: We give ZERO FUX about what happens over there. We live over here. We doin this shyt for Larry David and Don Rickles's fam over there in u know where. Whenever they let us know shyt gettin too heavy, we'll put boots on the ground. And they got hunnets of nukes to protect they neck if shyt gets apocalyptic. But mfers better recognize. We done knocked Libya, Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, and half of Syria's uterus out the frame with our skills in the bedroom. When we say fukk The World, we mean that most sincerely.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
You Won’t Believe What Putin Just Did To Obama At the UN…
Tuesday, September 29, 2015 10:03

By Lisa Haven


By Lisa Haven

The battle between these global super-heads has been raging for years now. Both Putin and Obama have been have been on the brink of war as disagreements flared over what is transpiring aboard. Over this past weekend, at the United Nations Sustainable Development Assembly, it was these two leaders who not only met in private, but also lit up the floor of the United Nations with talks on Syria.

In the video below, The Next News Network, delves through the events that transpired at the UN, and here is what they had to say on the youtube commentary:

“Vladimir Putin has launched an eleventh hour effort to shore up the embattled regime of Bashar al-Assad. He is putting soldiers and military equipment into Syria and launching a new diplomatic offensive. He is being joined in this effort by Iran and by the divided and dysfunctional Iraqi government, whose foreign policy is increasingly made in Tehran.

“Mr Putin, anxious as ever to demonstrate that Russia is a great power that cannot be ignored, is exploiting the vacuum left in large part by the US and European governments. For more than four years, western voices have called for regime change in Syria and done little to bring it about. The decision by President Barack Obama not to take military action after the Assad government used chemical weapons in defiance of US-articulated red lines emboldened the government and demoralized the opposition. Adding to the problem was the strategy of looking to Iraq as a base from which to attack Isis in Syria. This plan never came to fruition as Iraqi government forces disappointed whenever called upon. The result is that western Iraq has, like much of Syria, become fertile ground for Isis.

“The subsequent US-led effort to identify, train and arm a moderate opposition to Mr Assad proved to be a fiasco.”

Here’s the shocking report…



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Fools think Obama backed down? Lmao, Putin holding back his troops cuz he knows we play chicken with a goddamn GTA Invincibility cheat code on our cars. We done radicalized Chechen rebels n changed they names n made them ISIS superstars in Syria. We ain't bullshyttin.

Here's the secret: We give ZERO FUX about what happens over there. We live over here. We doin this shyt for Larry David and Don Rickles's fam over there in u know where. Whenever they let us know shyt gettin too heavy, we'll put boots on the ground. And they got hunnets of nukes to protect they neck if shyt gets apocalyptic. But mfers better recognize. We done knocked Libya, Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, and half of Syria's uterus out the frame with our skills in the bedroom. When we say fukk The World, we mean that most sincerely.
Precisely. Meanwhile Putin's trying to avoid being replaced himself with the Russian economy walking around with its a$$hole blown out :mjlol:

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
You're free to leave fam
Yeah, Putin only playin his violin cuz all this shyt is happening in his backyard. Why is it happening? Cuz we run shyt, thoroughly. We ball so hard we ctrl the govts, the rebels, the "free" press, the state run press, the nikkas that drop off the food n medicine, the nikkas that drop off the oil, nikka WE CTRL IT ALL. Get down or mfn lay down.

U gettin a veto say at the UN cuz we wanna make shyt seem like we're compassionate n fair n balanced. We ain't. Wtf u think the Saudis is gettin to head the human rights panel? Them is OUR neegas. Jewish Yarmulke God Himself PBUH would have to take a break from His pottery classes or child development courses at community college or cutting his hair off to donate it to cancer patients or whatev tf He does in Heaven to stop us.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Yeah, Putin only playin his violin cuz all this shyt is happening in his backyard. Why is it happening? Cuz we run shyt, thoroughly. We ball so hard we ctrl the govts, the rebels, the "free" press, the state run press, the nikkas that drop off the food n medicine, the nikkas that drop off the oil, nikka WE CTRL IT ALL. Get down or mfn lay down.

U gettin a veto say at the UN cuz we wanna make shyt seem like we're compassionate n fair n balanced. We ain't. Wtf u think the Saudis is gettin to head the human rights panel? Them is OUR neegas. Jewish Yarmulke God Himself PBUH would have to take a break from His pottery classes or child development courses at community college or cutting his hair off to donate it to cancer patients or whatev tf He does in Heaven to stop us.
Dudes in here love showing how "enlightened" they are when it comes to shytting on the US to play up the fact that they really don't know shyt about what THEY want out of life :mjlol: