This is a great philosophical question, breh.
We're learning more and more every day that on top of intelligence being mostly genetically determined, that traits we associate with "personality" and believe to be malleable through self-improvement (things like conscientiousness, ability to focus, etc.) are somewhat (or even mostly) genetically determined as well.
Even things like your susceptibility to substance abuse have a significant genetic component - it isn't an accident that 10 people can try heroin or a cigarette or drink alcohol, but only 1 or 2 actually turn into junkies/chimneys/alcoholics.
So not only are your smarts dependent on your genetic makeup,
but so is your ability to put whatever smarts you've got to work.
I've always been a proponent of progressive taxation off the intelligence data alone.
But this new data on just how powerful a role genetics play in so many other human traits has me wondering if that's far enough.
What I can say is that knowledge of all this has made me far more empathetic to those struggling in life.