Why Aren't We More Afraid of Young White Men, But You're Afraid Of Young Black men?


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
Oh shyt I'm so glad this sister wrote this article up.......it coincides with the shyt I've been saying about being on alert.....too many damn folks think crackas are angels and can do no wrong....yall let these devils put the "Thug" image in your mind as a Black man, but the biggest terrorist thug on this planet is this white man.....This is one of the reasons these devils are able to get away with this shyt, they have painted in your mind that they are innocent and clean and so you end up being comfortable around a dirty beast like the one below....:ufdup:


Why Aren't We More Afraid of Young White Men?

I know that I am not the only one that has noticed the pattern. On Thursday, James Holmes, a 27-year-old white man, was found guilty of the murder of 12 people (70 others were wounded) in a Colorado theater shooting in 2012. Dylan Roof, a 21-year-old white man, has confessed to murdering in cold blood nine parishioners of Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina in June of this year. Days after that shooting, a 21-year-old white man, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was sentenced to death for killing three people (and being responsible for the death of a fourth) while injuring over 250 more at the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. And at the end of 2012, 20 children and six adults were fatally shot at Sandy Hook elementary school by 20-year old Adam Lanza after he shot his mom in their home in Newtown, Connecticut.

These recent examples are just a few of many mass shootings that have been committed by young, "innocent"-looking, 20-something-year-old white men. So, here's my question: Why aren't we more afraid of them? Why haven't they been demonized or stigmatized as a group? Why are there no stereotypes catching hold or preventing young, white men from being trusted and welcomed into our places of work, schools or houses of worship? We don't run for cover or get out of elevators when we see them. We don't cross the street clutching our purses or ask security to keep an eye on them. Police don't just pat them down in the street. We don't decide not to live in the neighborhoods in which they live.

What I want to point out here is how the category of "young white men" has emerged from all of these horrible incidents unscathed as a group -- and how this is one of the starkest examples of white male privilege imaginable (or another term I use, "unearned advantage"). Unearned advantage is how we describe the fact, for example, that virtually all of the culprits on Wall Street who were responsible for bringing our economy to its knees in 2008, the politicians and corporate figures found guilty of premeditated, injurious and heedlessly greedy crimes are white men, but white men are not condemned as a group for their behavior. In fact, some part of us thinks that would be silly.

However, whenever a black man appears on the nightly news or in the newspaper having committed a crime, the automatic association, the schema or framework that most people default to renders black men (as a group) as mostly dangerous, menacing and scary. I believe it is even worse for young black men. In fact, in 2014 the American Psychological Association released a study found that, "Black boys as young as 10 may not be viewed in the same light of childhood innocence as their white peers, but are instead more likely to be mistaken as older, be perceived as guilty and face police violence if accused of a crime..."

The way unearned advantage works is that if one is a member of a group that has been deemed by society for centuries as superior or as "better than" and does something that isn't good and smart and right, his behavior is attributed only to him, is ignored or explained away, so that the group's supremacy stays in place. In the cases of the mind-numbing violence I cited at the beginning, we find other things to talk about: We talk about mental illness, about catching signs of tendencies earlier; we talk of the role of the school counselors, of the psychodynamics of the family that the killer came from -- all powerful and heartfelt and useful avenues to explore. We rarely mention race or gender as issues that might be relevant. However, if an individual from the "less than" or "one down" group does something bad, his behavior is confirmation of the negative group stereotype, evidence that group presumptions about inferiority are accurate.

In this situation, it appears that there is nothing young white men can do, including killing lots of innocent people at a prayer meeting at church, that will tarnish the positive bias toward that group and there is nothing amazing enough that black men can do that will allow them to escape being perceived as the ones to be feared.


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
Well, cacs are cowards so they're purposely random and attack weak and defenseless people. As much as America pops shyt about communism, no orders to go straighten out China. That's been the anglos game since forever, fukk with people who are ignorant to their corruption or the weak and defenseless. When have you actually been really shook of a cac? Probably never. The dynamic of it all is back then, fukk with a cac you're hung out to dry by sunset but if a cac fukks with a breh he is home for supper. The movie, Life, tells us this. It went from everyday Joe to Officer Joe. Miami-Dade and south Florida as a whole cut brehs deep from becoming officers by financial aid no longer covering attendance to the police academy. The lie is amplified so the truth is unseen.