Who you moving to Raw/sd?

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
Legit answers too, none of that Hornswoggle, spike dudley on a pole loser leaves town nonsense

Becky Lynch
I don't watch sd as most of you know but if she's still chillin' in the background at this point to major feuds send her to Raw :salute:
The Miz
I would probably like to see the Miz Miz-kick the sh-t out of D Bry before its too late(again)


The Illustrious
Apr 23, 2013
Just gonna bullshyt some ideas I had a long time ago but forgot most of them.

Seth to SD Live. Plenty of good feuds for him over there, he can be in the main event scene immediately, and a potential world champ once again. fukk Monday Night Rollins, we need SethDown Live. :blessed:

Swap Usos and Sheamus & Cesaro. They've run their course on their respective shows. Swap em and stash em on the other shows. Gives tag division on both shows a chance to reset a little bit, and if all else fails, Jimmy can be n the IC scene, and Sheamus and Cesaro could break up and be built for the main event scene(Cesaro is way past due for one).

Breezango to Raw. They're hilarious and get lost in the shuffle on SD Live with the 2 hour block. Fashion Files should be seen weekly. WWE should've BEEN made it a youtube gig.

Miz to SD Live. Insert him into the main event scene, obvious feud with DB. Miz-Nak could be hilarious.

Baron to Raw. Build him up a bit, put him in the IC scene maybe? IDK I'm just tired of him on SD Live.

AJ Styles to Raw. Obvious choice. Could build a potential Styles-Lesnar rematch. AJ can take out Reigns. AJ would have a fresh group of people to feud with, including Finn and The Club. If WWE is acknowledging NJPW past with some of their wrestlers, there is a chance that Finn and AJ could beef over who's the real Club Leader.

Naomi to Raw. She'd be great over there. She's over as hell, she's much better in the ring. A Naomi-Sasha program right now would be crack, but likely won't happen cause...

Sasha or Bayley to SD Live. IDC which one, but TBH I think Bayley needs it more than Sasha. With Asuka going over to SD Live tho, do we really need more Sasha-Asuka beef? Sasha-Charlotte beef? Therefore, I think Bayley should go to SD Live, but Sasha is more than due for a change of scenery.

Becky to Raw. She's not doing shyt on SD Live right now. If they send Bayley, a Becky-Sasha program right now could do wonders. Whichever show doesn't have Asuka basically has the door wide open for a super great Women's Champ scene.

Got some others but I'm finna run out the door so I'll try again later.